Sunday, Mar 09th

Dirty Laundry and a Death from the Scarsdale Police

LaundryBagDirty Laundry: A bag of laundry that was left outside a home on Walworth Avenue on the morning of August 25th for pick up by the dry cleaners was stolen before the cleaners arrived. The bag contained 5 pairs of pants and 8 shirts, valued at approximately $600.

Burglary on Springdale Road: Police responded to an alarm at a house on Springdale Road at 4:40 pm on August 28 and found that the glass on the back door was shattered. Inside, a safe in the master bedroom was open and empty. The rest of the house appeared to be undisturbed. The resident said several watches were taken from the safe as well as an envelope containing $150 which was taken from a drawer in the bedroom.


Brooklyn Man Arrested for Identity Theft: Police arrested Adrian Smith age 19 of Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn on August 28 for identity theft, possession of forged instrument and grand larceny for cashing $6,830.76 in forged checks from a Mamaroneck Road resident's account. A representative from the bank where the checks were cashed provided the Scarsdale detective with a name and address for the account holder on the forged checks. Police went to the man's house to arrest him. When presented with the checks, Smith said, "oh I received those in the mail from somebody." Smith was brought to Scarsdale where he was booked and processed and arraigned before Judge Arlene Katz who set bail at $15,000. Since he could not make bail he was taken to the Westchester County jail.

Joshua Eugene Simmons, age 40 of Philadelphia, PA was arrested for driving under the influence, unlawful possession of marijuana and refusing to take a chemical text on August 26 after he crashed into a tree while driving on Popham Road. Police followed Simmons to the ER following the accident. Simmons did not remember where he was prior to the accident and admitted to smoking marijuana. He was confused and did not know why he was in the hospital and had impaired perception. Police seized one marijuana cigarette, towed Simmons car and arrested him.

Death: Robert Moss, age 90 of Butler Road passed away on the morning of August 27 at his home. His home health aid notified the family and the police when Ross stopped breathing at 6:30 am. His doctor said he would sign the death certificate and his body was taken to Ballard-Durand funeral parlor.


A Scarsdale woman driving north in the left lane on the Post Road at 8 am on August 30 hit a police car after the policeman put on his emergency lights and made a u turn. The police car cut her off and she hit him. Both cars had to be towed after the accident.

A Mamaroneck woman lost control of her 2014 Toyota at 8 pm on Saturday August 30th while driving east on Mamaroneck Road. Her car jumped the curb and then collided with a telephone pole on the south side of the street.

A White Plains woman who was driving east on Fenimore Road at 1:30 on Tuesday August 26th, lost control of her car, ran into the curb and got two flat tires on the right side of the car and damaged the body of the car. She said she was looking at the radio to change stations when the accident occurred.

A Yonkers man drove into the traffic median in front of 8 Corell Road on the morning of August 27th because he was looking at his cell phone while driving.

Dog: A Hamilton Road woman ran over a dog on Hamilton Road at 4 pm on Friday August 29th. She said she felt her car roll over something and stopped to see what happened. She then realized it was a dog who died before police arrived. The dog belonged to another Hamilton Road resident and was taken to White Plains animal hospital.

Wasp: A Larchmont woman drove into another car on Weaver Street on the afternoon of August 28 when she said a wasp flew into her car. She attempted to get rid of the wasp, lost control of the car and hit the car which was driven by a Brooklyn man.

Found: A BMW car key with a Burke Smart Fitness tag was found in front of the Scarsdale Post Office on Chase Road on the evening of 8/27 and turned over to police.

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