Saturday, Oct 05th

Police Report: Amazon Packages Stolen from East Parkway. Dog Bites and Ducklings on the Train Track

ducklingsStolen packages: On June 26, an East Parkway business owner reported that packages delivered by Amazon had been stolen from the location.

Identity theft
On June 30, a Hamilton Road woman reported that she had fallen victim to a text message scam and provided personal information. She then noticed a $2.50 fraudulent charge to her debit card. She informed her bank and cancelled the card.

Domestic matters
On June 24, a resident reported that he was concerned that his brother was being abusive toward their mother. Police went to the house and the mother and accused brother denied any physical or verbal altercations. The brother said he and his brother who made the report were arguing about their mother’s finances via cell phone.

On June 27, the manager of a Griffen Avenue club reported a man was trespassing on the property. The man was observed hanging out in the parking lot near the tennis courts. When the manager approached him, the unknown man stated that he was going for a walk. The man was advised that he was on private property, and he left the area without incident. The manager did not observe anything tampered with or missing after the man left. He was described as a white male in his late 20's with a crew cut style haircut.

On June 24, a caller from the Ogden Temple advised that he observed a man on an electric scooter with two shopping bags ride into the parking lot and go towards the end of the parking lot behind sheds. He made contact with the man who began to get verbally aggressive with him stating, "I'll kill you." Security personnel did not believe these comments to be credible and told the man to leave. The man fled the area towards Fox Meadow Road.

A Stratton Road resident reported a person was going door to door to “share a religious dialogue” June 26.

On June 27, a Mamaroneck Road resident reported “a young male black came to [his] door asking to be adopted.” Patrol arrived on scene and canvassed the area for the described male, yielding negative results.

A Walworth Avenue resident requested assistance due to hearing a suspicious noise in her kitchen area after midnight June 29. Patrol arrived to the above location and met with the resident. She further advised that she felt a draft coming from her office and could hear noises. Patrol conducted a check of the office and found the sliding patio door ajar. The noise was a result of the blinds blowing in the wind. Patrol secured the door and conducted a check of the residence. All was in good order.

A teenage male wearing a mask was observed, via a doorbell camera, ringing a Brite Avenue doorbell after midnight, June 29, and running off.

A teenage male wearing a mask was observed, via a doorbell camera, ringing a Brite Avenue doorbell and coming back into frame before running away around 1 a.m., June 29.

On June 30, around 11 p.m., a Lockwood Road woman reported an unknown person wearing a ski mask rang her front doorbell and proceeded to bang on the front door before running away in an unknown direction. She advised she could only see the one person but heard other people in the background. Patrol responded and canvassed the surrounding area. No individuals, masked or unmasked, were observed.

On June 30, at 11:30 p.m., a White Road resident reported that an unknown person banged on her front door and tried the doorknob before fleeing on foot in an unknown direction. Patrol canvassed the area with negative results. Patrol advised the resident that it appeared to be “youths knocking on doors and running away.”

On June 25, a caller reported that a male driver struck her vehicle with his car door on East Parkway and started video taping her for no legitimate purpose. She believed the man was trying to intimidate her. After police arrived on scene, it was determined that the two drivers had a disagreement regarding vehicle contact. No damage was caused, and the video was only of vehicle registration. Both parties refused police assistance and moved along without incident.

Civil matter
On June 29, a Richbell Road resident reported an ongoing dispute with her neighbor. The resident advised that over the past two weeks, she discovered that her neighbor placed mulch down around trees on the property line. She did not wish for the mulch to be placed, and subsequently placed "No trespassing” signs on her side of the property line. She stated that the neighbor has since relocated these signs on multiple occasions. At the request of the resident, police attempted to make contact with the neighbor but no one was home.

Road rage
On June 27, a Christie Place driver reported an incident of road rage. The driver said that while he was backing up to park is car, another driver began honking with increasing intensity, then got out of his car and approached the reporting driver’s car. The reporting driver stated that this other driver began yelling and threatened to punch him. The reporting driver stated that when he locked his doors and rolled up his window, the other driver spat on it, got back into his own vehicle and left the area.

Cars and roadways
On June 24, a flagger on Weaver Street was hit by a passing car that left the scene. New Rochelle police were called since the incident occurred in their jurisdiction.

Police removed garbage bags from Carthage Road and placed them at the curb for sanitation pickup.

Police asked a contractor to move his truck from a no parking zone on Highland Way June 24.

On June 24, a library patron’s car was reported as being keyed while the person was using the library. Police examined the car, saw scuffing and did not believe the damage was consistent with “keying.”

Police notified Con Edison about a fallen tree into wires on Oak Lane June 24.

A mattress fell from a truck and landed on Mamaroneck Road June 24. Police notified the highway department for removal.

A tree fell on Carman Road June 24. Police notified the highway department.

A car was repossessed from a Gatehouse Lane residence June 25.

Police cleared a fallen wire from Post Road and notified Verizon June 25.

A “no standing” street sign fell to the ground on Circle Road June 25. Police notified the highway department.

Police cleared a fallen wire from Mamaroneck Road and notified Verizon June 25.

A tree fell on Morris Lane and branched fell onto a car on Old Orchard Lane in unrelated incidents June 26. Police notified the highway department.

A car ran out of gas on Mamaroneck Road June 28. Police called for assistance to provide gasoline from a towing service.

Police stood by for traffic control while a driver filled his car’s tank with gas on Weaver Street June 29.

A caller reported a pothole on Saxon Woods Road June 29. Police notified the highway department.

A tree fell on Saxon Woods Road June 29. Police notified the highway department.
Police taped off a fallen wire on Varian Lane and notified Verizon June 29.

Three car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

On June 24, a caller reports a “family of ducks that look like they may cross the [train] tracks and get hit by a train.” Police went to the train station and saw approximately six ducklings sitting under the middle rail between the north and southbound sides towards the north end of the platform. The mother duck’s carcass was observed nearby. MTA police were notified.

On June 26, a Sprague Road woman reported being bitten by a dog. She said the bite occurred while she was in her yard and a small gray and white dog slipped off its leash, while being walked, and bit her. The dog’s owner was a white man with blonde hair in his 30s. He apologized and said the dog was current with its vaccines.

On June 27, a Bronx Uber Eats driver requested a report for a dog bite that occurred while on the job making a delivery on Lincoln Road “in the past” on June 25.

Village code
On June 24, police removed illegally posted signs from Brewster Road and Walworth Avenue and discarded them or returned them to their owners. Summonses were issued as appropriate.

On June 25, police removed illegally posted signs from Sherbrooke Road, Hutchinson Avenue, Meadow Road and Weaver Street and discarded them or returned them to their owners. Summonses were issued as appropriate.

Police advised a Brookby Road resident that neighbors complained of noise from the resident’s loud music June 25. The resident agreed to lower the volume.

On June 26, police removed illegally posted signs from Crossway, Innes Road, Harvest Drive and Westview Lane and discarded them or returned them to their owners. Summonses were issued as appropriate.

On June 26, police advised kids fishing at the Audrey Hochberg Pond on Olmsted Road that fishing was prohibited.

On June 28, police removed and discarded illegally posted signs from Brite Avenue and Heathcote Road.

Police advised a Gatehouse Road resident that neighbors complained of noise from the resident’s loud music June 28. The resident agreed to lower the volume.

Kids were playing basketball on Boulevard after 2:30 a.m., June 29. Police advised them it was not allowed at that hour, and the kids dispersed.
On June 29, police advised Burgess Road solicitors that they needed permits to solicit in the Village.

Police advised the manager of Fenway Golf Club that neighbors were complained about loud music, and the manager asked the band to reduce the volume on their speakers June 29.

Lost and found
On June 24, an Oak Lane resident reported a lost license plate.

On June 24, a woman reported losing a $5,000 bracelet outside of a Chase Road restaurant on May 31.

On June 24, a woman reported her son lost his computer bag somewhere near Weaver Street, possibly at an establishment on the New Rochelle side of the street on June 22. Police advised her to tell her son to make a report with New Rochelle police.

On Jun2 25, a battery-powered golf cart was off gassing from a “bad battery” in a Birch Lane garage. It caused a carbon monoxide alarm to sound. Firefighters unplugged it and removed it from the garage onto he driveway. This caused CO levels to return to zero.

Firefighters assisted emergency medical technicians with a patient service call lift assist in the Village June 26.

Firefighters taped off an area around a fallen wire on Morris Lane and stood by for Con Edison June 26.

Firefighters notified the highway department about a fallen tree on Old Orchard Lane June 27.

A baby bird seemed to have fallen from its nest, which was located in an unstable position on Hamilton Road June 27. As per PETA recommendations, a temporary nest was made and placed in close proximity to the original nest.

On June 29, firefighters isolated a gas leak from a kitchen stove in a Madison Road house. Con Edison was called and red-tagged the faulty appliance.

On June 29, firefighters helped lower a painter who got stuck on a scissor lift 25 feet in the air. The lift had been improperly used, and the battery safety then shut power to the lift.

On June 30, firefighters helped police gain entry to a police department vehicle after an accidental lockout.

On June 30, firefighters forced open a bathroom door in an Innes Road house after the resident’s two-year-old nephew accidentally locked himself inside. The child was unharmed. Firefighters then helped the resident fix the door lock, which had been installed incorrectly.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 24 - 30 has been compiled from official information.

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