Sunday, Mar 09th

Fight in the Kitchen at Seasons and more from the Scarsdale Police

chefshatKain Abrego, age 31 of New Rochelle was arrested on the evening of May 8 after he assaulted a co-worker in the kitchen of Seasons on Wilmot Road in Scarsdale. When police arrived they found Claudy Bretous lying on the kitchen floor. Bretous claimed that Abrego had come up from behind him and punched on the back of his neck, causing Bretous to fall to the floor. Both his neck and cheek were swollen and he was in pain. Bretous was taken to White Plains Hospital. The store manager, Shalom Shushan confirmed Bretous' story and completed a deposition. In addition, police learned that the incident had been videotaped and they reviewed it. Abrego, who is a chef at Seasons, was arrested for assault in the third degree, given a court date of 5/15 and released on $250 bail.

Mischief: An Overhill Road man discovered that someone had wedged screws into all the tires on his 2009 Jeep Cherokee and 2013 Mercedes overnight on 5/8-5/9. He first noticed that the tire pressure light was on in his jeep and took the car to the mechanic who found screws in each tire. When the man returned home, he discovered that more screws had been wedged into his wife's 2013 Mercedes.

Dispute: A Mamaroneck Road woman called police around noon on May 10 to complain that her neighbor was planting trees on her property that posed a danger to existing trees. The complainant said that her neighbor had instructed workers to dig deep holes next to tall existing trees that could become unstable as a result. She said that as she was taking photos of the trees her neighbor threw a rock in her direction. Police told the complainant to call Village Hall and told the neighbor that picture taking was allowed. The neighbor and the gardener denied any rock throwing.


A 17 year-old girl from Kelwynne Road was hit by a 2010 Lexus driven by a Mamaroneck woman at 4:40 pm on Wednesday May 8. The girl was jogging on Carthage Road toward Mamaroneck Road and the driver was headed west on Mamaroneck Road. When the car reached the intersection of Carthage Road it hit the runner. The condition of the girl in not known.

An Ossining man was driving north on the Post Road at 6 pm on 5/6 when he says he was sideswiped by another car driving north in the inside lane. The White Plains woman who was driving the second car said she ran into him because another car, traveling southbound, drove over the double line and she moved over to the right to avoid a head on collision.

Frederick Coleman an 89 –year-old driver from New Rochelle was backing out of a parking space on East Parkway on Tuesday afternoon 5/7 when he hit a 2012 BMW driven by a Bronxville woman.

Three cars were damaged at the exit to the DeCicco's parking lot on the afternoon of May 9 when a car going east on Christie Place collided with a car exiting the parking lot. The impact of the collision caused the car exiting the lot to run into another car parked on Christie Place.

A New Rochelle woman parked her 2006 Infiniti at the Freightway Garage on the morning of May 3. When she returned at 5:40 pm she found that the passenger door had been damaged by a blunt object. The employee from Pro Park who had parked the car was not available.

Found: On 5/6, a woman who had recently moved into a house on Rock Creek Lane found drug paraphernalia in her boiler room and asked police to examine the small, multi-colored pipe. She believed it was left there by the previous owner. The pipe was vouchered at police headquarters.

Lost: A Christie Place woman reported that she lost her 14K engagement ring with a yellow diamond. She last saw it in March and it was valued at $37,500.

A kitchen employee at Chat American Grill reported that his wallet was missing. He left it in a pile of clothes when he changed into his uniform on the night of 5/11 and when he returned to look for it, it was gone. The wallet contained $600 in cash, a Mexican driver's license and a debit card.

Police received a call at 6:48 pm on 5/6 about some kids using vulgar language while playing basketball at the Greenacres School. Police spoke to the boys who acknowledged using bad language and agreed to clean up their act.

Found: A sign for Gtec kids was found posted on a telephone pole at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Heathcote Road. As the company did not have a permit to post the sign it was removed and they were issued a Village code summons.

Swarthmore Road residents found a short, chubby brown, black and white dog at their home on the afternoon of 5/11. The dog had no tags. Police took the dog to headquarters and notified the New Rochelle Humane Society who took custody of the lost dog.

A bike was found on the lawn of a home on Pinecrest Road on the morning of May 10. Police checked their records to see if a bike of this type had been reported stolen but found no matches.

Noisy Bar Mitzvah at WRT: Police got numerous call after midnight on May 12 about a loud party going on at the temple. After the first complaint, the music was turned down but at 4 am police got another call about noise coming from workers dismantling tables and equipment.

Fishing at Library Pond? A young man from Greenacres took his fishing rod to Library Pond on the afternoon of May 8 and tried his luck at catching something. However, a caller alerted police that no fishing was allowed and that there were signs posted to the effect. Police went to the pond and warned the man that no fishing was allowed.

Also at Library Pond, police got a call about a man with suspicious equipment on the afternoon of 5/9. They went to the pond and found the man loading his equipment into his truck. Turns out he was Robert Guadagna from a geese control company who had been retained by the Village to scare the geese away from the pond.

Leak at Christie Place: a water leak in a utility closet of a third floor apartment at Christie Place on May 9 caused water to pour out of the closet, into the apartment below and down to the building's lobby. The fire department was called to handle the incident and the apartment owners were contacted.

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