Sunday, Mar 09th

Missing Jewelry and Inappropriate Behavior: From the Scarsdale Police

diamondnecklaceInappropriate Behavior: Police were called to the Scarsdale Library on the evening of August 14th when a patron complained that a man sitting at her table appeared to be fondling himself under the table. She was not able to see what he was doing because a book was covering his lap. Police interviewed the man who said that “he was only pressing on his right side because of his hernia.” Police asked the man, who lives in White Plains, to leave the library and he did so and promised to never return.

Jewelry Gone: An Innes Road woman reported the theft of over $50,000 in jewelry from dresser drawers in her master bedroom during the course of two weeks between July 24 and August 14. Missing were diamond stud earrings, gold and diamond earrings, a heavy gold chain, a diamond and gold necklace, and emerald and diamond necklace, pearl and diamond earrings and a hanging gold watch.

Woman Gone: On August 17, Search for Change on the Post Road reported that one of their residents was missing. The 36-year-old woman was under house restriction due to the fact that she had been drinking earlier in the day. The woman who is in treatment for multiple conditions was last seen at 7:45 pm on 8/17 wearing light green pants, a green shirt with yellow stripes and black shoes. Her mother was contacted but she had not heard from her either.

Specs Gone: A woman from Richbell Road reported that two pair of glasses, together valued at $1,000 had been stolen from her sometime between the morning of August 6 and the afternoon of August 7.

Attempted Burglary: A Dickel Road man found that a screen hanging on a back window of his home had been cut overnight on 8/16-8/17 and it appeared that someone may have been trying to break into the house. Police also noticed that an awning below the window was damaged. Police canvassed the area but no one had seen or heard anything unusual.

Death: Julia Graham, age 96 of Circle Road in Scarsdale passed away overnight on 8/13. Her son called police on the morning of August 13 when he found her to be unresponsive. EMT’s arrived and pronounced her dead of natural causes.

Identity Theft: A Ridgedale Road man reported that someone used his deceased father’s personal information to attempt to purchase a men’s diamond ring from the Bradford Exchange online on July 6. The Scarsdale man received an invoice in the mail and found out that the ring was scheduled to be shipped to Washington State. He was able to stop the fraudulent purchase but unable to find out who made the attempt.

Cars Entered: A Carthage Road man reported that someone had entered his 2007 Honda Accord overnight on 8/15-8/16 and removed about $10 worth of loose change. The remote control and EZ-Pass were left inside the car. However, his neighbor was not so lucky. That same night, a 2010 Honda Civic, also parked on Carthage Road was entered and two Garmin GPS devices as well as $5 – to $15 in quarters were stolen.

Harassment: On 8/17 a 20-year-old Meadow Road woman reported the receipt of harassing text messages. After she let the sender know she had contacted the police, the unwanted texts stopped.

A Greenacres’ dad called police on the evening of 8/18 when his daughter received a strange voice mail and text on her phone from someone she didn’t know. The text said, “Do you want me to die?” Police called back the phone number of the unknown texter who said he had obtained the girl’s number from a friend’s cell phone and was playing a joke.

Bike trouble: On the afternoon of August 13th a cyclist reported that a driver was being reckless and yelled at him from her car while he was riding in Scarsdale Village. The cyclist confronted the driver who said that he (the cyclist) was blocking the road and she yelled to get him to move over. She apologized and departed.

Fireworks: At 1:32 am on August 14 police got a call about fireworks going off at Heathcote Field. When they arrived, they spotted a Jeep leaving the scene. Police stopped the car and the young occupants denied setting off fireworks but admitted to be at the field “meeting friends.”

Tree issue: A White Birch Lane woman complained that her neighbor’s contractor had cut a large limb off her apple tree when he installed a 7 foot fence on the property line on August 17. Police saw the freshly cut limb but were unable to determine if the fence was properly placed.

Help! An Aspen Road woman called police on Sunday afternoon when she fell in her home and was unable to get up. Police got into the house by using a key stored by a neighbor, went to the woman’s bedroom and helped her to stand up.