Sunday, Mar 09th

From the Scarsdale Police: Beware of the Kids

handbag.jpgA Fox Meadow Road woman reported that her pocketbook was stolen from her home overnight. Her daughter had some friends at the house who left at 3 am on 1/13. In the morning, the woman could not find her bag which contained $1,000 in cash, credit cards, her checkbook and license. She suspects that her daughter’s friends may have taken the purse. Police advise that the theft of a credit card is a felony.

On the morning of 1/17 a Scarsdale doctor returned to his Heathcote home after a three-week trip to find that his daughter had changed the locks on his house. Unable to get in, the man’s son forced open a rear door to allow the doctor to enter his own home. Though the doctor would like to evict his daughter, he is looking into how to do it properly.

Fraud: The owner of So La gifts on Garth Road was the victim of fraud when someone used his credit card and UPS account to send out 107 next day air packages on 1/14/11. Some of the packages contained fraudulent checks which were sent to people selling items on Craig’s List.

A Hillview Drive man received a package from Dell containing nine cell phones, valued at $4,200 sometime between January 17th and January 20th. Though he did not place the order it was charged to his credit card. The man cancelled his Chase credit card and sent the phones back to Dell.

Mischief: On Monday 1/17 a Stonehouse Road man reported that his cell phone was removed from his car overnight.

Egged: A Lee Road home and a car parked at the house were egged overnight on 1/22. The homeowner reported the incident on the morning of 1/22.

Disputes: A Quaker Ridge woman came to police for help on January 18th. Her husband has been abroad for a year and a half and has not provided her with any financial assistance for food or utilities and has asked her to leave the house. The woman has no access to bank accounts and her husband cancelled her health insurance. Police referred her to Westchester Family Court to seek assistance from a lawyer.

Edgewood Road homeowners asked police to be on hand when they took possession of the home from a tenant on the night of 1/19. The keys were handed over without incident.

A Brewster Road woman called police at 6:24 am on 1/21 when a man rang her doorbell and then went to sit in his car in front of her house. Police stopped the man who identified himself as Jose Luis Flores of White Plains. He said he was there to pick up a friend who was shoveling nearby. However, since Mr. Flores had no driver’s license he was issued a summons for driving without a license.

Animals: A Burgess Road man requested help from police when a dog entered his house. He was unable to get close to it to read the tags. Subsequently the dog’s owner came by and picked him up.

A coyote was spotted at a Fox Meadow Road home at 6:19 pm on 1/21.

Confused: A confused man called police at 11 on the morning of 1/23 when he could not find his car. He claimed to have parked it on Woodland Place near Chat the previous night but it wasn’t there when he got back. While the man was talking to police he received a phone call from a friend who told him that the car had been moved to Scarsdale Avenue.

The Scarsdale Ambulance Corps received a called from a disoriented woman on the afternoon of 1/21. Police ran a reverse check of the phone number and found that the call was made from a Mamaroneck home, so Scarsdale Police called Mamaroneck Police to follow up.

Police received a call about a suspicious customer at DeCicco’s on 1/23. The store manager was following a woman around the store because she seemed disoriented. Police spoke to the woman who said that she was fine and did not require help. Her driver was outside and helped her and drove her home.

Dirty Water: Multiple people contacted police on 1/19 to report that discolored water was coming out of their faucets. Police contacted the Scarsdale Water Department who said that there was a water main break in Fox Meadow that was currently being repaired.

A broken water main at the Scarsdale Medical Group just before midnight on 1/24 caused a large outflow of water from underneath the rear door. Since it was so cold out, the water was freezing and causing icy conditions. The Fire Department was able to get into the building and turned off the water.

The Scarsdale Fire Department had to enter three homes on Mamaroneck Road and Wheelock Road to inspect for a possible gas leak on the morning of 1/19. They caused minor damage to the garage door at 7 Wheelock and set off the alarm.

A tree fell across Saxon Woods Road on 1/23 and knocked out cable and television service for houses at 136 and 138 Saxon Woods Road. There were no injuries and no other damage and the Department of Public Works cleared the debris.

Pile-ups: A driver who stopped to avoid hitting a dog on Drake Road on the morning of January 20th, missed the dog, but ended up causing a four-car accident. Though the two cars directly behind her were able to stop in time, a fourth car came around a curve and hit the third car, which hit the second, which the hit the first. Two of the drivers complained of pain in their backs and necks and were taken to the White Plains Hospital emergency room.

On the evening of 1/19, a 16 year-old girl driving down Weaver Street was watching cars exit the bypass and did not realize that the car in front of her on Weaver Street was stopped at a red light. The young driver rear-ended the stopped car, and the impact sent the stopped car into the back of the car in front of it, causing a three-car accident. Two of the cars were towed away.

A large tractor-trailer got stuck at the intersection of Grand Park and Griffen Avenues at 4:30 am on 1/18. The driver was trying to turn left onto Griffen from Grand Park but was stuck due to slippery road conditions. Police directed the driver out of the neighborhood.

A Valhalla woman lost control of her car on the morning of 1/20. She was driving south on Cambridge Road when mechanical problems caused the steering and brakes to malfunction. The car crossed Mamaroneck Road and ended up on the north shoulder of the road. Fortunately she did not run into any cars on Mamaroneck. Ted Herman was called to tow the car.

A Paddington Road man called police on 1/23 to report that his wife had backed her car into his car earlier in the day and he wanted to file a report. Since the cars had already been moved, police were unable to take a report.

Jun Miyamoto of Bridgeport, CT and Barbara Hudock of Cortlandt Manor both came to police headquarters on the afternoon of 1/23 when they thought they were involved on an accident on Garth Road. Police looked at the cars and saw the damage on both vehicles. The drivers agreed to handle the incident themselves.