Storm Update: Monday November 5
- Monday, 05 November 2012 13:50
- Last Updated: Monday, 05 November 2012 14:47
- Published: Monday, 05 November 2012 13:50
- Hits: 7300
Here’s the most up-to-date information we have received on the storm recovery, the election and schools in Scarsdale:
Outages: As of Monday morning, the Village reports that roughly 60% or 3,894 of 6,025 customers in the Village were without power. This is down from 4,509 without power on Sunday, so 705 homes were lit up since yesterday.
Scarsdale has received some of the poorest service around. Statistics from neighboring towns show that a far greater percentage of customers have been restored.
- In Bronxville, 10.6% or 267 of 2529 customers are without power
- In Larchmont 27% or 535 of 1983 customers are without power
- In Mamaroneck 25% or 3545 of 13963 are without power
- In the city of Rye, 48.57% or 2,948 of 6,070 customers are out.
There are five Con Edison crews in town consisting of a single line crew to cut power lines, one crew to clear trees, and three line restoration crews to restore electrical power. The single line crew will be working with Village crews to open the 6 dead end streets still blocked by electrical power lines and downed trees.
Con Edison continues to promise full restoration by Sunday November 11.
Meeting with Mayors and Trustees Tonight: a second information session with Scardale's Mayor Miriam Flisser and Village Trustees will be held tonight at 7 pm in the Scott Room of the Scarsdale Library. Everyone is welcome to attend and pose questions to Village officials.
Gas Shortage: An Edgewood resident reported to Scarsdale10583 that a Con Edison assessor arrived at her home this morning in a black SUV. The woman explained that Con Edison is running out of gas and therefore she was asked to drive her own car. The Con Edison worker also said that gas shortages are limiting the utility’s ability to make repairs. However, according to an email from Scarsdale Village, “County Executive Rob Astorino attended an Emergency Operations Center meeting at the Scarsdale Emergency Operations Center late last night. He stated fuel supplies are adequate and deliveries continue.”
The Election: All eight voting locations will be open tomorrow, Tuesday November 6th from 6am to 9pm. Voting will take place at Edgewood, Fox Meadow, Greenacres, Heathcote and Quaker Ridge elementary schools as well as Crossway Firehouse, the Scarsdale Library and Scarsdale Village Hall. If power is not restored to Edgewood Elementary School, FEMA will bring emergency generators to power the voting machines.
Scarsdale Schools: School is back in session at Scarsdale High School, Fox Meadow, Greenacres, Heathcote and Quaker Ridge. The Village hoped to have power restored to the Scarsdale Middle School and Edgewood by this morning, but Con Edison did not come through so school was cancelled for these sites this morning. School will be open on Tuesday November 6.
Board of Education meeting tonight: A Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Monday night November 5 Board at the High School at 8 p.m. The pre-meeting with Greenacres parents will be at 7:15, as scheduled, also at the High School. At the start of the regular meeting, Board President Liz Guggenheimer and Superintendent McGill will give an update on current developments. The rest of the meeting agenda has been pared back; the education report on Global Education will be re-scheduled at a later date.
The Library: The Scarsdale Public Library is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights until 9 pm. They now have internet and their online catalogue – and can offer internet access on the libraries computers. However there is no wifi for personal computers.