Sunday, Mar 09th

Police Chief to Retire: Break-in at Fox Meadow School, Cyclist Robs Gas Station at Gunpoint

ChiefBroganPolice Chief Brogan to Retire: Scarsdale Police Chief John A. Brogan, a 36-year veteran of the Scarsdale Police force will retire effective January 30, 2015. A selection panel interviewed prospective candidates and recommended two for consideration by the Mayor and Village Manager who selected Captain Andrew A Matturro to lead the force. Effective January 31, 2015, Matturro will be Scarsdale's new police chief.

15 Year-Old Arrested for School Break-in: At 12:58 am on November 26th the Scarsdale Police Department received a burglar alarm from Scarsdale Security indicating alarm signals were being received from the Fox Meadow School. Officers were dispatched and arrived on scene in less than 3 minutes. The first responding Officer located the point of entry and found a 15 year-old Scarsdale youth hiding in the bushes. The youth had items that were stolen from the school's administrative offices. The youth was arrested and charged with Burglary 3rd Degree, Criminal Mischief, Petit Larceny and Possession of Burglar Tools. The youth was released to a parent and the case was referred to the Westchester County Family Court.1

Cyclist Robs Gas Station: Here's a new twist: An armed robber on a bicycle robbed the Shell Gas Station at 999 Post Road in Scarsdale on Monday night December 1 at 7:59 pm. Police report that a white male, dressed in black, entered the office of the gas station, pulled out a handgun and demanded cash. He then fled south on the Post Road on his bike. Police did not report how much money he stole, but they did say that there may be a connection to several more gas station robberies that occurred on Monday.

Burglary on the Post Road: An unoccupied home that is staged for viewings by potential buyers was entered sometime between November 21 and 24th. Suspects appear to have entered through a kitchen window and damaged the screen window, walls, a liquor cabinet, the fireplace and a lamp. A broken bottle of alcohol was found in the first floor bathroom and silver was removed from the china cabinet. Police canvassed the neighbors but they did not observe anything unusual.

Burglary attempt on Cohawney Road: Police went to a Cohawney Road home at 6:39 pm on Thanksgiving in response to a burglar alarm. They found that someone had attempted to get inside via a kitchen window that was damaged. The exterior screen had been removed and there were pry marks on the window frame. The lower portion of the window was pushed in by "brute force." Footprints were found leading to and from the side porch. Police went inside and found everything in order.

Attempted burglary: On Nov. 28, a Carthage Road man returned home at 6:15 p.m. to find a window screen at the back of his house damaged. He left the house at 3 p.m., and the screen was intact. No lights were on during his absence. Patrol examined the screen and noted "it had been cut and also pried." The window behind the screen remained closed, with no smudge marks on the glass and no disturbance to objects on the windowsill. Police checked the perimeter of the house and noticed faded footprints on the ice covering the deck and staircase. Police and the homeowner examined the inside of the house. It did not appear as if it had been entered.

Stolen tools:
On Nov. 30, the project manager for a Griffen Avenue construction site reported someone apparently entered the site overnight. The perpetrator stole tools and rummaged through materials inside the house under construction.

Stolen package: A village resident reported he never received a replacement phone shipped to his address from Verizon, although the shipper's tracking system indicated the phone had been delivered Nov. 29. Before pursuing an official stolen property report, police advised the resident to check with Verizon to see if the phone had been fraudulently activated or if it perhaps had been delivered to the wrong address.

Punched: One man punched another man in the face at the Scarsdale train station Nov. 24. The aggressor fled the scene in a green Kia, and a Metro North ticket agent called police. The ticket agent recorded the aggressor's license plate number, and police sent out a broadcast. MTA police arrived to handle the incident.

Identity theft: On Nov. 30, a Catherine Road man reported his name and personal information had been used to open numerous fraudulent cell phone accounts, dating back to at least October. The accounts had accumulated charges for telephones and service contracts. The total amount of money charged to the fraudulent accounts was $4,336.22. The man is following up with the fraud departments of the various service providers.

Scams: An 86-year-old Fox Meadow Road woman received a call from a man alleging to be her grandson Nov. 24. The caller stated he had been in a car accident in Santo Domingo while attending a music festival. The caller said he had broken his nose and was recovering from strep throat. He said he was being held at the U.S. Embassy until he could prove he had $3,000 to pay for the damage caused to the cars involved in an accident. As per the caller's instructions, the woman purchased $2,000 in money cards from a CVS store in Eastchester and provided the caller with the serial numbers and security codes from those cards. The caller advised the woman to go to another CVS store to purchase an additional $1,000 in money cards. The woman called her daughter for help with the transaction. At that time, the woman's daughter informed her that the call had been a scam.

A Heathcote Road girl received a call from a person alleging to be an IRS agent Nov. 24. The person demanded money for back taxes from 2003 through 2012 and threatened to send a U.S. Marshall to arrest the girl if she did not wire the money. The girl's father suspected the call was a scam because the girl would have been too young to hold a job during the period of time she allegedly owed back taxes. The girl's father reported the incident to police.

Graffiti: While conducting routine patrol, police discovered graffiti on the side of a Garth Road building Nov. 29. The tag was rendered in white spray paint and read, "EHS 86 Dr. Q."

Stuck elevator: A man got stuck in an elevator on the third floor of the Christie Place East Building Nov. 24. Firefighters opened the door to release the man, and they shut power to both elevators in the building. The building staff called for maintenance.

Mistaken address: Three plumbers were scheduled to work at a Hamilton Road house, but they were mistaken about the address and accidentally went to a different house instead. The homeowner got alarmed and called police. Police helped the plumbers confirm the correct address for their scheduled job.

Dangerous driving: Leaf collection workers got into a verbal argument with a delivery truck driver after the workers signaled for the driver to slow down on Dolma Road Nov. 25. Police intervened in the dispute and warned the driver to take precautions around workers in the roadway.

Suspicious man: On Nov. 25, a Murray Hill Road woman reported her housekeeper saw a young man on her property. When asked what he was doing there, the man allegedly pointed to the ground and asked the housekeeper if she wanted the grounds cleaned. He then got into a white work van and drove away. The woman was especially concerned because her gym locker had been previously broken into, and she was wondering if the two incidents might possibly be related.

Altercation: On Nov. 28, a resident of a Popham Road building and the building's doorman got into a verbal dispute. The resident called police in reaction to statements she perceived as threatening. According to the resident, she had been asking the doorman for help in locating the building's superintendent in order to help resolve a plumbing leak. The doorman became agitated and allegedly told her, "You think I'm not working; you don't want to f---ing mess with me." Police advised the woman and the doorman to stay away from each other to avoid escalating the dispute.

Help: An audible alarm was sounding at a Clarence Road house for sale Nov. 26. Police contact the real estate broker who was able to turn off the alarm.

After receiving a 911 call with screaming in the background, police helped a mother and daughter mediate a disagreement Nov. 30.

Homeward bound: Two intoxicated men left Chat American Grill and were attempting to walk home around 3 a.m., Nov. 27. Due to the time and harsh weather conditions, police suggested they take a taxi. The men agreed.

A man was walking north on Brite Avenue toward Fenimore Road at 3:15 a.m., Nov. 29. Police stopped and questioned the man due to recent burglaries in the village. The man said he had been drinking and socializing at Brother Jimmy's restaurant in White Plains earlier that evening and was attempting to walk home. He claimed his wallet was lost, and his cell phone was broken. Patrol suggested the man take a taxi due to the extreme cold. The man was taken to headquarters and given the opportunity to make several phone calls in order to help him get home safely.

Frozen pipes: Water was shooting out of an outside valve at a Church Lane house Nov. 29. Police went into the house and determined frozen pipes had burst. Water was collecting on the basement floor. Police shut off the broken water line and notified the fire department. Patrol called the homeowner of the situation.

Found bicycle: A Ridgecrest East homeowner found an Excitor Magna bicycle at the end of her driveway Nov. 29. It was vouchered at headquarters for safekeeping.

Collapsed scaffolding: On Nov. 28, a car struck construction scaffolding on Popham Road and caused a portion of it to collapse. Firefighters checked the building to which the scaffolding was attached and confirmed it was safe. They removed loose debris from the roadway and stood by for the contractor. Village highway and building departments were contacted for notification and support.

Cars and roadways: On Nov. 24, police tied back a piece of yellow tape dangling over Weaver Street. They also set up barricaded at Drake and Ferncliff roads to divert traffic away from a fallen tree.

A driver ran out of gas on Heathcote Road Nov. 24. Police stood by until a person arrived with gas.

A no-parking sign appeared to have been pulled out of the ground in one location on Wayside Lane and placed on a rock wall Nov. 25. Patrol contacted headquarters to inform the highway department.

Police taped up low-hanging bamboo branches on Brite Avenue Nov. 26. They notified the highway department because the branches were obstructing the roadway.

On Nov. 29, police removed a piece of wood from the intersection of Post and Heathcote roads.
Ten car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Neighbors: An Autenreith Road man complained that a neighbor's landscaper was dumping yard debris in her yard Nov. 29. The man said he spoke with the landscaper, but the landscaper allegedly became very loud with him. Police spoke with the neighbor, who said she was only a tenant at the house. Patrol suggested she alert her landlord about the problem, so the landlord could advise the landscaper on proper disposal of yard debris.

Village code: Illegally posted signs advertising Christmas décor were removed from Post Road Nov. 25. Police issued summonses to the business owner.

A kid was riding a dirt bike without headlights on a field at Scarsdale Middle School at 7 p.m., Nov. 28. Police activated the field's emergency lights, and the kid fled toward Mamaroneck Road. Police canvassed the area but did not find the bike rider.

At 5:30 a.m., Nov. 29, police issued a warning to the driver of a private carting and recycling truck that was doing work before designated hours.

At 8:30 a.m., Nov. 28, police warned construction workers at a Madison Road construction site to abide by village regulations concerning authorized hours for power tool usage.

Fire: Firefighters advised a Shawnee Road homeowner to call a service technician to repair a faulty valve controlling the gas supply on a gas fireplace Nov. 24.

Firefighters helped an Oxford Road resident with a stove igniter stuck in constant operation Nov. 24.

Firefighters checked a River Road house because the resident was concerned about a possible gas odor in the house Nov. 26. Firefighters did not find any evidence of a gas leak.

Firefighters advised a Weaver Street resident to call a plumber about sewage in the basement Nov. 27.
On Nov. 28, firefighters shut down a malfunctioning oil burner in the basement storeroom of a Harwood Court building. They ventilated the building.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a natural gas odor on Church Lane Nov. 29.

Firefighters disconnected a malfunctioning sump pump to stop a leak in a Blackhawk Road basement Nov. 29.

A dishwasher was smoking in a Rural Drive house Nov. 29. Firefighters shut power to the unit and removed it from the house. They advised the homeowner to replace it.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to two false carbon monoxide alarms and 19 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, shower steam, radiator steam, heat from a pottery kiln, chimney dust, leaking water and construction dust.

Arrest on warrant: On Nov. 28, Mark Nassetta, 28, of White Plains, surrendered himself at headquarters for arrest. The arrest was based on the strength of an active warrant previously issued out of Scarsdale Village Justice Court on June 5, 2014. Nassetta was released on $100 cash bail with an appearance ticket for Dec. 3.

Scarsdale Village Justice Court
Dardani Ibraj pleaded guilty to the reduced charge of driving while ability impaired. His license was suspended for 90 days and he was fined $560. He was ordered to attend a MADD Victim Impact Panel and attend a drinking and driving program organized by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles.

Dyan M. Petrillo pleaded guilty to a seatbelt violation and was fined $143.

Four warrant letters were issued to defendants who did not appear in court as scheduled.

Many cases on Wednesday's court calendar, from Nov. 26, were adjourned due to last week's winter storm.

Adjournments included cases defendants facing the following charges: operation of a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs, driving while intoxicated (first offense), DWI with a blood alcohol content of at least .08 of one percent, seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, grand larceny and various vehicle and traffic violations.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 24-30 and the Scarsdale Village Justice Court calendar from Nov. 26 was compiled from official information.

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