Sunday, Mar 09th

Burglars Strike Fox Meadow Road Home, Babysitter Charged with Grand Larceny after Stealing Jewelry

burglarAt approximately 8 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 15, Fox Meadow Road residents returned home from a day trip to Boston to find their house had been burglarized. Upon entering the house, they first noticed their master bedroom window broken and their belongings scattered across the room. Thinking the perpetrator might still be inside the house, they immediately left and called 911. Police checked the house and confirmed the burglars were no longer there. Investigation has led police to believe the suspects used a pry tool to break the window, through which the suspects subsequently entered and exited the house. In the master bedroom, police noted several empty jewelry boxes on the bed, as well as personal items removed from the closet and thrown on the floor. While canvassing the outside of the house, police noticed an open package addressed to the homeowner. The contents appeared, however, to be undisturbed inside the box. According to the residents, stolen items included women's jewelry, men's watches and currency. Police are following up.

On Nov. 12, police arrested Fjorida Hasanpapaj, 23, of White Plains, on felony charges of third-degree grand larceny and first-degree criminal possession of stolen property. Hasanpapaj is accused of stealing at least 13 pieces of jewelry, worth over $30,000, from a Walworth Avenue woman who employed Hasanpapaj in her home as a babysitter. According to police, the employer noticed pieces of her jewelry – including diamond earrings, gold necklaces, gold cuff links and earrings set with semi-precious stones – were going missing during the months Hasanpapaj was employed in the house. Following an investigation by police, Hasanpapaj was identified as a suspect and interviewed about the jewelry's disappearance. During the interview she made admissions about the thefts and provided detectives with a written statement. Detectives followed up by visiting a Hartsdale pawnshop, where they confirmed Hasanpapaj pawned some of the jewelry for cash.

Hasanpapaj was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and released on $400 cash bail. An attorney from Legal Aid Society was assigned to the defendant, and the case was adjourned to Dec. 10. Hasanpapaj was advised to refrain from any contact or communication with her former employer. Police said the investigation remains active, as they continue their attempts to locate additional pieces of the stolen jewelry, as well as talk to other families for which the defendant may have worked.

DWI Arrest

At approximately 6:15 a.m., Nov. 15, police were called to a reported accident in which a car left the roadway and came to rest in bushes at the corner of Heathcote and Stratton roads. According to police, the driver – Vitaly Polikoff, 59, of Waterbury, Connecticut – had fallen asleep behind the wheel, and the car came to rest in the bushes, with its engine still running. The police report further noted that after Polikoff woke up, he had glassy eyes, poor balance and an alcoholic beverage odor on his breath. Polikoff failed field sobriety tests administered by police. He refused to submit to an Alco-sensor breath screening test, stating it was "against my religion." He claimed the reason for his behavior and his inability to successfully complete the field sobriety tests was because of complications from diabetes. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived to evaluate Polikoff's condition; however, emergency medical technicians found no symptoms of Polikoff being in a diabetic state due to abnormal blood sugar levels. Polikoff refused further medical attention. Patrol again asked Polikoff to submit to a breath test, but he refused. At 7:03 a.m., police arrested Polikoff on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense). He acknowledged and waived his Miranda rights and DWI warnings at headquarters. At headquarters, Polikoff repeatedly refused to submit to the Data Master blood alcohol level test, stating he was "against any chemical tests." In addition to being charged with DWI (first offense), Polikoff was also charged with refusal to submit to a breath test and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Police sent a refusal report to the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles. At 10:12 a.m., Polikoff was released to his tenant, from Larchmont, on $100 cash bail. He was instructed to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Nov. 19. Pending resolution of the matter, Polikoff was advised his driving privileges in New York State were suspended.


On Nov. 15, a Palmer Avenue man reported patio furniture, a stainless steel barbecue grill and a leaf blower had been stolen from his backyard sometime over the past several weeks. Since the man has been recently travelling back and forth between New York and Florida, he could not remember exactly when he had last seen the items in his backyard. The combined value of the missing items was estimated to be approximately $3,000.


A Fox Meadow Road woman reported an unknown man called her and stated, "Your whole family is gonna get f---ed" Nov. 12. The caller was also concerned about a man sitting in a car outside her house. Police questioned the man and determined he was a private investigator.

On Nov. 12, the manager of a Christie Place hair salon reported she had been harassed by a former employee while firing that employee outside the salon. The incident allegedly began with a verbal argument, which caused the employee to scream at the manger in front of clients inside the salon. When both women left the salon to continue their dispute outside, the manager told the employee she was being fired. The employee allegedly threw her handbag at the manager and shoved the manager's shoulder. The manger said she was not injured but was fearful the former employee might return to the store and cause another disturbance. Police called the former employee to advise that she should not return to the hair salon. The manager said the former employee's outstanding wages would be sent to her bank account via direct deposit.

Identity theft

On Nov. 10, a Vernon Road woman reported three unauthorized transactions on her PayPal account that posted to her American Express and Bank of America accounts. The woman discovered the fraudulent transactions while reviewing and deleting over 4,000 email messages since Oct. 31. She notified her banking institutions, and they refunded her the money lost from the fraudulent transactions.

On Nov. 12, a Ross Road couple came to headquarters to report someone fraudulently withdrew money from each of their two daughters' Chase savings accounts, transferred that money into the couple's joint account and attempted to withdraw it via 14 Chase Quickpay transactions. The suspect also attempted to change the couple's delivery of statements from mailed paper statements to electronic paperless statements. Chase Bank was suspicious of the transactions and did not let them go through. Chase Bank's fraud department is following up. Police advised the couple to monitor their credit report.

On Nov. 15, a Post Road man reported someone fraudulently used his personal information to open two separate Dish Network accounts for satellite television services. One account was active from May 2012 to Oct. 2013 in Katy, Texas. The other account, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, was still currently active. The man told police he has been aware of the fraudulent activity for over one year, since he first received a collection notice for one of the accounts in December 2013. He said he neglected to file a police report because he was attempting to resolve the matter directly with Dish Network. He only decided to report it to police after receiving another collection notice this month. Patrol advised him to carefully monitor his finances and credit report for additional fraudulent activity.


A Richbell Close man reported he might have responded to a possibly fraudulent email and provided his personal information, including his Social Security number, Nov. 11. He received the email after closing his AOL credit card, and he first believed the email was related to that action. However, after responding to the email, the man became suspicious and contacted AOL. AOL confirmed the email did not originate from their company. Police advised the man to monitor his credit report for possibly fraudulent activity.

A Brambach Road woman received a call from a man alleging to be a Homeland Security agent Nov. 10. The man said the woman was "in trouble." She told the man she wished to be contacted by mail regarding any "trouble" she might be in. Later the man called the woman's cell phone and told her the same story. The woman wanted police to document the incident.


Four boys were fighting in a Weaver Street driveway and one boy's mother called police Nov. 10. The boys told patrol the dispute was about $20 that one boy borrowed from another earlier that day and had not yet repaid. The mother paid the outstanding debt, and patrol advised the boys to stay away from each other.

On Nov. 14, an employee at a Palmer Avenue hair salon reported an ongoing issue she is having with a male co-worker.

Missing bicycle

On Nov. 10, a Grand Boulevard man reported his green and purple Trek bicycle was stolen from the bike rack at the Scarsdale train station Nov. 7. Later, he called headquarters to cancel the report after realizing his wife had picked up his bike and brought it home.


On Nov. 12, a woman who works in the village told police she believes someone might be following her. She said she has a seen a suspicious SUV parked outside her place of employment several times within the week. She has not, however, seen anyone inside the SUV or standing around outside it. She wanted police to document her observations.


Sewage was backing up into a Woods Lane house Nov. 10. Patrol notified the highway department.

Due to ongoing mechanical problems, police placed "out of service" signs on the elevator in Freightway Garage Nov. 14.

A Brite Avenue resident heard noises on her roof near a skylight and asked police to investigate at 3:50 a.m., Nov. 15. Patrol found a small hole near the skylight and deduced an animal had probably entered the house. Patrol advised the woman on solutions to remedy the problem.

An 11-year-old boy was home alone playing video games when he thought he heard footsteps in his house and called police at 4:45 p.m., Nov. 15. Police checked the entire house to confirm the absence of trespassers. They called the boy's parents and waited with the boy until his parents returned.

Cars and roadways

At 5 a.m., Nov. 10, police received complaints about a speeding and erratic driver on Murray Hill Road and Morris Lane. Patrol investigated the area and found only two drivers who were delivering newspapers. They were not breaking any vehicle and traffic laws.

A woman complained that a car was blocking her driveway on Gaylor Road Nov. 10. In return, she parked her car half in her driveway and half blocking the car in question. Patrol asked her to pull her car fully into her driveway to alleviate the condition.

Police removed metal debris from Post Road after a motorist complained Nov. 10.

During traffic enforcement on Weaver Street Nov. 11, police issued a summons to a North Carolina driver whose license had been suspended because of an insurance lapse.

A driver struck a deer near the intersection of Heathcote Road and Morris Lane around 7 p.m., Nov. 12. The deer ran into the woods following the collision.

A driver accidentally left his parked Acura with its door open and the key in the ignition on Paddington Road Nov. 13. Police shut off the car, found the driver and returned the key to the driver.

Police contacted a towing service for a driver who needed to have her disabled car towed from Popham and Post roads to her house in the Bronx Nov. 13.

A tree situated on private property on Walworth Avenue fell onto a neighbor's car and across the roadway Nov. 14. Patrol contacted the owner of the car and notified the highway department for removal.

Police removed a shovel from Post Road Nov. 11.

Police spoke to the driver of a car idling in front of a Catherine Road house Nov. 15. The driver said he was waiting to pick up his daughter from a nearby party.

Police contacted a towing service for a driver who needed to have a disabled car towed from East Parkway roads to the driver's house on Fenimore Road Nov. 15.

Another towing service was called for a Weaver Street driver whose rear wheels were missing lug nuts Nov. 15.

On Nov. 16, police called for a tow service to help a driver whose car got a flat tire at Secor Road and Reynal Crossing.

Police asked the driver of a parked car on Greendale Avenue to move the car so it would not block a resident's driveway Nov. 16.

This week, 10 car accidents were reported in the village.


A Brewster Road mother reported feeling threatened by a neighbor's aggressive driving and verbal insults related to road rage on Nov. 10. According to the mother, the neighbor – a 25-year-old woman – typically drives her car in an "unsafe and erratic manner around the neighborhood and in school zones." On Nov. 10, the neighbor allegedly caused a "near accident" by backing out of her driveway and blocking the way of the mother, who was also backing out of her driveway. According to the mother, the neighbor began beeping her horn repeatedly and yelled insults about her and her husband. All of this occurred in the presence of the mother's child. Patrol offered to speak with the neighbor about keeping peace between them; however, the mother only asked patrol to document the incident. The mother said she has had trouble with the neighbor for approximately eight years.


A Gatehouse Road woman complained about aggressive dogs on her property on Nov. 10. Patrol spoke with the dogs' owner who apologized and stated her landscaper must have accidentally left the gate door open.

Later that morning, on Nov.10, a Gatehouse Drive woman reported two loose dogs in her garage. Police spoke with the dogs' owner who said the dogs got loose, and it would never happen again.

On Nov. 10, a loose dog was found on Heathcote Road and picked up by New Rochelle Humane Society. Shortly thereafter, the dog's Weaver Street owner called headquarters to report her dog was missing. Police advised her to pick up her dog from New Rochelle Humane Society.

A Kent Road man advised a sick looking raccoon was sitting on his deck at 8 a.m., Nov. 11. It was gone when police arrived; however, patrol confirmed it was uncommon for raccoons to be out looking for food during daylight because they are nocturnal animals.

A passerby found two loose dogs at Heathcote and Duck Pond roads Nov. 14. He tied the dogs to a pole while waiting for patrol to arrive. Patrol picked up the dogs and contacted their owner, who promptly came to headquarters to pick up the dogs.

A driver saw a coyote on Crane Road Nov. 16. It was gone when police arrived.

Village code

A large group of kids were gathering on Quaker Ridge School grounds after dark on Nov. 10. The kids advised they had just left a friend's house and were waiting to be picked up by their parents. Patrol stood by until all kids were picked up.

Patrol issued a Seneca Road construction crew a summons for using power tools prior to times permitted by village code on Nov. 11.

On Nov. 16, police removed three advertising signs posted on Mamaroneck Road near the Hutchinson River Parkway exit and entrance ramps, as well as on the HRP overpass. The largest of the signs were approximately 6 feet by 4 feet. The signs were from a Westport, Connecticut company, Police mailed the company summonses for its violation of village code.

Lost and found

A Hillview Drive woman reported losing her driver's license somewhere in the village Nov. 10.

On Nov. 13, a passerby found a Chase Visa card on the ground at Spencer Place and Boniface Circle. The passerby gave it to a patrol officer, who was able to track down the owner and return the Visa card to him.


A wall switch with a dimmer failed and burned in a Herkimer Road house on Nov. 10. Firefighters disconnected the switch and advised the owner to replace it.

Firefighters replaced caps on an open sewer trap in a Brewster Road house Nov. 10.

Firefighters used hand tools to open a locked bathroom door in a Fox Meadow Road house and release a child who accidentally got locked inside Nov. 11.

Firefighters helped a woman get out of a stalled elevator in Freightway Garage on Nov. 12. The elevator was subsequently put out of service, pending maintenance and repair.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a natural gas odor inside a Cambridge Road house Nov. 14.

Firefighters evacuated Burgess Road homeowners from their house after elevated levels of carbon monoxide were detected Nov. 16. Con Edison determined the heating system was faulty and shut it down.

Firefighters and police silenced a defective fire alarm that was loudly sounding inside a Brewster Road house Nov. 16.

This week, firefighters assisted at 2 car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to one false gas alarm, four false carbon monoxide alarms and15 false fire alarms. The false fire alarms were caused by device malfunction, construction dust, cooking smoke, iron steam, fireplace smoke and burnt toast.

Arrest on warrant

On Nov. 12, police arrested Kevin C. Maultrio, Jr., 20, of Yonkers, on the strength of an active arrest warrant previously issued out of Scarsdale Village Justice Court. The warrant was related to unanswered vehicle and traffic violations. Maultrio was released on $100 cash bail with an appearance ticket, returnable to Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Nov. 19.

Scarsdale Village Justice Court

Aaron Baah pleaded guilty to DWI (first offense). He was granted a one-year conditional discharge and ordered to attend a MADD Victim Impact Panel and a drinking and driving program organized by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles. He was ordered to install an ignition interlock device in his car for one year. He was fined $900.

Andrea T. Brown pleaded guilty to the reduced charges of driving without a license and a registration violation. She was fined $168.

Jordan D. Fernandez pleaded guilty to aggravated DWI. He was granted a one-year conditional discharge and ordered to attend a MADD Victim Impact Panel and a drinking and driving program organized by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles. He was ordered to install an ignition interlock device in his car for one year. He was fined $900.

Andrea O. Gardiner pleaded guilty to the reduced charges of driving without a license and disobeying a traffic control device. She was fined $436.

Christopher L. Henry pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana and was fined $225.

John P. Wilson pleaded guilty to the reduced charge of driving while ability impaired. He was granted a one-year conditional discharge and ordered to attend a MADD Victim Impact Panel and a drinking and driving program organized by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles. He was fined $560.

Jane C. Curley pleaded guilty to having a dog at large, a violation of village code. She was fined $25.

Jose A. Puente pleaded guilty to using power tools before 8 a.m., a violation of village code. He was fined $75.

Several underage defendants charged with trespassing were assigned to 25 hours of community service, and the court ruled for six-month actions in contemplation of dismissal.

One underage defendant charged with a violation of the alcoholic beverage control law was ordered to attend an alcohol awareness program, and the court ruled for a six-month action in contemplation of dismissal.

One civil case regarding a landlord and a tenant was resolved in court.

Due to a DMV error, the district attorney's office withdrew vehicle and traffic charges from one defendant.

One case involving village code violation charges was dismissed by the court.

One case was sealed.

The court issued one bench warrant and four warrant letters to defendants who did not appear in court as directed.

Adjourned cases included the following charges: third- and second-degree possession of a forged instrument, petit larceny, third- and fourth-degree grand larceny, fourth-degree criminal possession of stolen property, second-degree identity theft, criminal mischief, criminal trespassing, driving while ability impaired by drugs or alcohol, possession of marijuana, DWI (first offense), aggravated DWI, first- and second-degree criminal contempt, third-degree filing a false report, third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, fifth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance, various vehicle and traffic offenses and village code violations.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 10-16 and the Scarsdale Village Justice Court calendar from Nov. 12 was compiled from official information.

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