Sunday, Mar 09th

Heathcote Man Arrested for Domestic Incident and Shepherd Attacks Shih Tzu

shepardAt 7:30 am on 5/2 a Leatherstocking Lane man was arrested for obstruction and resisting arrest after police came to the house to investigate a domestic incident involving the man's parents. Police were interviewing the man's 66-year-old father and his son, refused to leave the room, yelled profanities and interrupted the victim. While police were taking the report, the son shouted, "What the fxxx are you writing?" Police ordered the man to place his hands behind his back and he said "Suck my dick you faggot Scarsdale cop." He flailed his arms and pushed the police away while they were attempting to handcuff him. He was taken to police headquarters and then onto Scarsdale Village Court. When he failed to post $5,000 in bail he was remanded to the Westchester County Jail. The judge issued temporary orders of protection for his parents.

The previous night, at 3:12 am, the son was found walking in the middle of Mamaroneck Road. Police spoke to him and he appeared to be drunk and requested a ride home to Leatherstocking Lane.

Air Pistol Shatters Car Window: On the afternoon of April 29 two workmen were having lunch on Overhill Road when a car drove up, stopped next to their car and fired a shot through the passenger window of their car. The suspects then drove away down Overhill Road. The men believe the two suspects used an air pistol. Police searched the area but were unable to find the car.

German Shepherd Attacks Shih Tzu: A Heathcote Road man reported that he went to Metro Deli on Palmer Avenue to pick up some food at noon on April 29. When he went inside he tied his pet Shih Tzu to a pole on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. While he was inside he heard a commotion outside and saw a German Shepherd pouncing on his dog. The German Shepherd was wearing a muzzle and was on a leash that was held by a woman. When the dogs were separated the Shih Tzu appeared to be okay – however, the following day he noticed that the dog was not himself and he brought him to the vet. The vet found that the Shih Tzu had swelling on its spine and was in shock from the attack. Medical bills from the incident were estimated at $1,200 and the owner wanted to document the incident in case the owner of the German Shepherd could be found.

A woman from Oakstwain Road reported that man was sitting in a black Jetta on her street all day. Police spoke to the man who said he was a private investigator employed by the CMP group. Later that day the same man was reported for videotaping the Brewster Road doors of Scarsdale High School.

Identity Theft: On 4/30 a Wildwood Road man reported that someone had used his social security number to file a fraudulent tax return. The IRS reported that they planned to issue a refund of $347,376 for the fraudulent return. The man reported that his accountant's computer with all of his personal information had been breached and that the accountant was working with the FBI and Secret Service because several of the accountant's clients were also victims of identity theft.

A Boulder Brook Road man reported that his Best Buy credit card was used to make $1,500 in purchases from a Best Buy in Pennsylvania on February 1. He also reported that someone used his identity to purchase an AT&T account with 5 phone lines in Virginia in March. The AT&T fraud department found out and the man lost no money on the account.

Missing: A Greenacres Avenue woman reported that $30,000 in gold coins and $1,000 in jewelry were missing from her house. She last saw the items on April 1, 2013. She had removed the items from the safe deposit box to have them appraised.

A demolition saw valued at $1,600 was stolen from a Brite Avenue home where a workman was installing an electric fence on 5/2/13. The saw was stored underneath the man's work van. At the time he noticed a blue pick up truck with a trailer stopped in front of the house and heard a loud noise when the truck pulled away.

Found: A Garth Road woman found a wallet containing $353 in cash, credit cards and a driver's license on Spencer Place on May 4. Police were able to identify the owner of the wallet and contacted him. A car key on a blue metallic ring was found and turned over to police on May 1.

Feces: A Mamaroneck Road woman found feces in a planter on her back porch on May 4. She stated that a few weeks ago she had also found feces there and cleaned it out. Police believed that an animal was the culprit and advised her to fill the planter and install a motion detector light to deter animals away from her property.

Arrests : On 5/1 David Peeler of Mt. Vernon surrendered to police in response to an outstanding bench warrant dating back to 10/2/12 for driving without a license. He was released on his own recognizance and given a court appearance date of 5/8.

Rafael Rosario Rodriguez of the Bronx was arrested for driving without a license, insurance or a valid registration at 9 am on May 3 at the corner of East Parkway and Popham Road in Scarsdale. The 2003 Mercedes he was driving was towed to Heathcote Gulf and police seized the license plates.

Police got a call about solicitors on Garden Road at 4:30 pm on 4/29. Police spoke to one of the solicitors who identified himself as Byron Leach and said he was selling magazines without a permit. Police checked his name and found that he had an outstanding warrant in Carolina for fraud involving a bad check. Police issued Leach a summons for soliciting without a permit.

On May 3, the owners of Ultimate Image Salon on Garth Road reported that a former employee who had been fired had stolen the salon's appointment book from January through March, 2013.

Death: Nadia Sechko, age 106 of Secor Road passed away at her home on the afternoon of May 3. When Sechko's visiting nurse alerted Sechko's son, he called the police and Ms. Sechko was pronounced dead by a paramedic. She was taken to Ballard Durrand Funeral Home in White Plains.

Damage: On the evening of May 5 a tractortrailer entered the IHM parking lot and struck a metal pole at the entrance. The driver then did a u-turn in the parking lot and hit another metal pole as it exited the lot. An employee of the Scarsdale Fire Department saw the incident and provided information about the vehicle to the police.

Locked In: A 2 year-old girl locked herself in her bedroom on Greenacres Avenue on 4/29. The fire department was able to open the door without damaging it and the child was unharmed.

On May 1 a babysitter and a 12 month-old baby got locked inside a room in a house on Stonehouse Road. The fire department was able to unlock the door.

People: Police were called about a disheveled man talking to himself at a bus stop on Weaver Street at 8:25 am on 4/30. Police spoke to the man and he said he was okay and that he was waiting for the bus.

An elderly man came to Village Hall on April 30 to speak to police. He told them that he suspected his daughter of stealing from him. He had reported the thefts to police in November, 2012.

Unwanted Guests: at 1 pm on 5/3 a man from Old Lyme Road called police to help him get rid of two people who refused to leave. The visitors claimed that they had been invited here from Manhattan but were not permitted inside the house. Police told them to leave the property at once.

Dispute: A Rural Drive man was threatened by a glass contractor when he complained about the glass installation and refused to pay. The contractor threatened to damage the man's property if the Scarsdale man "didn't give him his money."

Errant golf ball: A White Plains man was hit in the head with a golf ball while playing at Saxon Woods Road on Sunday morning 5/5. He was found to be conscious and alert and given medical treatment.