Sunday, Mar 09th

Woman Caught Stealing on Nanny Cam and More from the Scarsdale and Greenburgh Police

jeannequigleyWith the help of a concealed video camera, Oak Way residents discovered that their nanny/housekeeper was stealing items from their home. The video showed the housekeeper entering unauthorized areas of the house without permission and removing their possessions. In addition, the residents taped a conversation with the housekeeper in which she admitted to stealing $120.00 in cash and a suitcase valued at $100. Also taken were a $1,500 diamond wedding ring and a sterling silver comb and brush set. After the residents confronted the woman, some of the items were returned and she was terminated. The thefts took place between April 1, 2011 and November 30, 2011 and were reported on 5/30, 2012.

An investigation by the Scarsdale Police lead to the arrest of Jeanne Quigley, age 47 of New Rochelle for Grand Larceny and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property on June 4th. Police recovered more of the Oak Way resident’s property from Quigley’s home and she was arraigned in Scarsdale Court on June 6th.

Aggressive driver: An angry motorist got nasty with the Scarsdale Police on the evening of 5/31 after they pulled her over for driving south in the northbound lane of East Parkway. She jumped out of her car near Depot Place, approached a police officer in his car and yelled, “don’t you have robbers and murderers to catch?” Police asked her to get back into her car and she complied but when police approached her in her car she jumped out again and yelled at the officers. She eventually handed over her license and registration and was issued a summons.

Followed: On 5/29 a Wayside Lane woman reported that her ex-husband has hired a private investigator to follow her 24/7. The P.I. was in her driveway on a Sunday and when she took a photo of him he told her not to take photos of him while driving. On 5/30 she returned to police headquarters to complain that the P.I. was following her everywhere, even into to the police parking lot. Police went outside to speak to the man but told the woman that the P.I. is permitted to trail her. If she felt harassed, they told here she would need to go to court to file a complaint.

Thefts: A former resident of Rock Creek Lane who now lives in Bronxville reported that her 2.9 carat diamond ring, valued at $25,000 was stolen from her Scarsdale home sometime between February 10 and April 1 during the time she was preparing to move out of the house.

On 6/2 a Secor Road resident reported that silver and gold bracelets, valued at $2,500 were missing from her home. She had been away for several days during April and May and various people including contractors, a dog sitter and the housekeeper had access to her home.

Arrests: Silvio Flores, age 61 of Mount Vernon surrendered himself to police on 5/29 in response to a bench warrant. He was charged with speeding and driving without a valid license on 3/21/12 and his failure to appear for a court date on 5/16/12. Flores was released on $100 bail.

Stephanie Selgado, age 22 of White Plains surrendered herself to Scarsdale Police on 5-31 in response to a bench warrant for an offense dating back to January 2010. She was released on $100 bail and given a court appearance date of June6, 2012.

Deaths: Michael J. O’Neill, age 88 of Cayuga Road passed away between 6:30 and 7:30 pm on May 29th. O’Neill was pronounced dead by his michaeloneill2physician, Dr. Paul Pechman of Scarsdale. O’Neill died from pulmonary fibrosis. O’Neill was formerly the editor of the New York Daily News. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Mary Jane and four children.

Jean Glazer, age 94 of North Chase Road in Scarsdale died on June 2nd. She was found unresponsive by her live-in nurse.

Mischief: Outdoor light fixtures, valued at $375, were damaged at a Cooper Road home sometime between May 25 and May 29. About a month ago four of the fixtures were damaged by vandals and subsequently repaired by the homeowner.

Identity Theft: On 6/2 a Greenacres Avenue man reported that between 5/23 and 5/25 someone had used his American Express card to make $250 in unauthorized purchases. Merchandise that was purchased online arrived at his Greenacres Avenue home.


  • At 10 pm on 5/31 a Griffen Road man complained about loud music coming from the Saxon Wood Road Grill on Mamaroneck Road. Police went to the restaurant and asked them to turn it down and they complied.
  • At 11:47 pm on 5/31 police received a report about noisy kids playing basketball at Greenacres field. Police told the boys that it was after hours and they left.
  • At midnight on 6/1, in response to a complaint, police went to a Johnson Road home where there was a party on to ask them to keep the noise down.
  • Police received a report of fireworks going off on the Fox Meadow School field on the night of 6/3 – but by the time they arrived no one was there.

Fight: At 10 pm on 6/1 Eastchester Police called Scarsdale Police for help breaking up a big fight among kids at the intersection of Winterhill Road and the Post Road. Scarsdale sent a few patrol cars and the crowd was dispersed.

marxFlood: At 10 am on June 2, a Gatehouse Road man called police about water flowing out of the Marx home on Gatehouse Lane. Police found a workman pumping water out of the basement of the house but the workman did not respond when police told him to stop. After several attempts to speak to the man, police cut off the power to the house. The foreman arrived and said they were removing asbestos from the house and police ordered them to stop until the Building Department could come and ascertain whether contaminated water was being pumped out of the house. The house has been cleared for demolition by the Scarsdale Committee for Historic Preservation and will soon come down.  Three new homes will be built on the property.

Animals: Dog doo – On May 28 a Sheldrake Road man complained that a neighbor continually allows her dog to defecate on his lawn and does not clean it up.

Squirrel in the house: An Innes Road woman called police for help on the afternoon of 6/2 when she found a squirrel in her kitchen. Police were able to “escort” the animal outside.

Edgemont and Greenburgh Police Report:

In the continuing dispute between neighbors on South Healy Road in Scarsdale, police were called at 7 am on Tuesday 5/29 Audrey Pierot complained that Michael Marom was doing work on his property after work hours and in violation of a stop work order. She also complained about debris Marom had left on the property and that he had knocked over her garbage cans and driven over them. He said, "I didn't knock down the garbage can, my vehcile did." and made reference to doing it again on the next garbage pick up date.

Dig Gig: On June 1, a resident saw a man digging up a small area in front of the man's home on Westminster Road in Scarsdale. He asked what he was doing and the man said he was a surveyor. Someone else spoke with him and he wouldn’t give a company name but said he would provide a business card later on, which he never did. One man wrote the license plate number of the diggers car.

Lingering Man: A woman called the police on June 4 because she said she felt uncomfortable leaving her job at Beach Bum Tanning on Central Avenue. There was a man parked in a car in front of the tanning salon who had been staring at her for an hour and a half. When she finally got into her car he drove off. She did not recognize him.

Glue Ado: On May 29, police came to Tarrytown Jewelers on North Central Avenue because an unknown party put glue in the door lock on the front door to the business, making it inoperable.

Park Shark: On May 29, there were three incidents at East Rumbrooke Park in Hartsdale. Rick Alicca went to the park to play basketball. When he returned to his vehicle, he found a smashed front passenger windshield and discovered that his iPhone was missing. Kenneth Palma arrived at the park to play softball. He left his wallet in his car with the doors unlocked. When he returned, his wallet, which contained $300 in cash, credit cards, and his license were missing along with his cell phone. Thomas Lorie was also playing softball. He found that the window of his 2011 Mercedes Benz was smashed though no items were taken from his car.

An officer responded to reports by witnesses on May 29 that a man had slapped his 3-year-old daughter in a restaurant parking lot on Central Avenue. He reportedly slapped her on the behind and was very forceful and physically aggressive in handling her. He admitted to slapping his child and became enraged at witnesses for interfering in his personal affairs.

On the night of May 30, a resident of High Point Drive in Hartsdale, NY reported that her mother has continuously harassed her in the past and most recently contacted her previous employer to find out where she is working. Her mother has tried to get her daughter's boyfriend arrested and has threatened to take away her daughter's children. Her mother has also threatened to hurt her daughter.

Buy Buy Baby Monitor Thief: On May 30, an officer responded to a call from Buy Buy Baby. The employee told the officer that a robber ran up to a wooded area next to the store, but police couldn’t find him. He was reported to be a black male, 35-40 years old wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, had a goatee and was heavy set. He has stolen baby monitors in the past. Three monitors were missing this time. He usually gets into a brown colored sedan and is accompanied by at least 2 other males. The missing merchandise was valued at $500.00

Need a cop in Game Stop: On May 30, police got a call from Game Stop on Central Avenue where someone stole various Apple products valued at $2049.89. The store manager provided descriptions of the two me who had fled with the goods.

Shoplifting at ShopRite: On June 4, Joanne Spinella, age 58 of Yonkers was caught leaving ShopRite on Central Avenue with $86.04 in unpaid merchandise.

Welfare Check: Police responded to 1025 Colony Drive, Hartsdale for a welfare check on the afternoon of 5/31. The police received a call from a concerned party who said she hasn’t spoken with the resident in 2 weeks and that he is bipolar and starves himself. The man in the home claimed he was fine and that he didn’t hear the police knocking because he was asleep. The police explained that his family and friends are worried that he doesn’t eat or take his medication. John said he has been eating out and doesn’t need medication. A check of the kitchen revealed no food. The stove and fridge were unplugged. He was voluntarily transported to the White Plains ER.

On May 13, Greenburgh Police Department Communications received a call on the suicide hotline from a suicidal male waiting for police assistance on the corner of Edgemont Road and Ardsley Road. The caller reported that he had been drinking and was feeling suicidal. He voluntarily requested transport to White Plains Hospital to speak with a psychiatrist.

Arrested: On May 30, the Greenburgh Drug and Alcohol Task Force saw a car speeding on the Sprain Brook Parkway. There was a marijuana cigarette in the front center ashtray in plain view of officers standing outside. The driver, Troy D Garrett Jr., age 26 of Peekskill and the front passenger, John Edward Kingsley, age 23 of Peekskill, were both arrested.

Double Whammy: On May 28, an officer observed a car parked illegally in a fire zone on Central Avenue. It was revealed that the registered owner and driver, David Morton, was wanted for a bench warrant from the village of Port Chester. Morton is a 56-years-old and from White Plains. He was detained in his vehicle but released shortly afterwards since the village of Port Chester refused to extradite him.
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