Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Emergency Workers Respond to Suicide Attempt

ScarsdaleVillageAn attempt at the third suicide in our area in the last week was made early Sunday morning in Scarsdale Village while children were painting Halloween windows outside. Whether the impetus for the suicides was the economy, the change in seasons or personal demons is anyone’s guess.

At 10 am on Sunday October 23rd local police learned that a Scarsdale man had called a suicide hotline, and they were able to track the call to Scarsdale Village. Police rushed to a village store and forced their way into the locked store.

In the basement they found the storeowner who had attempted to take his own life. Police and emergency workers responded and reported that he was still alive. The Scarsdale Village Ambulance Corps transported the man to the emergency room at White Plains Hospital and his condition is unknown.

The victim is a well-liked retailer in Scarsdale Village who has been in town for as long as anyone can remember. His attempt follows the purported suicide of Thomas J. Hill in Hartsdale on October 19th and the death of Corie Vidal, a favorite member of the SHS staff who took her own life on October 21st.

Note: Due to the sensitive nature of the incident, the victim's name, which appeared in the original report, has been removed.