Sunday, Mar 09th

Day Nine: 35% Still Out and a Burglary

nightskyIt’s hard to believe that nine days after the storm these daily updates are still needed. If your power has not been restored you are not alone. As of this morning, Wednesday November 7, Scarsdale Village reports that 2,151, or 35.7% remain without power. The good news is that more repair trucks are in the area. Today there are seven restoration crews in town with 26 bucket trucks. Con Ed has prioritized their efforts to restore the most customers per outage and has assured the Village that everyone will be back up by Friday midnight. According to the Department of Public Works, “Main feeders are being worked on and Con Ed has done all of the surveillance needed to assess the remaining outages and react to them. Con Ed continues to urge customers to continue to call the 800 number for outages.”

However, the company has not even scheduled all repairs. My outage involves approximately 75 homes and Con Edison told one of my neighbors this morning that no crew has yet been assigned, nothing is now scheduled but it should be repaired by Saturday, not Friday as shown on their website.

Even more disturbing is that a robbery was reported on Walworth Avenue on Tuesday afternoon. The suspect got into the house by breaking a window to the sunroom and entered several rooms, opened drawers, and took $500 in cash from a dresser in one of the bedrooms. As this area has no power, it is easy for thieves to get into dark, empty homes without functioning alarms.

The latest statistics on the Con Edison website reports only 1,844 outages in Scarsdale so it’s difficult to know what’s accurate.

Scarsdale’s situation remains one of the worst in the county . With 35% of customers in the dark, we are fourth from the bottom of the list, trailing Pelham Village where 57.5% are without service, the Town of New Castle at 50.8% and the Town of North Castle at 44.9%

Is your power still out? Email and give us your street and cross streets and we will create a list of outages and track the repairs.

On a more positive note, if you don't have internet and would like a wam place to work, Prudential Centennial at 4 Chase Road in Scarsdale invites you to come in and utilize their space.  They are open Monday through Saturday from 9am to 5pm and Sunday from 9:30 am to 4 pm and you can reach them at 914-723-5225.