Another Burglary in Greenacres and Vandals at the Middle School?
- Monday, 03 October 2011 15:59
- Last Updated: Monday, 03 October 2011 19:14
- Published: Monday, 03 October 2011 15:59
- Hits: 4667
Burglary: For the second week in a row, Greenacres residents were the victims of burglary. A Greenacres Avenue home was robbed on the morning of 9/29. When the resident returned home around noon she realized that intruders had gone to the second floor of the house and stolen a safe. Police found that a glass panel on the back door was broken and the door was forced open. The woman reported that she had recently had workman at the house --- and that a roofer had been inside the house in the room where the safe was located on September 24th. A similar incident occurred on Windmill Road last week.
Damage: A policeman, responding to an alarm discovered a shattered in the technology classroom on the upper level of the Scarsdale Middle School at 1:42 am on 10/3. Only the exterior of the window was broken and police did not find additional damage during an initial inspection of the school. However, when police inspected the lower level, they found a second classroom window broken and a small stone underneath that window. It was later determined that both windows were broken as a result of weedtrimming at the school.
On the morning of 9/29, an employee from Lange’s Deli found that someone had damaged the storm door overnight, breaking a few hinges while pulling the door off.
Fraud: A Fox Meadow Road man reported fraudulent activity on his bank account between September 25 and September 27. Using an ATM card, someone had withdrawn $9,000 in funds from his account and the account was subsequently frozen.
A School Lane woman almost became the victim of fraud when she responded to an employment ad on She responded to the ad on 9/20 and on 9/21 received an email stating that she was hired. Sensing something was amiss, she emailed back and said she was no longer interested. Ignoring her email, the prospective “employer” said he was mailing her three cash money orders from Manila and instructed her to cash them. A letter arrived in the mail with three CVS money orders, each for $950. Police instructed her to email once again that she was not interested in the job and had turned the money orders over to the police.
Threats: A woman who works at Scarsdale Synagogue reported the receipt of a threatening letter sometime during the week of 9/23. She suspected that a former employee might be the source of the letter as the synagogue has had recent cutbacks.
Kids: A Ridgedale Road man called police at 8:30 pm on 9/29 when he found empty beer cans and water bottles strewn across his front lawn. He had not seen anyone outside.
On Saturday night 10/1 an Innes Road man called to complain that youths were peeing on his lawn. Though police could not find the kids on the man’s property, there was a party going on at a neighbor’s home and police spoke to the parents at the house about the incident.
There were several complaints on Saturday night 10/1 between 10 and 11 pm about a loud party on Gorham Road. Police asked the residents to keep the students inside but after the police left, the kids went back out and got loud again.
Locks: A Cornell Street man called police on the night of 10/1 when he was locked inside his bathroom. The lock had malfunctioned and he was stuck. The Fire Department arrived and removed the bathroom door from its hinges to free the man.
Doris Morse of Wilmot Road locked her keys inside her car when it was parked at Balducci’s on September 26. R&D Towing responded and opened the car.
Found: A Church Lane woman found a backpack in the bushes on her property containing a driver’s license, money and a laptop computer. She tried to reach the backpack’s owner but was unable to find him. In the meantime the man called police in search of the backpack and police returned it to him.
Runaway Driver: A Walworth Avenue man called police at 5 am on 9/29 when a car swerved and pulled onto the curb. The female driver got out of the car and ran toward Fenimore Road without closing the car door. Police searched the area but were unable to find the car or the driver.
Dispute: On October 2, a Stratton Road man asked police to accompany him back to his house to prevent continuation of an earlier dispute with his wife