Burglary on Saxon Woods Road and more from the Scarsdale Police
- Monday, 10 March 2014 17:39
- Last Updated: Thursday, 13 March 2014 12:59
- Published: Monday, 10 March 2014 17:39
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 7468
A Saxon Woods Road resident returned home at 6:40 pm on March 5 and saw two men leaving the back door of his house. When the suspects saw him they ran down Saxon Woods Road towards White Plains. Police called White Plains and Westchester County Police who brought K-9 units to track the scent of the suspects down Saxon Woods Road. The resident found his back door ajar and the door jamb broken. Inside the master bedroom closet was tossed and boxes and bags had been thrown around. A closet in a spare bedroom was also tossed. The house does have an alarm but it was not on at the time of the incident. At the time, the house was dark and there were no cars in the driveway. Records show a missed phone call to the house at 12:23 pm.
Car Flips in Hartsdale: A black sedan flipped on Hartsdale Avenue in Hartsdale around 2:30 pm on Friday afternoon March 7. Witnesses were not sure why the car flipped onto its side – as the weather was clear and there was no ice on the road. A Scarsdale resident said she was exiting the nail salon when she saw an older woman being taken out of the car and placed on a stretcher. The driver waved to the crowd that had assembled around the scene as she was driven off in an ambulance. Several fire trucks came to Hartsdale where they loaded the car onto blocks before righting it onto all four wheels.
Vandalism: The parking ticket machine at the parking garage at 7 Popham Road was damaged overnight on 3/7 – 3/8. The machine was broken into, the top and display screen were cracked and the ink cartridge was removed. Police reviewed film from two surveillance cameras in the area.
Scammed: A 77 year-old Brite Avenue man reported that he was the victim of an internet scam on 3/8. He told police that he received a suspicious message on his computer on 3/5. The sender claimed to be the F.B.I. and said that he had a number of computer violations. They offered to clear the locked status of the computer for $200. On March 6 the man received a phone call from a Windows Specialist named Gary who said he was aware of the virus on the computer and offered to help remove it. The Scarsdale man spent 2 hours on the phone with Gary who showed the man how to give him (Gary) remote access to his computer. Gary then asked for $210 for removing the virus, payable via PayPal. The Scarsdale man made the payment however he rescinded it shortly thereafter. Police told the man to have his banks watch out for unauthorized transactions.
At 6 pm on 3/6 a Barry Road man called to say that a man knocked on his door and said he was a representative from Power Remodeling and that he would be shutting off power to the house. After the homeowner asked questions, the man left the area.
Harassed: On March 4, an employee at DeCiccos in Scarsdale Village complained that two people at the market made inappropriate comments to her between March 1 and March 4.
Identity theft: On 3/7 a Johnson Road man reported that someone had changed his address and passwords on his Bank of America accounts including three checking accounts and a money market account. The bank locked his account before any funds could be stolen.
An Ardsley woman left her Amex card at Starbucks in Scarsdale after she used it to purchase coffee on March 7. On March 8 she received a fraud alert from Amex when $1,340 in purchases were made on her card at stores in the Westchester. The card was cancelled. Police plan to review Starbucks surveillance video.
Locked out: The caretaker of a baby on Lyme road called police at 1 pm on 3/7 when she inadvertently locked herself out of the house. The Fire Department arrived and let her in. The child was asleep the entire time. A Bradford Road woman called police when she was locked out of her house at 12:49 am on March 9. The Fire Department got in through an unlocked second floor window and let the woman into the house.
Drunk: A Lincoln Road woman called police at 3 am on March 4 after she learned that her husband was returning home from White Plains Hospital where he had been admitted on 3/3 for intoxication. Police greeted the man and warned him that no unlawful activity would be tolerated.
Lost bag: A man reported that he lost a green and black book bag at the Scarsdale Train Station on February 6. The bag contained work documents and an Expediter License issued by the NYC Department of Building.
Lost plate: A Boulder Brook Road man reported that the front license plate was missing from his 2011 BMW. He made the report on March 4.
Found wallet: Police found a wallet that belonged to a White Plains woman on East Parkway at 6 pm on 3/5. The woman had reported it lost.
Violation: Police stopped Shawn Hanley of East Northport, NY on Weaver Street at 4 pm on March 4 after their scanner revealed that he was driving with a suspended registration due to non-payment of parking violations. Hanley was issued a traffic summons and the car was towed.