Sunday, Mar 09th

A Deceased Jogger, Assault on the Bee Line and a 5 Year-Old Left Behind

beelinebusDeceased jogger found near Saxon Woods: The body of Thomas Schlierer, age 62 of Larchmont was found by another jogger on a bike trail off the Hutchinson River Parkway on Thursday around 12:30. According to the police report Schlierer was found lying on his back on the path.  When SVAC arrived, they tried to revive him with a defibillator but it was too late. Schlierer had parked his car in the Saxon Woods Parking lot and ran down the trail before he collapsed. The cause of death was determined to be heart failure and police say that Schlierer had not been on the path long before he was found.

Attack on the Bee Line: A disturbed Mount Vernon man assaulted three passengers on a Bee Line bus at 8:30 am on June 13th. The victims reported the incident as the bus was travelling on the Post Road at Huntington Road. The assailant was wearing a blue shirt, white undershirt and white and orange sneakers and fled the bus at Montrose and Gorham Roads. Police put out a call and the man was found at the intersection of Fisher and Highland in White Plains. He identified himself as Walt Runcie, age 31 of Mt. Vernon and admitted that he had been on the bus. According to police Runcie said, “ I haven’t taken my medicine and I just snapped. I’m really sorry.” The victims identified Runcie and one victim had scratches and bruises on her face and another was in pain from a slap on the face. After he was arrested for attempted assault, Runcie told police that he was diagnosed with paranoia and had just been released from Presbyterian Hospital. Runcie was released on $200 cash bail and given a court date.

Tickets: During two week-long initiatives aimed at getting drivers to buckle up, the Scarsdale Police Department issued 217 summonses to motorists. The programs took place from March 23 to March 31, 2011 and again from May 23 to June 5, 2011 as part of the New York State Seat Belt Enforcement program.112 motorists were cited for not wearing seatbelts and an additional 19 were cited for not having their children properly secured by seatbelts. Among other violations, 14 were issued for using a cell phone while driving, 25 were issued for disobeying traffic controls and 47 other assorted violations were issued.

Vandalism at the Girl Scout House: On the morning of 6/15, an exercise instructor who was teaching at the Girl Scout House on Wayside Lane noticed that the fence around the bbq pavilion was damaged and empty beer cans and broken glass had been left on the grounds. In addition, one of the soccer nets had been removed and placed on top of the BQ chimney. There was also human feces and toilet paper left at the bottom of the stairs at the back entrance of the Girl Scout House. The damage was done sometime between 9:30 pm on 6/14 and 12:30 am on 6/15. Though police had encountered a boy at the Girl Scout House with alcoholic beverages on June 10, his Dad said that his son was home on the night of the incident and would not allow him to be questioned by the police.

Strange letter: Scarsdale Synagogue received a suspicious letter on June 14. The letter was handwritten on an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper that appeared to be a photo copy. The letter questioned “the emergency preparedness” of schools and other agencies in the Hudson Valley. The letter was postmarked Mid-Hudson, New York and did not have a return address.

Prank calls: An 83 year-old Aspen Road woman alerted police that she has received several calls and letters advising her that she had won substantial amounts of money. The letters requested that the woman send $20 for a service fee. In addition, she got a phone call from a man who said that she won $965,000 but needed to provide $400 to secure the prize. The woman agreed to meet the man at the Chase Bank on Palmer Avenue on 6/14 and alerted the police who assigned a detective to the case.

On June 15 a Greenacres woman complained that she was receiving annoying phone calls from a private number. The caller seems to know her family and makes references to her daughter’s college applications and her husband’s job. Thought the calls are not threatening she wanted to report them in the hopes of stopping future calls.

Identity Theft: A Brookfield Road man lost his ING debit card and subsequently found that 18 unauthorized charges, totaling $1,33.96 had been made on the card. He reported the incident on June 13th.

Wrong way: County police stopped the driver of a car who was travelling the wrong way on the Bronx River Parkway on the night of 6/13. County police asked Scarsdale police to check the driver, a Fox Meadow woman, who said that she was confused by the Crane Road exit ramp.

Fire: Trash caught fire at the park across from the Greenacres Elementary School at 10 pm on 6/17. A woman who cleans the school spotted the fire and called police. By the time police arrived, the fire was extinguished.

Noise at Chat: At 11:30 pm on 6/18 a resident of Chateaux Circle called police to complain about noise from Chat American Grill. However, when the officer arrived, no music was playing outside. Police spoke to the complainant and advised him to address Village Hall regarding the construction of barricades behind the restaurant to decrease the nose.

Raccoon: A sick raccoon was reported on South Woods Lane at 4:20 pm on 6/16. Police found the raccoon, waited for it to move away from the house, fired two rounds and killed it.

Greenburgh Police Report:

Bobcat: Neighbors on Elizabeth Street in Scarsdale continue to feud. On Monday morning June 13, Audrey Pierot of 13 Elizabeth Street came outside and found that Micha Marom was using his bobcat to dump large amounts of dirt behind her cars in the driveway. She took out her video camera filmed him in an attempt to stop him from dumping more dirt in the driveway. However, Marom countered by driving the bobcat straight at Pierot, forcing her to jump out of the way to avoid being hit. Pierot recorded the incident on videotape.

Formula theft: On Monday afternoon, 6/13, the security officer at Shop Rite on Central Avenue caught Steven Fournier, age 42 of the Bronx stealing three cans of Enfamil. When police picked him up they found that there were already two outstanding warrants for his arrest. He was booked, fingerprinted and arraigned and bail was set at $7,500. Fournier was taken to the Westchester County Jail.

Fight!: Two men got into a fistfight at the Nijiya Market at 18 North Central Avenue in Hartsdale on the morning of 6/16. Wilmer A Hernandez was assaulted by Noe De Jesus of Ferris Avenue in White Plains. De Jesus is the estranged husband of Emiliana Orzuna who also works at the market. She has an order of protection against De Jesus who was not supposed to be at the store. When Hernandez approached De Jesus, De Jesus kicked Hernandez in the legs, and punched him in the face and head. De Jesus then fled the scene on a Bee Line Bus, but police eventually found him on Battle Hill Avenue and arrested him for assault and for violating the order of protection.

Benjamin Salzano Jr. was arrested for violating an order of protection against an ex-girlfriend who lives on East Hartsdale Avenue, when he went to her residence to pick up his car on the night of 6/14. After he was arrested he called the woman from the Westchester County Jail, despite the fact that he had been ordered not to contact her. He was rearrested for the second offense.

Markdowns: On 6/17 two employees at Marshalls were caught unlawfully marking down prices on merchandise and removing it from the store. Working together, Royce P. Lora of the Bronx and Nicholas D. Clarke of the Bronx marked down the price of three polo shirts, each from $79.99 to $7.99, shortchanging the store $216.00. When the suspects were searched, a small bag of marijuana was found on Clarke.

Beer heist: Two men stole two 12-packs of Bud Lite from the Rite Aid store in Hartsdale at 9 pm on 6/17. The men left the store with the beer without paying and drove off in a black Escalade.

Left behind: A five year-old girl was left in the Boston Market on Central Avenue around 5 pm on Sunday 6/19. Unable to find out the girls address or phone number, employees of the Boston Market called the police. The video camera showed the mother leaving the store with approximately seven children. Police broadcast the incident over a law enforcement hotline and at 10 pm that night, the girl’s father came to Greenburgh Police Headquarters to retrieve his daughter. Police report it did not appear to be a case of neglect or abuse.