Sunday, Mar 09th

Woman Arrested for Speeding, Unlicensed Driving and Impersonation

driverslicenseWho Are You? A 39 year-old White Plains woman was arrested for false impersonation, unlicensed driving and speeding when police stopped her on the Post Road in Scarsdale on the afternoon of November 10th. Police clocked her driving 47 mph in her 2012 Hyundai. They stopped and asked her for a license and she did not have one. When asked her name, she provided a name that proved to belong to her husband. After several tries she gave a name that was not on file with the DMV. Pressed further, she gave police her real name and a search revealed that her license had been suspended in March, 2011 for failure to answer a summons from Scarsdale Village Court. She later admitted to applying for a new driver’s license under an assumed name to avoid dealing with the warrant.

The woman’s husband came to Scarsdale to pick up the couple’s three year-old daughter who was in the car with her. She was arrested and taken to headquarters where she was released on $500 bail pending a court date.

Autumn Leaves Afire: Police responded to River Road on the afternoon of 11/11 where two boys were setting leaves on fire. When police arrived they saw the mapleleafsuspects trying to put out the fire, but the boys fled when they saw the police. Using a fire extinguisher police put out the fire. They pursued the boys but were unable to find them. The boys left behind a box of matches, a burned cloth and an aerosol can.

Drive By: A Church Lane man reported that a large truck pulling a trailer drove over his front lawn on the evening of November 8th. The wheel left a large rut mark,12 “ wide, six “ deep and 20 feet in length in the front lawn. A Madison Road man contacted police to say that he had seen the truck in question and provided the license plate number. Police tracked the ownership of the truck to a company in Dobbs Ferry and tried to reach them.

Mad: An irate passenger broke the plexi-glass window in the interior of a Central Taxi on the night of 11/8. Police met the cab driver on East Parkway who said that the passenger wanted to pay for his ride from Scarsdale to Valhalla with a credit card, but did not have the card with him. The cab driver told the man that the taxi company does not accept payment with credit card numbers on the phone and dropped the passenger off at the taxi stand at the Scarsdale Train Station. At this point, the passenger punched the window, broke it and fled down East Parkway. The driver gave police the passenger’s cell phone number that he had used to call the cab. Police called the number and found that the passenger was on Garth Road. They picked him up and asked him if he would pay for the damage to the cab. He agreed to pay $30 and the cab driver said he would not press charges.

Rage: An employee of Village Hall called police to report an inappropriate resident. The man, who lives on Crossway, came to Scarsdale Village Hall at 2 pm onscarsdalevillagehall 11/7 and asked to speak with the treasurer. When he was told she was unavailable he told the Village employee to give “the idiot the message to call him,” and said “Go choke on it.”. Police called the man at home and warned him that his behavior borders on harassment and would not be tolerated

Hacked: On 11/9 a Sheldrake Road woman came to police after an acquaintance of her husband’s hacked into her email account and tapped into her mobile phone. Some of her emails were deleted or modified and her password was changed. Her husband agreed to speak with the suspect.

Ammo: On 11/9, a Mt. Vernon man turned in a BB gun and several boxes of ammunition from his employers home. The homeowner asked to have them destroyed.

Missing: On 11/9 the executor for a Mamaroneck Road man reported that a silver set valued at $5,971 and several items of jewelry were missing from the man’s home. The total value of the missing items was $17,000.

Accidents: A Heathcote woman hit the accelerator instead of the brake on the morning of 11/13 and ran into two parking meters and a support beam for the covered walkway from the MTA ticket booth on Depot Place. The meters still worked but their poles were bent and MTA engineers were called to evaluate the damaged support beam. SVAC was called to assist the driver.

Juiced: A 16 year-old girl from Garth Road reported that someone spilled juice on her 2009 Jeep Wrangler when it was parked at Scarsdale High School on the morning of November 8th.

Harassed: On 11/11 an employee of Country Bank reported the receipt of harassing phone calls at work. When she picks up the phone, the caller hangs up.

Party Crashers: At 10 pm on 11/11, a Cayuga Road man called police when some uninvited guests tried to get into his home. The man’s son was hosting a few friends at the house when other youths tried to break in.