Purse Stolen During Middle-of-Night Wakefield Road Burglary. Firefighters Knock Down Bell Road House Fire
- Tuesday, 19 July 2016 17:56
- Last Updated: Thursday, 21 July 2016 07:50
- Published: Tuesday, 19 July 2016 17:56
- Traci Dutton Ludwig
- Hits: 6595
Wakefield Road Burglary: A Wakefield Road house was burglarized in the early morning hours of July 13. When the homeowner woke up, she noticed her front door open and the storm door held open by the doorstopper. Further investigation indicated that the woman's handbag was stolen from the dining room, two rooms away from the alleged burglar's point of entry. The handbag contained two wallets, credit cards, a Green Card, $700 cash, a driver's license and personal papers. Additional personal papers were scattered on the floor around a chair where the handbag had been. The homeowner was not positive if she had locked the door the previous night. The burglary was discovered at 6:30 a.m., July 13. However, it was not reported to police until 6:30 p.m. that day. While canvassing the neighborhood as part of the investigation, patrol noticed one bent window screen frame and one removed window screen at a Crossway house. The Crossway homeowner advised that the removed screen might have fallen off during recent power washing, and the bent screen frame was old and should not cause any concern. Police are following up with the Wakefield Road burglary.
Bell Road house fire
A fire at a Bell Road house summoned firefighters to the scene at 2:30 a.m., July 11. Upon arrival, all residents were outside the house. Firefighters arrived to find smoke coming from the eaves of the third floor in a wood frame house. They began an aggressive initial attack of he working fire, using a stretched handline. The fire was knocked down in approximately 15 minutes. Firefighters and volunteers overhauled the structure and checked for extension. Heavy smoke and water damage occurred on the third floor. Some water damage affected the first and second floors. No fire damage was observed in structural elements of the house. Greenville and Hartsdale engines responded to scene for assistance. Volunteers provided additional support. A cause and origin team traced the cause of the fire to a portable air conditioning unit.
Identity theft
On July 13, a Johnson Road woman reported fraudulent use of her First National Bank credit card. Fraudulent charges for a cellphone, cab service in New York City and a restaurant in the Bronx appeared on her statement in March. At that time, she contacted the credit card company, and the account number was changed. Although the charges were supposed to have been removed from the account, the woman did not think they were actually removed. A further check with the company indicated that the charges had not yet been removed because the employee working on the matter had left the company. The woman also learned that the address on her account had been changed in an unknown address in Youngstown, Ohio. A duplicate credit card was sent to that address. Her online account information was also changed. A review of the last statement showed at least $3,000 in fraudulent charges and $500 in current fraudulent charges. The woman cancelled the account and did not ask for a new card, pending resolution of the matter.
On July 13, an Eastwoods Lane man reported his Chase debit card had been fraudulently duplicated by an unknown person who walked into a Long Island bank with a fake driver's license July 1. As a result of the card, at least $7,000 was fraudulently withdrawn from his account, and approximately $4,000 in fraudulent transactions were made. The account was closed, and the credit reporting agencies were informed.
Domestic matter
An Eastchester man called police after his brother and his brother's girlfriend engaged in a verbal dispute inside the man's house. He said his brother was out of control as the couple left his house, and the girlfriend was crying hysterically. Concerned for the well being of both parties, patrol called the girlfriend's cell phone, and the man's brother answered. He was uncooperative and he refused to place his girlfriend on Gabby the phone. A sergeant contacted the girlfriend and she provided police with the address of her whereabouts, in Dobbs Ferry. Patrol contacted Dobbs Ferry police for a welfare check. Dobbs Ferry police called back and advised that the couple was at the address. They were fine, and no police assistance was needed.
On July 16, a caller reported a disagreement with his wife. She allegedly threatened to take their kids and hit the caller with her car at "the high school parking lot." Multiple patrol units responded to Scarsdale High School and began canvassing. Dispatch cancelled the call after ascertaining that the incident occurred at Greenburgh High School. Greenburgh police were reportedly on scene.
On July 16, an Edgewood man reported a problem with an ex-employee. He showed police two rambling emails from the former employee. In one email, the ex-employee accused the man of stalking, forgery, harassment and cyber bullying due to the ex-employee's Ukranian background. In the second email, the ex-employee requested that the man never contact him again. Although there were no specific threats, the man believes the ex-employee is unstable and "does not know what he is capable of." Additional ride-bys of the house were requested.
Missing person?
On July 13, patrol stopped a motorcycle for expired tags, and a computer check revealed the operator to be a missing person from Martin County, Florida. The operator stated he has been in contact with family and is unsure of why he has been reported missing. The reporting jurisdiction was advised about police contact with the "missing party." Martin County's Sheriff's Office first refused to give any information about the missing persons case unless a teletype message was sent. Patrol then sent a teletype hit confirmation request and received a response with absolutely no information on it, other than the party was reported missing. After approximately 30 minutes of detaining the motorcycle operator and no cooperation from the Martin County Sheriff's, patrol authorized the person's release. He was deemed to be in good mental and physical condition.
Pay day?
A Dunham Road woman said a tall white man rang her bell, claimed he belonged to an engineering company and alleged she owed him $2,000 for curb work. The man refused to give the woman a business card or contact information. He left in a white or light blue van. Patrol canvassed the area but could not find him.
Open door
On July 15, an Old Orchard Road homeowner returned home to find his door lock cylinder on the floor. The homeowner advised he left his house at 3 p.m. and returned five hours later. The other knobs on the door remained locked and secure. The inside of the house was in good order. Patrol inspected the door and the cylinder. The cylinder appeared to be new, and no sign of force was noticed. Patrol noticed the cylinder does not seem to be appropriately sized for the door. Patrol advised the homeowner to contact a locksmith.
On July 11, patrol checked the welfare of a Crane Road woman. She was OK.
Patrol helped Metro North police obtain a passenger's pedigree information July 11. The passenger was complaining of chest pain and medical assistance was provided.
A Horseguard Lane woman reported two men standing outside her driveway smoking July 11. She felt uncomfortable and did not want to enter her house. Patrol conducted a field interview, and the men dispersed.
The remnants of spent fireworks were found on Corell Road at approximately 1 a.m., July 12. There was no evidence of fire, as had been reported by a caller.
Pedestrian struck
On July 11, a caller reported a worker directing traffic was struck by at Freightway and Garth roads. The driver – a 47-year-old Scarsdale man – allegedly drove his 1997 Nissan around two cars stopped for a garbage truck and entered the oncoming lane. His driving was described in the accident report as "failing to use caution." The driver stuck the 27-year-old worker, and the worker was taken to White Plains Hospital Center. The following summonses were issued to the driver: driving left of pavement markings, reckless driving, causing physical injury by failure to use due care and failure to use the designated lane.
Cars and roadways
Patrol received a report of a person possibly passed out in a Smart car parked on Swarthmore Road July 11. Officers spoke to the car's driver, who was lucid and in good health. She said she had driven a long distance and pulled over to stop and rest.
A car with a flat tire was blocking a Palmer Avenue driveway July 11. While the driver was waiting for AAA, the car was moved to Marjory Lane, so the resident could exit her driveway.
Overlook Road was closed because a tree fell onto power lines July 11.
Verizon was notified about a low-hanging communication wire at Tompkins and Fenimore roads July 12.
A caller reported an expired inspection sticker on a black Jeep parked on Tisdale Road July 12. Patrol issued a summons.
A car stalled at Post and Mamaroneck roads July 13. The driver's father arrived and re-started the car while police stood by.
Police contacted an electrical repair service for a malfunctioning traffic light at Crane and Woodland roads July 13.
A resident reported a parked car near Red Maple Swamp on Gorham Road at 9:30 a.m., July 13. Patrol spoke with the driver, a cleaning woman who was waiting to go to her next job site in the village. There was no sign of any illegal or suspicious activity.
A tow truck company advised towing an illegally parked 2015 Audi from DeCicco's Marketplace parking lot at 5:30 p.m., July 15.
A Park Road tag sale was creating traffic congestion July 16. Patrol asked guests at the tag sale to move their cars to one side of the street so emergency vehicles could freely pass if necessary.
During a traffic stop July 16, police confiscated a car's license plates and gave the New Rochelle driver a summons for a suspended registration due to five unresolved parking tickets in 12 months.
An Acura ran out of gas on Colonial Road July 17. The driver was awaiting roadside assistance when police checked on her.
A sign fell down at the northbound entrance ramp of the Hutchinson River Parkway on Mamaroneck Road July 17. Police placed the sign in a safe location and made sure the entrance ramp was nevertheless clearly indicated. The highway department was notified for replacement.
Five car accidents were reported in the village this week.
Police picked up a small brown dog from Highland Way July 11. It appeared to be a pit bull and mastiff mix. It was taken to an animal hospital to determine if it had a microchip, which it did not. New Rochelle Humane Society picked up the dog.
On July 16, a Post Road woman reported two coyotes might be living under her deck. Patrol did not see any coyotes while on scene. Patrol advised the woman to contact a wildlife service company, as the police department is not equipped to catch and relocate wild animals.
Two loose dogs were travelling together at Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue July 17. A nearby resident caught one of the dogs and provided police with the owner's phone number, as listed on the dog's collar. She was not able to catch the second dog. The owner picked up the dog and confirmed he had a second dog. He said he would look for the second dog on his own.
Village code
Patrol dispersed four kids from Hyatt Field after dark July 12.
Police issued landscapers summonses for illegal use of gas-powered leaf blowers on Lebanon and Secor roads July 14, Franklin Road July 15.
A caller reported illegal use of a leaf blower on Autenreith Road July 14; however, the "blower" was actually a spraying device used to apply insecticide. No village code violations were observed.
On July 14, patrol advised an event planner overseeing a 50th birthday party on Ogden Road that the music was too loud. The event planner instructed the DJ to lower the volume of the music. Approximately 90 minutes later, another noise complaint was reported. Patrol asked the homeowner to turn off the music, and the homeowner complied.
Patrol advised a food truck vendor that he needed a permit to sell food in the village July 15. The vendor said he started the process to obtain a permit, but the process was not yet finished.
After neighbors complained about noise, patrol advised a Wynmor Road resident to lower the volume of party music at 8 p.m., July 15. The resident complied.
Two people in a Honda Civic were "hanging out" at the end of Harvest Drive at 7:45 p.m., July 16. Patrol dispersed them from the area.
Loud music coming from a social gathering on Saxon Woods Road was lowered after patrol advised hosts of the neighbors' complaints at 10 p.m., July 16.
Kids were in a park on Drake Road after dark July 16. Patrol asked them to clean up litter in their immediate area and exit to park. The kids complied and left.
Brambach Road party hosts lowered the volume of music after patrol advised them of neighbors' complaints July 16.
Numerous people attending a softball game on Supply Field illegally parked their cars in the Scarsdale Medical Group lot on Heathcote Road, leaving no spots for doctors July 17. Patrol asked people to move their cars and to refrain from parking in the private lot in the future.
Lost and found
A Huntington Avenue man reported losing a license plate from his moped July 14.
Someone found a credit card and a $10 bill in the village July 17. Patrol tracked down the owner and called him. He responded to headquarters to pick up his property.
On July 11, slightly elevated carbon monoxide levels in a Gorham Road house were caused by prolonged stove use. Con Edison was called, and firefighters ventilated the house.
Firefighters helped a Crossway resident change a battery in a chirping smoke alarm July 11.
An outdoor odor of propane at the tennis court on Wayside Lane was traced to an open valve on a small mushroom-style propane heater July 11. Firefighters shut the valve, and the odor disappeared.
A tree limbs on Overlook Road wires was causing a potential hazard July 12. Firefighters shut the roadway, taped off the affected sidewalk and stood by for Con Edison. The highway department was also requested to cut the tree limbs once conditions were deemed safe.
A report of a brush fire in Corell Park was received July 12. Instead, firefighters found a discharged firework. They watered down the area and checked for extension.
Verizon was notified about a low-hanging wire on Fenimore Road July 12. A sawhorse was placed beneath the wire to prevent vehicles from striking it in the meantime.
Grease at the bottom of a Cushman Road house started smoking July 12. Firefighters shut off the oven and ventilated the house.
A passerby reported a gas leak at a construction site on Continental Road July 13. There, firefighters found workers using hand tools in a construction pit revealing an exposed gas line. There was no damage to the line. Con Edison released firefighters from the scene.
Con Edison was called about a potential gas leak on Garth Road July 14.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of an arcing wire against a Church Lane tree July 14.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of reported propane odor in a Mamaroneck Road house July 14. While there, firefighters determined the resident's hot water heater had been recalled by the manufacturer and was determined to be unsafe. The unit was red-tagged for follow-up by Con Edison.
Con Edison was called about fallen electrical wires on Post Road July 17. Firefighters established a safe area by closing the roadway lanes in the meantime.
This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village and on the Hutchinson River Parkway. They responded to four false carbon-monoxide alarms and nine false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke and construction dust.
This report covering police and fire department activity from July 11-17 has been compiled from official information.
Public Notice: Property owners are reminded of Village Code Chapter 205 restricting the use of gasoline powered leaf blowers from June 1 through September 30. Please refrain from using the blowers during this period and remind your gardeners as well.This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.