Two Women Arrested in Scarsdale and more from the Police
- Tuesday, 24 September 2013 15:14
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 01 October 2013 16:11
- Published: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 15:14
- Hits: 7716
A 24 year-old Mt. Vernon woman was arrested for identity theft, grand larceny and unlawful possession of an id for stealing a Scarsdale woman's debit card and using it to make purchases and withdraw cash on July 20th. Michelle Morgan of Mt. Vernon was caught making unauthorized purchases totaling $209.28 on videotape at a CVS Pharmacy in Mt. Vernon. She also used the bankcard to withdraw $600 from a Sovereign Bank ATM machine inside the store. Scarsdale detectives received the videotape from CVS on July 25 and the victim, a 25 year-old woman from Scarsdale, positively identified Morgan. Receipts were also subpoenaed from the bank. Morgan surrendered to Scarsdale Police on September 16 and was arraigned before Judge Galloway who set bail at $2,000. Since Morgan was not able to post the bail she was transported to Westchester County Jail to await a court date of September 25.
Maureen Hart, age 50 of Hartsdale, who is the ex-wife of Matthew Hart of Lockwood Road in Scarsdale, was arrested for aggravated harassment on September 18. She surrendered to police in response to warrant for her arrest. She was brought before Judge Galloway and released on her own recognizance. An order of protection was issued.
Thefts: A Christie Place man reported that $49 in cash and tableware valued at $170 was stolen from his apartment between September 13 and 14.
A Chateaux Circle man reported that the BMW logo had been removed from the trunk of his car while it was parked overnight in the Christie Place garage on September 21-22. A Griffen Road man also reported that his 2007 Prosche was stripped of two center hubcaps and the Porsche hood ornament with the car was parked in the same garage that night.
Identity Theft: A Butler Road man reported that three store credit cards were opened in his name on the weekend of August 31 and unauthorized purchases were made on the accounts. A $1,000 purchase was made at Victoria Secrets, $6,806.78 in merchandise was purchased at Loews and $401 was spent at Lord and Taylor. The Scarsdale man had no idea how his personal information was stolen – but suspects someone went through his garbage or gained access to his banking information or W-2 forms.
A Tompkins Road woman placed a treadmill and stationary exercise bike in her driveway on September 18 to be picked up by the Salvation Army. However, someone else beat out the charitable organization for the donation. When they arrived to pick up the equipment at 1 pm the goods were gone and all that remained was a label that read "Salvation Army."
Vandals: A 2008 Toyota RAV 4 was vandalized while it was parked on Cornell Street overnight on September 17-18. The front passenger window was smashed causing about $110 in damage.
The storm door of a home on Clarence Road was shattered sometime on September 18. The homeowner found the damaged door at 2 pm. It appeared that something had been thrown at the door but nothing was found in the area. The man said he would ask the gardener if something occurred when they were at his home.
Death: Mayer Tendler, age 98, passed away at a home on Morris Lane at 4:00 pm on September 21. The family called Dr. Hillel Hammerman at 3:50 pm to come to the house when Tendler was breathing with difficulty. When the doctor arrived Tendler had passed away and the doctor signed the death certificate.
Road Rage: An incident of road rage was reported in front of the police station at the intersection of Fenimore Road and the Post Road at 9 am on September 16. The incident began a few minutes earlier at the intersection of Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue. A woman driving a Mercedes Benz cut off the driver of a Buick. At that point, the driver of the Buick began tailgating the Mercedes and gave the driver the finger. In response, the driver of the Mercedes blew kisses at the man driving the Buick. Both cars stopped at the light at Fenimore and Post Roads and the driver of the Buick passed the Mercedes on the left by driving into oncoming traffic. An accident occurred but there was no damage to either car.
Signs: Police found a sign for Gtec kids posted in front of the Quaker Ridge School at 1:22 am on September 17. The sign was removed and the company was given a summons for Public Posting of Notices.
Stranger: A Greenacres woman reported a suspicious man parked in front of the Greenacres School on the morning of September 17. She said that he did not appear to be associated with the school and at one point he got out of his car to throw a ball back to children playing on the playground. She first saw him a week ago and then saw him two more times. He was described as a white male, 50-60 years old who was balding.
Smoke: The County Fire Department entered an unoccupied house on Hathaway Road on the morning of September 17 when the smoke alarm was activated. They got in through an open window and found food cooking on the stove. The homeowner returned and said she had inadvertently left the stove on when she left the house. Fans were set up to ventilate the smoky house.
Truck on the Hutch: A truck travelling on the Hutchinson River Parkway struck the bridge at Weaver Street at 8 pm on September 19. After hitting the bridge the top of the truck was damaged and the vehicle was leaning to the right. County Police stopped the truck driver and confirmed that he hit the bridge and damaged his truck.
Found Wallets: A White Plains woman left her wallet on one of the vendors stands during the food festival on Sunday in Scarsdale. The vendor turned the wallet over to police and they notified the woman who came in to retrieve it. A second wallet, belonging to a Mamaroneck woman, was also found at the festival. It was turned over to police who contacted the owner. She came to pick it up and said all the contents were intact.
This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.