Sunday, Mar 09th

Procedure Committee Announces CNC Candidate Slate

cnclogoaThe Scarsdale Procedure Committee has announced the slate of candidates for election to the Citizen’s Nominating Committee for 2011. There are two candidates vying for each available seat. In most of the districts there are 4 candidates running for 2 seats with the exception of Greenacres where there are six candidates running for three seats -- due to the resignation of one nominator this year. Full bios of each candidate will be posted next week on the Procedure Committee website.

Voting will take place at Scarsdale Village Hall on Tuesday November 15 from 7:00 – 9:30 am and 2 – 9 pm. Absentee ballots will also be available on the Procedure Committee website and should be mailed to the Procedure Committee, P.O. Box 284, Scarsdale, NY 10583. They must be received by 5 pm on November 14, 2011 to be counted. If a runoff election is needed, it will be held at Village Hall on Tuesday, November 22.

Also on the ballot will be proposed amendments to the Non-Partisan Resolution. These are posted below for your consideration.

2011 Citizens Nominating Committee Candidates


  • Nathan Barotz
  • Betsy Bush
  • Michael Duncanson
  • Ken Kehoe

Fox Meadow

  • Linda Blair
  • Anita Mann
  • Salvatore Rao
  • Ted Tyberg


  • Glenn Fishman
  • Michael Green
  • Barbara Jaffe
  • Mona Longman
  • Andrew Sereysky
  • Jeannette Warner-Goldstein


  • Norman W. Bernstein
  • Raymond A. Cooper
  • David Michaels
  • Emilia Rodriguez

Quaker Ridge

  • Douglas R. Birns
  • Norbert Elsner, MD
  • Ken Keats
  • Joseph E. Sarachek


After receipt of oral and written comments, The Procedure Committee has adopted another draft of proposed amendments to the Non-Partisan Resolution, which, after any additional public comments, will be finalized no later than October 7th and submitted to the voters on November 15. The full text of the proposed amendments is available on-line at Here is a summary of the proposed amendments:

1. Proposed amendment to Article II, The Procedure Committee, to prohibit any person who is a member of the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC), the School Board Administrative Committee (SBAC), the School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC), the School Board, or the Village Board from simultaneously being a member of The Procedure Committee (TPC).

2. Proposed amendment to Article IV, Unit Nominating and Election Procedures, to allow residents to vote by mail-in ballot, accompanied by a certification of eligibility to vote, to be received by TPC by the day before Election Day.

3. Proposed amendments to Article V, regarding eligibility to serve as a member of the CNC,

a. Prohibiting anyone from running for election to the CNC if his or her election would or could cause more than one person from the same household to serve at the same time as a voting member of the CNC.

b. Prohibiting a former Mayor or Trustee of the Village from running for election to the CNC unless more than one election cycle (approximately 19 months) has passed since the person last served in such position.

c. Prohibiting any person from serving as a voting member of the CNC for more than three consecutive years, provided, that a person elected to fill a one-year vacancy in the CNC shall be able to run for and succeed himself or herself with a full three-year term.

d. Prohibiting any person from serving as a voting member of the CNC who is at the time of the election a member of TPC, the SBNC, the SBAC, the School Board or the Village Board.

4. Proposed amendments to Article V, Section 5,

a. allowing TPC to make recommendations to the CNC with respect to its Rules of

Procedure, which shall be consistent with the purpose and provisions of the Non-Partisan Resolution, and

b. providing that any questions of compliance with the provisions of the Resolution regarding Rules of Procedure shall be ruled on by the Chairperson, whose decision can only be overruled by a 2/3 vote of the voting members present.

5. Proposed amendments to Article V, Section 6, to provide that no vote for any nominee for a particular office shall be taken at a meeting at which a Committee member has presented new information as to a nominee for such office based upon the Committee member’s personal experience.