Sunday, Mar 09th

A Robbery and More from the Scarsdale Police

moneyRobbery: From June 1 - July 5, a Boulevard road family home was robbed of more than $60,000 in property. Over this time period they noticed several items missing, with the most recent being a portable air conditioner in the master bedroom. The air conditioner most recently stolen was purchased to replace another air conditioner that had been stolen in the past month. The resident also reported $28,300 in cash missing from his bedroom. Other stolen items include custom suits, custom shirts, US Navy documents, uniform, and watches. The resident speculated that a former friend of his, who may have a key to his house, could be responsible for all the missing property, although he was unable to provide the police with the friend’s address or phone number.

Suspicious Activity: A white unmarked van pulled into a Mamaroneck road home on July 6th. Using the house’s intercom, the driver told the resident that he was a technician for Crystal Security Company visiting to service the alarm. After the resident advised him that he did not use Crystal Security Company, the van left the area.

Inappropriate Behavior: A foreman at a construction site on Garden Road complained that he was harassed by a young man from a neighboring home. The young man spat on the man’s company sign and made an obscene gesture toward his employees. Police spoke to the young man who denied spitting on the sign but apologized and agreed to stay away from the construction site.

Egged: A 2003 Honda Pilot was hit with eggs while parked on Montrose Road overnight on July 6th.

Burning Leaves: A Chesterfield Road resident found a burned pile of paper bags and leaves on her walkway on the morning of July 8th.

Homeless Man: A homeless man with a shopping cart of belongings was spotted near the day camp at the Scarsdale Middle School on the morning of July 5. Police asked him to leave the area and he complied. Later that morning, the same man was found lying in the road at the intersection of Mamaroneck and Cushman Road. He told police he was taking a break and did not need help.

Car Breakdown: On July 6th a car broke down on the Popham Road Bridge. The vehicle was safely moved off the bridge onto Garth Road and then towed. The Scarsdale Fire Department was notified and cleaned up the vehicles’ fluid on the roadway.

Pole Crash: On July 2nd Miriam Alvarez, a White Plains resident, crashed a car registered to Molly Maid of Greenwich into a utility pole on 21 Hutchinson Ave. The driver experienced neck pain and was transported to the White Plains E.R. for further care.

Vandalized SUV: On July 7th, a man reported that the rear window of his 2012 Acura SUV was broken while it was parked on Paddington Road. Police found a large white rock on the back seat of car, which was used to cause the damage to the window. Patrol searched the area for other criminal activity but found none.

Dirty Phone Book Harassment: On July 4, a Kent Road woman came to police to report that her name and phone number were listed on “”, a site where people make sexual comments.

Four Year-Old Locked in Car: A four year-old got locked into a car at Westchester Reform Temple at 1:10 pm on July 2nd. A representative from the Heathcote Gulf Station unlocked the car quickly and the girl was unharmed.

Sim Card Stolen: On 7/3, police got a complaint from a Bronx man who said that his friend had borrowed his phone -- and when she returned it a day later, the sim card was gone. She told him she would return it but had not.

Fitness Idea Stolen: A Morris Lane woman came to police on July 3 to report that her idea had been stolen. She said she shared a fitness idea with another woman and later discovered that it is now in use. She wanted to document the incident.

Snapper Turtle Roaming the Streets: A large snapper turtle was found in the road at the intersection of Benedict and Springdale Road on the morning of July 4th. Concerned it would be run over, a woman asked police to move it and they did.