Fight at Boulder Brook Equestrian Center
- Wednesday, 17 May 2017 13:08
- Last Updated: Thursday, 18 May 2017 11:45
- Published: Wednesday, 17 May 2017 13:08
- Hits: 12014
At 7:45 a.m., May 10, police and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps were called to the Boulder Brook Equestrian Center, on Mamaroneck Road, on the report of a fight with possible physical injuries. The fight allegedly involved co-workers. Upon arrival, police saw a man walking away from the horse stables with a metal baseball bat in his hands. For safety reasons, the man, later identified as the defendant in the case – Benjamin A. Delacuesta-Ortega, 42, of Stamford, Connecticut – was placed in handcuffs until the incident could be investigated. Police then met with victim of the assault and noted injuries to his face and back. The victim told police he had gotten into disputes with Delacuesta-Ortega on May 9 and 10, and the dispute on May 10 turned physical. The argument was allegedly over a work-related issue. Delacuesta-Ortega allegedly got upset that the victim was not closing stable doors behind him when transporting horses. The victim explained it was difficult to simultaneously control a horse and close the stable door. After the verbal altercation May 10, Delacuesta-Ortega allegedly struck the victim in the face with a plastic pitchfork and broom while both men were in the stable. The impact caused the shaft of the broom to break in two pieces. The victim suffered bruising and swelling in his left eye area from the broom and a laceration, bruising, swelling and bleeding from his lip from the pitchfork. At this point, Delacuesta-Ortega allegedly grabbed the victim and threw him outside the horse stable. The commotion caused one of the horses to get frightened and kick the victim in the back, causing bruising, swelling and abrasion. The two men then stopped fighting; they exchanged words, and the victim called his brother, who was working locally. The victim's brother arrived with another brother and a friend. They confronted Delacuesta-Ortega who left the stable area and returned with a baseball bat. That is when the brother called police. After probable cause was established and depositions were taken, Delacuesta-Ortega was placed under arrest. Two ambulances arrived on scene. They took the victim to White Plains Hospital Center and the defendant, who was complaining of neck pain, to Westchester Medical Center. Both men were accompanied by patrol. Items used in the assault were collected as evidence. Delacuesta-Ortega was released from the hospital into police custody at approximately 10:15 a.m. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice court on charges of second-degree assault with the intent to cause physical injury and criminal possession of a weapon with intent to use. He was remanded to Westchester County Jail, pending his return court date of May 17. A temporary order of protection was issued in favor of the victim.
Edgemont Lockdown
This incident was reported by the Greenburgh Police Department: On Monday May 15th at about 8:45 am Greenburgh Police Officers responded to Edgemont High School to investigate after an unknown suspect left a written message regarding the possession of a firearm.
School administrators took swift action to notify G.P.D. and placed the school on lockdown for the safety of the students. Multiple departmental units with specialized training in school safety, emergency management, and investigations responded to the school and worked with school administrators to ensure the safety of the students and staff. The initial lockdown was subsequently reduced to a "lockout" and the school ultimately returned to its normal schedule and activities with minimal interruption.
The incident is currently being investigated by the Greenburgh Police Department Special Victims Unit. Anyone with information regarding this accident is urged to contact the Greenburgh P.D. S.V.U. at (914) 989-1735.
Arrest on warrant
On May 8, a Westchester County Jail official informed Scarsdale police that a prisoner who was being released had an active bench warrant issued out of Scarsdale for failing to appear for a scheduled court appearance on March 22, 2017. Scarsdale police thus picked up prisoner Jose Wilfredo Ortiz, 20, of Yonkers, and brought him to police headquarters for arrest processing. He was released on $200 cash bail, paid by his mother. There was also an active arrest warrant issued out of White Plains police department for bail jumping. As a courtesy to a neighboring jurisdiction, Scarsdale police transported Ortiz to White Plains police department, where WPPD officers took custody of Ortiz.
A Brayton Road man reported a missing license plate from his motorcycle May 11. He believes the plate was stolen since the bike, with its plate attached, had been garaged since April 2016. In June 2016, a bicycle was stolen out of the man's unlocked garage, and he believes the plate was also stolen at the same time. He just now noticed the missing plate because he was in the process of selling the motorcycle.
Identity theft
On May 8, a Webster Road woman and man reported they were victims of identity theft.
On May 11, a Secor Road general manager reported receiving a bill for products fraudulently ordered in the pro shop manager's name, on two of the company's account, and set for delivery to Queens, Yonkers and St. Albans, NY. A total of seven purchase transactions occurred, including gold clubs from Taylor Made and clothing from Nike Golf. Since none of the invoices had been paid, none of the goods had been delivered. Police advised the man to check all business accounts for additional suspicious invoices and to change security passwords on online accounts.
On May 13, a Marjory Lane man reported eight fraudulent withdrawals had been made from his Chase Bank savings account between April 27 and May 10. Before the withdrawals occurred, the man received an email regarding the opening of a new account with a company called Coinbase. He advised Coinbase the account was fraudulent and closed it. Chase Bank closed his savings account and is following up.
Missing person
On May 9, the program manager of a residential facility on Post Road reported a resident was missing. She had last been seen on May 6, and the manager was concerned because the resident had allegedly not taken her medication for a few days. Patrol contacted the resident's sister who advised the sister might be at a New Rochelle address. Patrol contacted staff at the New Rochelle address, and staff advised that the resident was there with them. The resident spoke with patrol and told them she did not want to return to the Scarsdale facility, and she was not in need of medical attention.
On May 12, a Bell Road man reported that former friends, with whom he is now having a disagreement, came near his house. One of the former friends allegedly left a prophylactic on the man's windshield. The car itself suffered no damage. The disagreement between the man and his former friends allegedly stemmed from interaction with an ex-boyfriend of the man's current girlfriend. Patrol advised the man to inform his former friends that he no longer wants to have contact or communication with them.
Text Message
On May 12, an Ogden Road resident said her Uber driver took a photo of her house and texted the photo, along with dollar signs, to an unknown person. The resident said the driver also texted something in another language, as well as something saying "3 am mafia." The resident wanted police to document the incident and provide extra ridebys.
Train Station
On May 14, police helped MTA police with an irate customer who was getting off a train at Scarsdale train station. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance was called to take the customer to White Plains Hospital Center.
An employee of the Popham Road CVS called police and reported a customer who would not leave the store May 14. Patrol arrived and spoke with the customer who said she just wanted to pay for her items and leave. The employee conversely said the customer "continuously changed her mind about paying and would not leave the store." While police were on scene, the customer paid for her items and left.
Police investigated an occupied, parked car in a Murray Hill Road driveway at 11:30 p.m., May 14, while the homeowner was not home. The occupants said they were waiting for a friend, who was the grandson of the homeowner. They said they were planning to hang out at the house with their friend. Police advised the occupants to contact their friend (the homeowner's grandson) and ask him to come to the house, which he did. The grandson said his grandparents were away, but he comes to their house frequently to "hang out." Patrol asked the grandson if his grandparents knew their grandson was at their residence at that time of the night, and the grandson replied, "Probably not." Patrol attempted to contact the homeowner (the grandparents) but did not reach them. Patrol advised the kids they could not be on the property; so they left.
A woman was found crying on the train station platform at 2:50 a.m., May 9. She said she had fallen asleep on the train and missed the Bronxville stop, where she was supposed to disembark. Patrol helped her call a taxi for a ride home.
Neighbors reported a Lyons Road door was wide open and the family's dog was wandering outside in the yard May 9. Patrol checked the house and found nothing unusual. Patrol brought the dog back in the house and secured the door.
A woman asked police to document an email received by the woman's ex-husband, May 9. Patrol read the email and did not identify anything that would warrant criminal follow-up.
On May 10, a person brought two long guns to headquarters for destruction. They had belonged to her deceased father, of New York City.
While on patrol at 7:23 p.m., May 10, observed a man whom they thought to be a homeless. The man advised he had been in a residential facility in New York City but was told to leave, and therefore he was homeless. Patrol asked the man if he was interested in a homeless shelter. He said he was, and patrol arranged for Central Taxi to take the man to Open Arms Shelter in White Plains.
An Old Lyme Road resident reported a man was on his property ringing his doorbell May 11. The resident knew the man but did not want to speak with him. Patrol relayed the message, and the man left without incident.
On May 13, police checked the welfare of a man staying at a Heathcote Road house. The man was OK and said he would contact his family soon.
Cars and roadways
On May 8, police issued a summons to the registered owner of a car parked in a no standing zone on Circle Road.
A caller complained about a disabled Verizon truck and a tow truck impeding traffic on Heathcote Road May 8. The Verizon truck became lodged in soft grassy when its tires sunk in while the Verizon worker was performing a cable splice job. While the tow truck was removing the Verizon truck, some Belgium block curbing stones got dislodged, and damage was caused to the grassy area. Police notified the highway department.
A parked car was blocking traffic on Beechwood Lane May 8. Police located the driver and instructed the car to be relocated. Patrol issued a warning.
A woman complained that a landscaper's truck was partially blocking her way on Brite Avenue May 9. As a result, the woman honked her horn and gave the workers a displeased look. She believed her look "made [the worker] upset." She believes the worker started to follow her as she drove away. So, she pulled her car to the side of the road, and the worker passed her without incident. Patrol canvassed the area for the landscapers' truck but did not find it.
A caller reported a "suspicious car" parked at Fox Meadow School May 9. Investigating officers confirmed the car belonged to a school custodian. No suspicious activity was observed.
A parked car was accidentally left running on Garth Road May 11. Police contacted the owner, via her assistant, in order to arrange for the car's ignition to be shut off.
A parked car was accidentally left running in Freightway Garage May 11. Police turned it off and attempted to lock the car.
Police contacted the highway department to remove a dead raccoon from the intersection of Hampton and Whig roads May 11.
Police contacted roadside assistance for a driver who accidentally got locked out of a parked car on East Parkway May 11.
On May 11, a driver was found to be driving with a suspended license at Christie Place and East Parkway.
On May 11, patrol told drivers of illegally parked cars on Hampton Road to move their cars.
On May 13, police noticed a parked Acura with its trunk left open on Rodney Road. There was no sign of criminality. Police closed the trunk.
Eleven car accidents were reported in the village this week.
Village code
Neighbors complained of noise from a generator at a Palmer Avenue house May 9. The homeowner told police she is using the generator for daily living needs while working through a financial service issue with her electrical provider. She said she was aware of village code regarding noise and power equipment, and she was only using the generator during allowed hours. The building department was aware of the issue and the homeowner's needs.
A Lebanon Road resident complained of loud music coming from a neighbor's house May 12. Patrol went to the house and did not hear any loud music. The homeowner told patrol her daughter was having a birthday party in the backyard and invited patrol to observe. There, patrol saw approximately "40 kids sitting quietly, watching a movie, as part of the birthday theme." Patrol did not find the noise excessive or in violation of village code.
Police provided a Greenacres Avenue woman with telephone numbers for trappers in order to address a raccoon on the property May 11. According to police, the raccoon did not appear sick or rabid, but it did appear "stunned," as though it had possibly been hit by a car.
Police gave a Catherine Road homeowner the telephone numbers for trappers because a family of raccoons appeared to be living in a tree in the backyard.
A raccoon was curled up, resting, on a Greenacres Avenue patio May 11. It did not startle or move when patrol clapped his hands loudly near the raccoon. Patrol advised the homeowner to stay away from the raccoon. She said she understood and had already contacted a trapper.
On May 11, callers reported a loose dog running in traffic Palmer Avenue and Mamaroneck Road. Upon arrival, police located the dog and called to it. The dog responded to patrol's voice and approached patrol. While patrol was petting the dog and looking for its tags, the dog's Palmer Avenue owner came running toward the dog. He told patrol the dog had jumped the backyard fence, and the owner had been looking for the dog for approximately 30 minutes.
Patrol determined that a raccoon on Lincoln Road was sick, because the raccoon could not walk May 11. Patrol shot the raccoon and disposed of it.
A Butler Road resident reported a possibly rabid opossum on her porch May 13. It was gone when police arrive. Police gave the resident contact information of local trappers.
Lost and Found
Someone found a personal check on the ground on East Parkway, near Crane Road, May 8. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.
A passerby found a wallet on Garth Road May 10. It contained a driver's license bearing a Popham Road address. Patrol attempted to track down the owner at that address but was informed the owner of the wallet no longer lives at that address. The wallet was vouchered at headquarters for safekeeping.
An unattended folding bicycle was found on Corell Road May 10. It was vouchered for safekeeping at headquarters.
On May 12, a Garth Road woman reported losing her cell phone in the village on May 3.
A passerby found a wallet on Spencer Place and gave it to police May 13. Police contacted the owner, and the owner picked it up from headquarters.
A propane gas tank left in the "on" position was causing an odor in a Catherine Road garage May 10. Firefighters closed the tank and removed it from the garage.
A Secor Road resident reported an unusual odor inside the house May 10. Firefighters believed it was the odor of a dead animal, most likely a mouse May 10. It was strongest near a dining room cabinet, but firefighters did not find the animal. They advised the homeowner to contact a pest control company to have possible entrances to the house, where a mouse could get in, sealed.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of natural gas odors on Mamaroneck Road May 10 and Leatherstocking Lane May 11.
An overheated halogen lamp was causing dust to burn in a Bradford Road bedroom May 11. Firefighters disconnected the lamp and removed it.
This week, firefighters assisted at three car accidents in the village. They responded to two false carbon monoxide alarms and fifteen false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, construction dust, shower steam, dust from a commercial dryer and dust from a granite countertop being cut.
This report covering police and fire department activity from May 8-14 was compiled from official information.
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