Sunday, Mar 09th

A Car Break-in and Stolen Gift Cards from the Scarsdale Police

scarsdale-police-car200Car break-in: A black Hyundai, parked in the lot at SHS, was vandalized on March 19th. A student parked the car in the lot at 9 am on 3/19 and when he returned at 3 pm he found that the window on the right passenger door was broken and an Apple iPod Touch was missing from the car.

Stolen Gift Cards: Four American Express gift cards, each valued at $100 each were stolen from a desk drawer at Meritage Properties on Overhill Road sometime between March 12 and March 18. The woman notified Amex who reported that all four gift cards had been used to make purchases in White Plains on March 13 and March 20.

Lost and Found:

Missing Keys: A Yonkers woman came to police headquarters to report that the keys to her Honda Civic and home had been taken while she was teaching a class at Scarsdale High School on the afternoon of March 18. The women subsequently reported that she found the keys.

Missing iPhone: A Britanny Close woman reported that she lost her iPhone 5, valued at $500, while she was en route to the Scarsdale Train Station on March 22. AT&T reported that the phone was used shortly after she lost it. When the woman called the number reported by AT&T it went to voice mail.

Missing boy: A concerned Edgewood mom notified police on March 18 when she could not find her 8 year-old son. The boy had taken the dog for a walk at three pm and she was concerned when he failed to return by 4 pm. Police canvassed the area – and during their search they got a call that the boy had been located at a friend's house.

Found dog: A brown Yorkie with no tags was found on Crawford Lane at 6:45 pm on 3/18. While police were searching for the owners a woman they questioned said she knew the dog's owner and will keep the dog until she could find them. Just after midnight Police got a call from a woman who lives on Saxon Woods Road to say her dog was missing. Police told her where they dog was being kept and to arrange to pick it up.

Identity Theft: An Elm Road woman reported fraudulent activity on her HSBC checking account. On 3/21 she found that withdrawals, amounting to $994.90 had been made from her account in the Netherlands.

Strange: Police were called about a suspicious man walking on Walworth Avenue at 5:30 pm on March 19. The man was talking to himself and acting strangely. Police located the man who said he lives in Mt. Vernon and that he planned to walk home. Police told him it was too far to walk and took him to the bus stop so that he could ride home.

Intruders? Police got two calls about unidentified men on homeowner's property on March 21. The first turned out to be a data collector for the tax revaluation and the second was employed by a pest control company and had been hired to spray the property.

Vandalism: On Kensington Road two outside light fixtures, valued at $200, were damaged overnight on 3/22-3/23/13. A mailbox from across the street was found lying on the ground and it appeared that the mailbox had been used to damage the light fixtures.

Incident at Fox Meadow School: At 4 pm on 3/22 the school secretary at Fox Meadow called police to say that three youths were trying to enter the school to use the bathroom after the school was closed. They were denied access by school staff, but kept trying doors to get in. A teacher said they kids gestured with their hands as if they were shooting guns, which is why they called the police. The kids were spoken to by the responding officer and admonished for their actions. They were reminded of the seriousness of that type of gesture around a school.

Feud: A woman from Black Birch Lane called police on Sunday 3/24 around three pm about a dispute she was having with her neighbors. Her neighbor claims that when the woman parks on the street in front of her house, it makes it difficult for him to get out of his driveway. Also, when both families park on the street it is hard for emergency vehicles to pass by. Police advised both families to park on the same side of the street and to ask the Village to post "no parking" signs on one side of the street.

Accident: Residents of Grand Park Avenue and Broadmoor Road collided at the intersection of Griffen Avenue and Broadmoor Road at 7:30 pm on March 24. The driver of one of the cars was injured and transported to White Plains hospital.