Sunday, Mar 09th

Police Investigate Repeated Thefts from Paddington Road House

diamondOn Oct. 9, a Paddington Road man reported his wife's engagement ring, a diamond stud earring replica and his nanny's cell phone were stolen from his house. He filed a lost property report for the ring when it disappeared on Feb. 24. At that time, a heating repairperson was in the house. When the earring and cell phone went missing on Oct. 7, the same repairperson was in the house. Police are following up.

Stolen shutters
An East Taunton Road woman reported two blue shutters were stolen from her property Oct. 5. Painters had removed the shutters and placed them in her driveway near the garage to repair them on Sept. 20. The woman saw the shutters in her driveway at 9 a.m. that day, but the shutters were missing when the woman returned home at 4:30 p.m. Scarsdale sanitation department said they did not accidentally take the shutters, thinking they were intended for trash pickup. Thus, the woman concluded the shutters were stolen.

Identity theft
On Oct. 7, a Lawrence Road man reported his daughter was the victim of identity theft. He said someone has been gaining illegal access to his daughter's network accounts, hacking the accounts and sending out fraudulent Facebook messages and posts. It has been ongoing since February, the man said. One fraudulent message sent to the daughter's friends repeatedly asked the friends to send pictures of the friends' white knee socks worn for a sporting event.

On Oct. 8, a Kelwynne Road man reported his checking account was hacked in August, and a fraudulent check was produced and cashed on Sept. 26. Since the incident, the man and his wife have closed their accounts and frozen their credit cards. The man's bank is following up.

Criminal mischief
On Oct. 6, a Heathcote Road woman reported the rear windshield of her 2007 Toyota Rav 4 was shattered sometime after she drove it Oct. 4. Since that time, the car was in her driveway. It appeared as if someone hit the window with force, causing it to shatter in a spiderweb pattern. An examination of the window revealed damage to its upper left corner.

A postal employee reported someone keyed her 2015 BMW while it was parked in the Chase Road post office parking lot Oct. 7.

Intrusive app
A Sprague Road man reported a downloaded app was sending unwanted advertising text messages to his contacts Oct. 3. According to police, a policy regarding advertising text messages was listed in the app's terms of service, and the man had agreed to it when he installed the app. Therefore, nothing was determined to be of a criminal nature. Police advised the man to consult with Verizon to make sure the app was completely uninstalled from his phone.

A clogged drain was causing water to flood Christie Place Oct. 3. The water, building and highway departments were on scene to address the matter.

A caller reported "suspicious" pieces of luggage left curbside on Grand Park Avenue Oct. 3. The owner of the luggage said she had places the luggage outside for pickup from the Big Brothers Big Sisters charity.

Patrol asked a disoriented man to leave Starbucks, at the request of Starbucks employees, at 7:53 p.m., Oct. 5. The man said he had purchased the Starbucks establishment earlier that day. Patrol attempted to inform the man's guardian, but attempts to reach her were unsuccessful.

A man sleeping in his car on Palmer Avenue said he was "too tired to drive" at 3:45 a.m., Oct. 8. When asked about his presence in Scarsdale, he said he had been with his children earlier that day. There was no evidence of criminality, and police advised the man he should not be sleeping at that location. The man left the area.

A Heathcote mother called police because her daughter was home alone and someone rang the doorbell twice around 8 p.m., Oct. 8. The girl was too scared to answer the door, and the ringing stopped. Police checked the perimeter of the house and found nothing suspicious. A family friend picked up the girl until her mother could return.

Cars and roadways
Police helped a driver move her disabled car from Post Road to Wayside Lane to wait for roadside assistance Oct. 3.
Patrol helped a driver moved her car, with a flat tire, to a parking lot on Ogden Road, where she waited for her husband's help Oct. 4.
A man was walking in the roadway on Post Road at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 4. He told police he felt it was safer to walk in the street rather than on the sidewalk. Patrol, explained why it was actually safer to walk on the sidewalk, in order to be out of the path of moving vehicles. The man said he understood and proceeded to leave the road near Lorraine Place.
Patrol stood by a disabled car at Post and Edgewood roads for safety while the owner charged a flat tire Oct. 5.
A driver swerved when a deer ran in font of her car at Black Birch and Sylvan Lanes at 12:30 a.m., Oct. 7. The driver lost control, and the car struck wires attached to a utility pole. There were no reported injuries.
Patrol removed a fallen phone wire from Herkimer Road Oct. 7.
On Oct. 8, patrol verbally warned a driver not to park in front of a Boulevard driveway after the affected resident could not get out of her driveway.
A driver said a car was following her, honking its horn repeatedly, on Secor Road and Marjory Lane at 11 p.m., Oct. 8. Before patrol arrived, the driver said she "lost" the car. Patrol escorted her home for safety.
Patrol notified the water department about a leaking water main on Tisdale Road Oct. 9.
Three car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Lost dog
A loose dog was found wandering around a Murray Hill Road yard Oct. 9. Police picked up the dog and returned it to its owner. Police issued the owner a summons.

Civil matter
A Wheelock Road woman reported her mailman accidentally damaged her newly paved driveway and bluestone walkway after he walked over the driveway and walkway to deliver mail Oct. 4. A trail of tar footprints marked his path. The driveway was blocked off with yellow tape when the incident occurred. Patrol advised the woman to speak with her mailman and advise the post office.

Village code
A contractor was installing a subfloor at an Oxford Road construction site at 10 p.m., Oct. 5. After police arrived, the contractor was picked up by his wife and left. Patrol attempted to notify the construction manager.

Lost and found
Employees of DeCicco Marketplace found a wallet in the store Oct. 4. Police took possession of the wallet, contacted the owner and returned it to her.
On Oct. 4, a Claremont Road woman reported losing her driver's license somewhere in the village.
Police issued a summons to a food truck operator who was selling without a permit on Fox Meadow Road Oct. 6.
While moving in, a new Oak Lane homeowner found a pistol in a bedroom closet of his recently purchased house Oct. 6. Police attempted to contact the previous owners and previous tenants in order to determine ownership of the gun.
A person found keys at Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue and brought them to headquarters Oct. 8.

Firefighters helped a Boulevard resident get a drone out of a tree Oct. 4.
Firefighters shut down a boiler releasing carbon monoxide in a Paddington Road house Oct. 5. They notified Con Edison and ventilated the house.
Firefighters assisted a Carstensen Road resident with a water heater problem and advised the resident to call a plumber Oct. 7.
Firefighters disconnected a malfunctioning back-up battery for a sump pump in a Montgomery Road house Oct. 9.
Con Edison was called about a gas odor on Broadmoor Road Oct. 9.
Firefighters notified the highway department about sewage backup in a Tisdale Road house Oct. 9. The resident was advised to call a plumber.
A pipe was dripping water in a Torrence Road attic Oct. 9. Firefighters disconnected it and advised the resident to call for service.
A clogged sump pump pipe caused water to back up in a Taunton Road basement. Firefighters shut down the sump pump and used department pumps to remove approximately six inches of water from the basement Oct. 10. The resident was advised to call a plumber.
This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 24 false alarms from device malfunctions, cooking smoke, dust, a battery change, burnt toast, disinfectant spray, a hair dryer and cleaning solvents.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 3-10 was compiled from official information.

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