Sunday, Mar 09th

Underage Drinkers and a Pitbull Attack: From the Police

beersteinParty! Shortly after midnight on 5/29 police received a report about a party on Blackhawk Lane. When they arrived they heard noise and saw five to ten kids fleeing from the house. They also saw others carrying large garbage bags full of beer cans out of the house -- and the 19 year-old girl who lived there said she was having a birthday party. Another group of about 20 kids left and police found partially drunk cans of beer in the house. The girl was issued a summons for unlawful possession of alcohol and told to appear in court on June 1st.

Missing Porsche: Cooper Road residents awoke on the morning of May 25 to find that their 2004 Porsche Cayenne SUV was gone. The car had been left unlocked in the driveway and there was a valet key in the owner’s manual inside the glove box.

Missing Child: A mother from Chateaux Circle called police at 3 pm on 5/25 when she couldn’t find her two-year-old son. She had last seen the boy in the apartment and he was wearing only a diaper. She realized he was missing when she was preparing to pick up her older child at school. Police found the child asleep under a blanket in a bedroom and he was evaluated by SVAC and found to be fine.

Missing Briefcase: A Scarsdale man left his Louis Vuitton briefcase containing checks and personal papers in the back seat of his car when he parked it on East Parkway on the morning of 5/24. When he returned about an hour later he found that the briefcase was missing.

Missing Laptop: A Connecticut woman parked her car in the driveway of a Brookby Road home on the night of 5/24. When she returned to the car the following morning her briefcase and laptop computer were gone.

Missing GPS: A Garmin navigator was removed from a car parked on Ross Road overnight on 5/24-5/25.

Missing Sunglasses: Residents on Farley Road heard a car alarm around midnight on 5/29 and saw someone inside their car. Though they claim the car was locked there was no sign that someone forced their way into the car -- but a pair of $400 sunglasses was missing. Neighbors across the street also heard someone outside their home that night and saw another car next to their car. They activated a panic alarm and the man got into his car and drove off.

Missing Bikes: An $800 custom road bike was stolen from the rack on East Parkway on 5/26. The bike had been locked and chained to the rack. On 5/27 an orange Raleigh mountain bike valued at $250 was also stolen from a rack on East Parkway.

Gun: On 5/25, a man from Reynal Crossing turned over his handgun to police for safekeeping until he could get a valid pistol permit.

Stolen Car: A Wheelock Road woman noticed that a 2000 Lexus had been parked in front of her house and no one returned to move it. Police ran a check on the car and it turned out to be a stolen vehicle that belonged to a White Plains man. The car was towed.

Locked out: The owner of Embassy Cleaners on Christie Place locked his keys inside his vehicle on the morning of 5/23. Heathcote Gulf was called and they were able to open the car and retrieve the keys.

Frustrated motorist: A Bronx man was seen videotaping the intersection of Popham Road and East Parkway around noon on 5/23. When police asked the man why he was doing this he said his wife had been issued a ticket there and he was videotaping the intersection to show at her trial.

Coyotes: Two coyotes were reported on Birchall Road at 6:53 pm on 5/23. Police saw the animals in the backyard of the home before they ran into a wooded area behind the house. Another coyote was reported on Dolma Road on the morning of 5/27.

Scavengers: Two Village employees were caught scavenging for items on videotape in the storage room at the Sanitation Building on Secor Road on 5/24. The employees were instructed to return anything they took and were advised that there were penalties for scavenging.

Theft: Greendale Road residents reported that they saw four kids putting Village-owned saw-horse barricades into their car at 4:30 pm on 5/26. The resident reported that the vehicle was a tan SUV or a suburban.

A Ross Road man came to police on the night of 5/24 to complain that his neighbor had not paid him for damage done to his car. The man said that his neighbor promised to pay him to repair his car after the neighbor backed into his car in January, causing $1,030 in damage. Since the two did not report the accident to police at the time, he was advised to handle the dispute on his own.

Solicitors: A woman soliciting for Urban Development Solutions was selling magazine subscriptions door-to-door on Brookby Road on the evening of 5/24. Police received a complaint and stopped the woman who did not have a permit to solicit. She was issued a warning for violating Village code.

Another solicitor was dropped off at Fenway Golf Club on the evening of 5/24. The club manager asked the man to leave the property and he refused. Police responded and the man’s supervisor came to retrieve him.

A third solicitor was reported on Webster Road at 5:30 pm on 5/25. Police stopped a man who identified himself as Llamar Richards and said he was employed by a glass repair company. He was unaware that he needed a permit to solicit and agreed to stop.

Michael Basciano of White Plains was issued a summons on the morning of 5/24 for placing flyers on the windshields of parked cars in Fox Meadow.

Fires: On the morning of 5/27 there was a fire in the basement at 25 Park Road. The fire broke out downstairs and caused heavy smoke and fire damage to the basement, as well as the first and second floors.  In order to contain the blaze, firefighters broke open walls on the first and second floors and according to Chief Thomas Cain, "the home sustained quite a bit of damage." Scarsdale, Greenville and Hartsdale firefighters all came to assist as well as SVAC. The Westchester County Arson Investigation Department was called to look for the source of the fire and determined that it was caused by an overloaded power strip that caught fire and set the basement carpet in flames. A home attendant who has a bedroom in the basement was the first to report the fire.

Another fire broke out when a transformer blew out on a telephone pole at the corner of Post and Olmstead Roads on the evening of 5/27. Police closed the northbound lane of the Post Road while Con Edison and the Fire Department put out the fire.

Wires on Post Road across from the library were on fire on the afternoon of 5/29. The Fire Department was notified.

Worried: At 10 pm on 5/27 a concerned friend called police when she received a disturbing text message from another woman that said, “I’m leaving now. You will never see me again.” Police went to the home of the woman who sent the text and her son was able to let them in. They spoke to the woman who had sent the text who said that she was in pain from an injury and agreed to have her son take her to the doctor.

At 12:20 am on the night of 5/28, police received a report about kids knocking over tents that were set up at the Alternative School on Wayside Lane. When the police arrived they saw three kids running away from the field but were unable to find them.

Shortly thereafter, police received another complaint about noise coming from Chase Park where the Boy Scouts were camping out. Police asked the boys to keep their voices down.

Around midnight on 5/29 police received a complaint about a noisy party on Park Road. When they arrived, they saw a number of kids fleeing and spoke to the residents who were watching a soccer game. They reported that a bunch of uninvited guests had tried to get in and caused the noise.

Damage: The TYVEK on a Carmen Road home was cut on 5/25. The homeowner did not know who might have done the damage.

Accidents: A Stony Point man driving his car at the intersection of Brewster and Fenimore Roads struck a 14 year-old Oak Lane girl who was riding her bike on Fenimore Road on Monday afternoon 5/23. Fortunately the girl was not hurt.

A 16-year-old girl was struck by a car when she was walking along the Post Road on the afternoon of 5/24. The driver did not stop and the girl was not able to see the license plate number of the car. The girl’s mother arrived to take her home.

A 17-year-old Scarsdale girl was hit while riding her bike by a 1999 Jeep at the intersection of Popham and Taunton Roads on the afternoon of 5/25. The driver of the Jeep reported that the girl drove into traffic and did not give him ample time to stop. The girl was taken to White Plains hospital.

A 70-year-old Walworth Avenue man struck a street sign and then drove into a tree on Greenacres Avenue at 10:30 pm on 5/25. The man reported that he fell asleep at the wheel.

pitbullFrom the Greenburgh Police: On Saturday, May 28 shortly after 5 pm Greenburgh police responded to a 911 call about a person who was being attacked by a dog at 107 Juniper Hill Road, near the Metropolis Golf Club. They found a 50-year-old man bleeding heavily after being bitten repeatedly and his 18-year-old daughter who had also been bitten by the dogs. Police learned that the two had been attacked by two pit bulls when they were going door to door dropping off flyers for their church.

The dogs were owned by Mr. Beverly Taylor (age 25) of 103 Juniper Hill Road in the Town of Greenburgh. Police and Animal Control Officers tranquilized the dogs. One of the dogs, however, still lunged at an animal control officer and had to be killed by the police. The second dog was secured.

Mr. Taylor was also bitten on his hands from one of his dogs and refused medical attention and hospital transport. Taylor was issued summonses for Town Code violations, unlicensed dogs, and unvaccinated dogs. Additional charges may be forthcoming.

Both father and daughter were transported to the Westchester Medical Center by Greenburgh Police EMS. The 18-year-old girl was treated and released but her father remains hospitalized with serious injuries to his right arm. At last report, he was in stable condition.

Formula Caper: A man stole ten cans of Enfamil from the Shoprite on Central Avenue and left the store in a 2007 Honda before he could be stopped by security on Wednesday morning 5/25.

Missing Girl: The mother of a 15 year-old girl from Joyce Road in Hartsdale called police at 2:24 am on Sunday 5/29 when she could not locate her daughter. At 10 pm the previous night the girl had been caught trespassing at the Dobbs Ferry Pool by the police and the mother went to pick her up. While returning home to Hartsdale the two had an argument and the girl jumped out of the car on Ashford Avenue. The mother had not seen her since that time and wished to file a missing person report.

A bike belonging to man who lives on Farley Road in Scarsdale was stolen from the Hartsdale Train station where it was locked on 5/27.

Members of the Greenburgh Drug and Alcohol Task Force stopped two 19 year-old boys on Central Avenue at 10:30 on 5/27 and found that they had 12 bottles of beer. One boy is from Windsor Road in Scarsdale and the other lives on Kathwood Road in Yonkers. Both were charged with possession of alcohol by persons under the age of 21.

Two employees at Marshalls on Central Avenue were caught stealing $230 in merchandise from the store on the afternoon of 5/26. Working together the two purchased items then voided out the purchase and left the store with the merchandise. The store only wished to press charges against one employee as the other was very cooperative with the investigation. However police advised that the store would have to prosecute both employees so instead they opted to fire them both.

Derrick Johnson, age 44 of East Post Road in white Plains was arrested for burglary after he entered an apartment on North Washington Avenue in Hartsdale at 11:30 pm on Sunday night 5/29. According to the resident, Johnson opened a rear window, unlocked the back door and entered the woman’s home without her consent. She tried to call for help but he took away her cell phone and placed both of his hands around her neck with the intention of choking her. The woman screamed and ran out of the apartment toward the Hartsdale Train Station. She called the police and identified Johnson who was arrested.