DWI's and An Arrest at Scarsdale10583
- Monday, 19 May 2014 17:52
- Last Updated: Monday, 19 May 2014 17:54
- Published: Monday, 19 May 2014 17:52
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 9380
Arrest: On 5/12 Walter Collins, age 60 of Mt. Vernon was arrested for identity theft after police discovered that he had deposited altered checks from the account of Bradford Road residents in his account. The checks had been stolen from the victim's mailbox. Collins was charged with Identity Theft 2nd Degree, Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th and Grand Larceny 4th Degree, all Class E Felonies.
Police arrested a Brooklyn man for drunk driving in the wee hours of the morning of May 18 after they saw his 2009 Nissan Maxima pulled over to the side of the Post Road at 3:30 am and saw a female passenger vomiting out of the car. The driver was identified as Jesus Santiago, age 31, of Brooklyn. He admitted to drinking three vodka and cranberry drinks at Elements in White Plains and subsequently failed sobriety tests and was found to have a BAC of .12. He was given summons for DWI and released on $100 bail. The passenger was identified as Sara Ross, age 20 of Tarrytown. She was taken to the White Plains ER for evaluation and treatment.
Lucas Calderon, age 19 of Heathcote Road was arrested for driving while intoxicated and unlawful possession of marijuana after he was stopped by police for crossing the yellow line into oncoming traffic at 11:45 pm on Saturday May 17. Police pulled Calderon over on Heathcote Road and noticed the smell of alcohol. Calderon could not initially provide his driver's license but found it in his wallet after being asked three times. Calderon told police he was driving home a friend home whom had too much to drink. Calderon stumbled and swayed when he exited the car, failed sobriety tests and was found to have BAC of .18%. He was arrested for DWI, driving to the left of the center line and for unlawful possession of marijuana. A search of his record indicated a previous arrest for drug related charges. He was taken to the hospital for evaluation and released to his father.
Identity Thefts:
A 50 year-old Weaver Street woman reported fraudulent activity on her HSBC checking account on May 14. Between May 12-14, eight fraudulent transactions were made on her account.
On May 18, a Walworth Avenue man reported that he lost $2,200 due to identify theft. Three unauthorized transactions resulted in the wiring of the funds to an unknown recipient at TD Bank.
Two cars parked in the driveway of a home on Stonehouse Road were entered overnight on 5/11 -5/12. The cars had been left unlocked and loose change was taken.
Death: Shirley Rejan, age 92 of Palmer Avenue passed away on May 18. The death was reported by her son.
A Sycamore Road woman reported that her 2.5 carat round cut diamond ring in a platinum band was missing from her home. The ring is valued at $30,000 and she last saw it in the master bathroom on April 30th. During that time workmen had been in the house.
An iPhone 5S was taken from a locker at the Scarsdale Middle School on May 12. A 13 year-old girl left the phone in the locker around 1:40 pm on 5/12 and when she returned at 2:30 the phone was gone. The locker was not locked.
An employee of Green with Envy on Harwood Court complained that a customer borrowed two necklaces on consignment from the store on 4-23 and failed to return them after repeated phone calls. The necklaces were valued at $579. Police contacted the customer who said that she planned to return them.
Accidents: A 3-car accident occurred on the Post Road on the morning of May 15 when one car, travelling north on the Post Road in the left lane attempted to change lanes and hit another northbound car. The second car was deflected into oncoming traffic and hit a third car travelling south on the Post Road. One driver complained of pain in the wrist but refused treatment.
Due to an estate sale on Morris Lane on Friday May 16, parked cars were lining both sides of the narrow street. A driver turned right from Heathcote Road onto Morris Lane and struck one of the parked cars as they were was so little space.
A lamppost at a home on Birchall Drive was damaged overnight on 5/16- 5/17. It appeared that someone had hit the lamppost with an object. The same incident had occurred previously.
Aspen Road residents reported that a rear storm window was broken and several items were missing from their yard on May 17. A few months ago another window on the side of the house was broken. The residents have had issues with their sister-in-law in the past.
Exterior lights, valued at $900, at a home on Morris Lane were also damaged sometime between 5-14 and 5-17. It appeared that the lights were struck with an object.
Traffic Violations:
Christine Andersen, age 46 of Tuckahoe was stopped on Weaver Street on 5/17 when their scanner revealed she was driving an uninsured card. The car was towed to the woman's home and she was issued a traffic summons for driving with a suspended registration.
Jane Billet-Morgan, age 52 of White Plains was issued summons for speeding and driving with a suspended registration on the Post Road at 7 pm on May 18. Police stopped her for speeding and then found that the registration was suspended for parking violations. Billet-Morgan was issued traffic summons and the car was towed.
Dispute: On May 15, An Aspen Road man asked police to escort him to his house so that he could change the locks. He believed his ex-wife may have been at the house.
Cat: A cat was run over on Popham Road around noon on May 18th. The cat died and police called the sanitation department to handle the remains.
This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.