Sunday, Mar 09th

Police Nab Car Thieves on Post Road

screwdriverCar Thieves Caught on Post Road: A 24 year-old Yonkers man and a 21 year-old woman from Mt. Vernon were arrested at 1 am on Monday morning 3/24 for speeding in a stolen car in Scarsdale. A Scarsdale Police officer pulled the 1998 Honda Civic over after he clocked it going 57 mph on the White Plains Post Road. Police asked the occupants of the car for the registration and found that the car had been reported stolen by the New Rochelle Police Department. The driver, who only had a learner's permit, was identified as Erica J. Heard, age 21 of Yonkers and the passenger was George B. Smith of Mt. Vernon. Neither could provide a plausible explanation of how they came to be driving a stolen car. Both were arrested for possession of stolen property, unauthorized use of a vehicle and possession of burglar tools. The car was impounded and towed. A screwdriver and wrench that were found in the car were placed into evidence. The two were arraigned before Judge Galloway who remanded them to Westchester County Jail pending a March 26th court date.

Five car pile-up: A driver, rushing to make a turn before the light turned red caused a 5-car accident on the Post Road at 8:56 am on Monday March 17th. Marcia Miller of Mt. Vernon was driving a 2003 Buick in the right northbound lane of the Post Road. Eager to turn right before the light turned red, she struck a second car that was stopped in traffic directly in front of her in the northbound right lane of the Post Road. The impact of the crash caused the second car to rear end a third car, which in turn hit a fourth car which hit a fifth car.

A Scarsdale man, driving his 2013 BMW on the Post Road on Friday morning attempted to go around a Westchester County bus that was dropping off a passenger and collided with the bus.

Hit and run: Another Scarsdale driver, in a 2008 BMW, attempted to park on Scarsdale Avenue at 7:30 pm on Friday 3-21 and hit two cars. He first tried to pull into a space and hit a 2013 Ford and then went further south on Scarsdale Avenue, tried to park again, and hit a 2003 Acura. He left the scene of both accidents but a witness gave police his license plate number and he was later caught and given a citation for leaving the scene of an accident.

Speeding driver: A Murray Hill Road man called police at 5 pm on 3-18 to say that he has seen a young man speeding in a white BMW several times. According to the man, the driver was "flying down Morris," swerving around bumps and speeding. Police contacted the owner of the car and she said her high school-age son often drives it. She said she would speak to her son and have him call the police.

Missing: Concerned Church Lane parents called police on the morning of 3-23 when they were unable to locate their 22 year-old daughter with whom they had last spoken at 3:30 pm the previous afternoon. They contacted their daughter's ex-boyfriend who said she left his house at 10 pm the previous night. They also got a call from Metro North to say that the girl's wallet was found on the train. Police called the young woman's friends and also began processing the paperwork to file a missing person report. However, while they were working parents made contact with their daughter who said that her cell phone battery had died and she lost her wallet.

Ring and run: A White Road mom called police at 6 pm on 3-23 and asked them to speak to her 10 year-old son about the dangers of ringing doorbells and running from house to house. Police went to the house and spoke to the family about the issue.

Harassed: A Harcourt Road woman complained that she has been stalked and harassed since February 16 by an unnamed suspect. The suspect was charged with aggravated harassment and stalking for sending emails, calling and saying that he was "watching her house, and that he had seen her with another person. The suspect called the woman's house at 2 am, 3 am and 6 am and also repeatedly called her at work.

Upset: A representative from Empire Blue Cross called police at 5 pm on 3-18 when one of their subscribers was emotionally upset and threatened to harm herself due to the cost of her new medicine. Police contacted the woman who had calmed down.

Fight: Representatives from Ruby's Plumbing and Heating complained that someone named Benny had hired them to do plumbing work at 26 Popham Road. While they were there they had a disagreement with Benny and decided they did not want to complete the job. They left without collecting any payment for the work they had completed, but then got a threatening phone call from Benny who said he would "kill him."

Vandals: A Tisdale Road man called police on 3/21 when he returned home from vacation and found that his front lamppost was damaged and a wood 2X4 was left at his home.

Identity thefts:

A Heathcote Road woman reported that she was the victim of fraud on her iPhone account. Her phone stopped working on Sunday March 16 and when she called Verizon she found that someone had deactivated her phone, changed the billing address on her account and used her upgrades to purchase three iPhones at Radio Shack. Radio Shack reviewed their video surveillance and identified the suspects.

A Black Hawk Road man reported that he was the victim of identity theft when someone attempted to make a fraudulent wire transfer from his account on 3-11.
An 87 year-old Popham Road woman said that she misplaced her American Express Card on 3-15. When she called AMEX they advised her that someone had changed her billing address on 2-13. The account was cancelled.

A Haverford Road man reported that someone attempted to file a tax return, using his name and social security number on December 13, 2013.

Turkey: Police continued to receive calls about the wild turkey blocking traffic. He was spotted on Fenimore Road on the morning of 3-17 and at 4 pm he was stopping cars at the intersection of Greenacres Avenue and Farley Road.

Needles: A called reported that four hypodermic needles were on the ground on Bradley Road on the morning of 3/21. Police collected them and took them to SVAC for safe disposal.

Help: A Gorham Court woman called police on the afternoon of 3/21 for assistance getting her elderly husband into the house.

Asleep at the station: Police were called at 8:20 am on 3-22 about a man asleep in the pedestrian overpass above the Scarsdale Train Station. Police woke up the man who identified himself as Scott Johnson. He agreed to leave the area.


Meghan Gannon age 26 of Yonkers was stopped by Scarsdale Police at the Heathcote Bypass and Secor Road on the evening of 3-17 when their scanner revealed that the registration for the car she was driving was suspended due to parking violations. The plates were removed from the car and it was towed. She was given a summons for driving with a suspended registration.

D.F. Masucci, Jr., age 68 was stopped by police on Weaver Street on the evening of 3-17 when the scanner showed he was driving with a suspended registration due to an insurance lapse. The plates were removed from the car, it was towed and he was given a summons for driving with a suspended registration.

Aryn Wexler, age 31 of Jericho NY was stopped on the Post Road at 10:20 pm on 3/17 for driving with a suspended registration due to a lapse in insurance. The plates were removed from the car, it was towed and he was given a summons.

Fernando Rodriguez, age 52 of White Plains, surrendered to Scarsdale Police on March 19 in response to an outstanding bench warrant. He was booked and given a court date of 3-29. He was found to also have an outstanding bench warrant from White Plains so the White Plains Police picked him up and took him into custody.

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