Police Report: Golfer Stuck in the Mud, an Errant Tweet and a Burglary
- Tuesday, 09 October 2012 16:18
- Last Updated: Thursday, 25 October 2012 17:02
- Published: Tuesday, 09 October 2012 16:18
- Hits: 4924
Burglary on Brambach Road: On the afternoon of September 26 someone entered a home on Brambach Road and took several items of jewelry valued at $5,100. Though the residents noticed that a screen had been removed from a kitchen window on 9-26, they did not realize that anything was amiss. Two days later, on 9-28 the homeowner looked for her jewelry and noticed that several pieces of gold jewelry were missing.
Who raided the toy chest? The Head of the French American School on Palmer Avenue got a disturbing surprise when she arrived at work on Monday morning October 1. She found that the plastic bins that hold the school’s scooters, tricycles and outdoor toys had been pried open and damaged. The two bins are valued at $300 each and this is the sixth time in the past few years that the containers have been vandalized. She also reported that occasionally she comes to school and finds scooters and tricycles on the field. Fortunately this time, the toys inside of the containers were intact.
Drunk driver: Police stopped the driver of a 2005 Honda Civic on Mamaroneck Road at 4:45 am on October 7th after he swerved off the roadway and moved between the lanes unsafely. The driver, who was identified as Nelson R. DeLeon-Lopez. age 39, failed sobriety tests and refused to complete the alco-sensor screening, though his breath smelled of booze. He was arrested for DWI and his wife admitted that they had been drinking at the Veracruz Restaurant in White Plains. At headquarters, Lopez was found to have a BAC of .24%. His car was locked at St. Pius Church and his mother picked him up at police headquarters.
Stolen lens: A football enthusiast reported that his camera lens was stolen during the Scarsdale High School football game on 9/22. The man left his bag of camera equipment under the seats of the bleachers around 3 pm and noticed that the $650 lens was missing about 4:30 pm.
Stuck in the mud: On Friday afternoon 10/6, police and firemen were called to the eighth hole of Saxon Woods Golf Course on a report that a golfer was stuck in the mud on the embankment of a brook on the course. According to the report the man had sunk to his knees. By the time the fire department arrived, the man had pulled himself out of the mud unharmed and left the course.
Identity theft: A Canterbury Road resident reported that someone opened a Barclay’s Bank credit card in her name on October 1 and made $4,500 in purchases at an Apple Store. The resident did not know how her personal data had been stolen.
Imposter: A Queens man, posing as a representative from Con Edison, called DeCiccos Market at 4:30 on October 3rd and said that unless a Con Edison bill of $399.00 was paid by 5 pm that day the power in the store would be shut off. The store checked and found that they were up to date with Con Edison and police called back the phone number from which DeCicco’s received the threatening call. The call was answered “RX Pharmacy” and police received no cooperating in locating the caller.
Busy bee: Police noticed a man taking photos of the bikes parked at the bike rack on East Parkway for over an hour around 5 pm on October 1. They asked the man what he was up to and he said he was photographing a bee. Police reviewed the photos in the man’s camera and indeed they were shots of a bee.
Whoops! A woman from Old Army Road was driving on Heathcote Road at 6:23 am on October 4 when she hit the curb and got two flat tires on the passenger side of her car. A tow company was called to tow the car away.
Rude: Police got a call from a woman who had been approached by a threatening man while she was waiting in her car on Secor Road on the afternoon of 10/5. The man got out of his car and “told her to get off her fuckin cell phone while driving.” The woman refused to identify herself but police spoke to the man and told him not to act like this again.
Missing: An Edgewood Road resident reported that her Garmin navigation device and two pair of glasses valued at $613 were taken from her Hyundai Sonata sometime around July 25, 2012.
Lost: A Colvin Road man who suffers from Alzheimers was spotted wandering the neighborhood by the postman on the morning of 10/6. Police picked up the confused man and returned him to his home.
Found: A Kindle was found on the sidewalk in front of Metro Diner on Scarsdale Avenue on the evening of October 4, and turned over to the Scarsdale police.
Party tweet: Things got out of control on Fayette Road on Sunday night 10/7 when a small party turned into a big party of unwanted guests. One of the youths sent out a twitter feed inviting all of his followers to this friend's house on Fayette Road and many came over. As they showed up, they were turned away and “commotion ensued.” Police advised the boy to call the police to help if this happens again.This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website , http://scarsdalesecurity.com/