Sunday, Mar 09th

Armed Robber Accosts Hebrew Hospital Employee

hebrewhospitalThis just in from the Greenburgh Police: on Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 6:55 P.M., a 55 year-old female employee of the Hebrew Hospital Home, located at 55 Grasslands Road in the Town of Greenburgh reports being robbed at gunpoint as she was arriving for work. The woman had parked her car in the parking lot of the facility, and as she was getting out of her car two men accosted her. One of the men displayed a handgun and demanded cash. The suspects took money from the victim’s pocketbook and fled on foot in an unknown direction. She was not injured and described the suspects as two black males with Jamaican accents.

Greenburgh Police Detectives are investigating the incident and ask anyone with information to contact them at (914) 682-5325. All calls will be kept confidential.