Scarsdale Police Blotter, September , 2013
- Tuesday, 10 September 2013 14:42
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 10 September 2013 14:48
- Published: Tuesday, 10 September 2013 14:42
- Hits: 7748
Rolling Hazards: A large truck carrying a modular home hit a mailbox on Old Lyme Road and knocked it over at 2:30 pm on September 3. The supervisor of the truck driver said they would pay for the mailbox to be fixed. That same truck also hit a tree at another home on Meadow Road.
A landscaping vehicle carrying two large trees knocked down wires at the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Ramsey Road at 10:20 am on September 4. The truck driver said he had the trees tied down but the straps had snapped.
I.C. Defigueiredo of Mount Vernon was stopped by police on Fenimore Road on September 3 when the scanner picked up a lapsed registration due to lack of insurance. Police parked the man's 2000 Toyota on Tompkins Road and the license plates were removed. Defigueiredo was given a summons' for driving without a registration or insurance.
Asleep on Post Road:
Police found a man asleep on a bench at the bus stop on the Post Road near Murray Hill Road at 1:24 am on September 9. The man identified himself as Charles Daniels and said he was resting before he continued his trip to 125th Street. Police told him he was not permitted to sleep in public areas of Scarsdale so he set off to walk down the Post Road.
A Fuss at Village Hall:
A Richbell Road woman got into it with the Scarsdale Building Inspector Nunzio A. Pietrosanti and department personnel at Village Hall on the morning of September 3rd. She was inquiring about a survey when she became abusive to the Planning Department employees, slamming folders on the counter. She accused the staff of giving her incorrect information and of improper record keeping. Personnel at Village Hall ended up calling the Scarsdale Police for assistance but no arrests were made.
A Valley Road man reported that his car had been entered overnight while it was parked in his driveway. The glove box was emptied but nothing was taken.
On September 4 a Meadow Road woman reported that her home had been egged sometime in the past week. Though there was no damage she wanted to document the incident.
The custodian at Edgewood School called about a small fire at the school at 11:18 pm on September 4. The fire in a garbage can near the basketball court was extinguished by the Scarsdale Fire Department.
Police found a large black handbag in the road at the intersection of Garden and Oxfrod Road at 12:20 am on September 5. They identified the owner, a Valhalla woman, from the contents and contacted her to retrieve the bag. She found that nothing was missing from the bag.
An American Express Card that belonged to a Tuckahoe Man was found by police in front of 51 East Parkway in Scarsdale Village on September 6. The credit card was secured at police headquarters.
An employee of the Highway Department reported that he lost his wallet while working for the Scarsdale Bus Company on September 5. The wallet contained several credit cards, his union card, health insurance card and $280.00.
An 11 year-old girl lost a pink wallet that contained a $100 gift card and $95 in cash on Popham Road when she was walking home fro Scarsdale Village around 5 pm on September 5.
A member of the Quaker Ridge Golf Club had his wallet stolen at the club on August 23 between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. On Monday August 26 he received his wallet in a package in the mail, however some credit cards and money were missing. He contacted the post office and they may have a picture of the person who brought in the package.
Door to Door:
A solicitor from Power Homes Remodeling was given a warning after he was found to be soliciting without a permit on Ardmore and Carthage Road at 5 pm on September 5.
Classic Pest Control was called to Davis Park on the evening of September 5 to kill bees and remove a bee hive from the park.
No Dumping:
On September 6 a resident reported that Briga Landscaping had been dumping grass and clippings on village property in a wooded area on Correll Road and Thornwood Place. Police asked her to advise them when the company was dumping waste so that they could issue a violation.
Risky Business:
At 8 pm on September 6 police received a report about a Optimum repairman who was up on a ladder on Cornell Street without any safety cones or lights around the ladder. Police went by and told the repairman about the recent death of another repairman on River Road when his ladder was hit by a car. The man said he would be more careful in the future.