Sunday, Mar 09th

Man Arrested For Making Counterfeit ATM Withdrawals in Scarsdale

creditcards1One man was arrested for using counterfeit Chase debit cards to withdraw thousands of dollars in cash from ATM machines located at Webster Bank branches on East Parkway and Popham Road May 21. Earlier that day, two suspects fraudulently withdrew $1,600 from an ATM in Rye, putting members of Chase Bank's loss prevention team on alert. With member of Webster Bank's loss prevention team, investigators were monitoring all Webster Bank ATMs for additional fraudulent activity by the suspects. Fraudulent withdrawals were then observed in White Plains, amounting to $8,770.50. Following this incident, the suspects were observed using ATMs in Scarsdale, and an investigator contacted Scarsdale police. In Scarsdale, the suspects attempted to use five counterfeit Chase debit cards at the Webster Bank location on Popham Road, with zero successful withdrawals. At the East Parkway branch, eight counterfeit cards were used, resulting in a loss of approximately $2,314. Successful fraudulent withdrawals, committed by the suspects in the three jurisdictions on May 21, amounted to approximately $12,684.50.

One suspect was observed by police, stopped, questioned and arrested on East Parkway. He was Rostislav Nespor, 43, of Brooklyn. Nespor is a native of the Czech Republic. He was charged with seven counts of second-degree possession of a forged instrument. Police observed the stack of counterfeit debit cards in his wallet while he was looking for his photo ID. He first told police he was in the village trying to withdraw money from an ATM but he was having difficulty. He said a friend had driven him there in a silver or gray Hyundai, but he could not remember where the car was parked.

During patrol's conversation with Nespor, Nespor received a phone call and spoke to the caller in Russian. The call was believed to be from the alleged driver and other suspect in the incident. This suspect fled Webster Bank on East Parkway when approached by police, and the investigation is continuing. During Nespor's arrest, a small bag containing four white pills was observed in his wallet. He said the pills were medication, but he could not provide a prescription for them. While in custody, Nespor said he needed to take the medication in his wallet "for his head, from a previous boxing injury." He requested to be taken to the hospital, and a ride was provided by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps. At White Plains Hospital Center, Nespor was evaluated, treated and released, while under constant supervision. A New York State Trooper responded to headquarters to assist with translation and communication. Nespor said he was not feeling well because he was unable to take his medication. He requested transport to the hospital again. SVAC responded and took Nespor to Westchester Medical Center for evaluation, accompanied by two police officers. Due to the Nespor being a flight risk and due to multiple jurisdictions reporting similar crimes, the district attorney's office recommended bail of $100,000. Unable to post bail, Nespor would be remanded to Westchester County Jail. Rye and White Plains police departments were notified.

DWI arrests
Rodrigo Alves-Dosreis, 33, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of at least .08 of one percent and an equipment violation May 20. Alves-Dosreis was observed driving his 2009 Mercedes-Benz on Post Road, with a non-functioning headlight, at 4 a.m., May 20. Police observed the car swerving between the left and center median, and pulled Alves-Dosreis over. Alves-Dosreis's breath smelled of alcohol, and he displayed signs of intoxication. He told police he had consumed "four to five beers" at a bar in White Plains. He failed field sobriety tests, and an alco-sensor test measured his blood alcohol level at .143. This reading was later confirmed by a Datamaster test. Alves-Dosreis was released on personal recognizance, to the custody of his brother-in-law, pending a scheduled court date on May 24.

At approximately 1:45 a.m., May 22, Esteban Dominguez-Heredia, 21, of White Plains was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of at least .08 of one percent, speeding in zone, operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver. Dominguez-Heredia was observed driving his 2002 Honda CRV on Post Road at a high rate of speed. Police performed a traffic stop at the intersection of Post and Fenimore roads. Dominguez-Heredia said he had consumed "one beer" at a restaurant in White Plains. Dominguez-Heredia's breath smelled of alcohol, and he displayed signs of intoxication. He failed field sobriety tests, and an alco-sensor test measured his blood alcohol level at .13. This reading was later confirmed by a Datamaster test. Dominguez-Heredia was released on personal recognizance, to the custody of his brother, pending a scheduled court date on May 24.

Dead on Arrival
A 72-year-old Bradford Road woman died at home May 16.

A Sage Terrace man reported a vintage copper doorknocker in the form of an eagle was unlawfully removed from his front door May 16. The house is currently undergoing renovation, but the man did not suspect any of the workers were involved, he said.
A Scarsdale village parking permit was stolen out of a Lincoln Road woman's car parked on Scarsdale Avenue May 18. It had been affixed to her rear driver's side window prior to the theft.

Ebay Scam
A Fox Meadow Road woman reported her 18-year-old daughter was being scammed May 18. The daughter had recently shipped a piece of jewelry she was intending to sell on Ebay to an alleged buyer who turned out to be a scammer. It was a Tiffany 18k white gold necklace, with an Ebay asking price of $850. On May 15, the daughter received a bid of $825 and accepted it. On May 16, she received a fraudulent email assuming to be from "PayPal" stating that payment had been made. The daughter then shipped the necklace to Nigeria, with a delivery cost of $62.50. On May 17, the daughter received an email from Ebay advising her to cease all contact with the buyer, as the buyer was using a fraudulent Ebay account that had already been cancelled. The daughter then received another fraudulent email from "PayPal," advising her that the buyer's PayPal had mistakenly been charged twice, and she must refund $950 into another PayPal account to correct the problem. When the daughter looked at her actual PayPal account, she realized there had been no transactions, confirming the fraudulent nature of the communications. The daughter is attempting to receive compensation for the necklace from Ebay.

Identity Theft
On May 15, a Birchall Drive man reported someone requested a fraudulent change of address for him with the US Postal Service and also attempted to open two Chase Bank credit cards in his name.

Someone rang a Rural Drive doorbell twice around 1:45 a.m., May 18, and then left the area. The homeowner called the police. Patrol noticed a bag of mulch lying in the street and graffiti spray painted, in green, on the front door of the house.

On May 18, another Rural drive resident woke up to find the numbers "1" and "6" spray-painted on her garage doors with green spray paint.

On May 18, another Rural Drive woman reported someone painted the doorframe of her front door green overnight. Her son said he heard loud music playing outside the house around 1 a.m. and 1:30 a.m.

On May 18, Haverford Road man reported someone used green spray paint to deface his 2015 Lexus's trunk with a curse word overnight.

A person also vandalized a Haverford Road resident's mailbox overnight from May 17 to May 18. Initials, matching the resident's name, were spray painted on the mailbox.

Criminal Mischief
A woman walked into police headquarters and reported her 2017 BMW was keyed while she was attending a party on Butler Road May 21.

Trashcan Fires
Custodians at Edgewood School reported they had extinguished two small trashcan fires outside the school at approximately 10:40 p.m., May 19. One custodian said he saw three boys in the area prior to the incident. Patrol offered to conduct extra ridebys of the school.

Middle of the Night
At 2:50 a.m., May 18, police observed an individual walking by the rear of Quaker Ridge School. Patrol stopped the young man and inquired where he was coming from. He said he had been at a friend's house on Hutchinson Avenue playing Xbox "all night." Because acts of criminal mischief involving spray paint were reported in the overnight period, patrol asked to see the young man's hands. His left hand was observed to be slightly dirty. The young man said he did not know how his hand had gotten dirty. He asserted that he had not left his friend's house all night.

A man was found reclining in the seat of his car parked on Bell Road at 2:30 a.m., May 19. The car was running at the time. Police questioned the man, who said he had just dropped off his girlfriend at her house and "was resting" before returning home. Police confirmed the story with the girlfriend, a Bell Road resident.

A Barry Road woman told police she sent a picture of her face to an unknown person, mistakenly believing it was someone she knew May 15. Since she sent the picture, she has creased communication with the email user and has blocked all emails from unknown addresses.

A security guard reported that a white man in his 60s was taking pictures of a nursery school playground on Ogden Road May 17. No children were on the playground at the time. The security guard questioned the man, and he said, "This is such a nice playground. I want to show it to my family in Nevada." The man said he was visiting from Los Angeles and is not a member of the synagogue. He drove off in a car, possibly with New York license plates. The guard said he would call police if the man returned.

A child flagged down a parking enforcement officer on Brewster Road, stating she did not know where her babysitter was at 3:12 p.m., May 17. By 3:18 p.m., the child's mother was on scene, and everything was determined to be in good order.

A Meadow Road man alleged a statue was moved inside his house May 21. Police checked the house and found no signs of criminality.

A Herkimer Road woman noticed a crack in her house window after returning from the train station, where she dropped off her husband, May 19. The crack was small, and police thought it was caused by age or a kicked up rock. There was no sign of criminality.

A pedestrian advised police she was concerned about the safety of a 12-year-old near the waterfall on the bike path of the Bronx River Parkway May 19. Patrol told the kid to come off the dam for his safety, and the kid complied.

Cars and Roadways
Boxes fell from a passing truck on Weaver Street May 16. Police and a tow truck operator helped the driver retrieve the fallen boxes from the street.

On May 16, a Drake Road man reported his car's license plates were destroyed when his car was "totaled" in an accident.

A van became disabled on Post Road May 18. Police stood by the driver until help arrived to change the tire.
A caller reported a boot was placed on her parked car on Garth Road May 18. The boot had been legally placed on the car because of a parking violation. The caller then acknowledged the violation, paid the boot removal fee and left.

The highway department removed a fallen tree from Bypass May 19.

A Pelham driver said she backed into a parking space on Freightway Road, and a pipe sticking out of a building damaged her taillight May 19.

The proper utility provider was contacted about a dangling cable wire on Aspen Road, for repair, May 19.
An employee working for the school district struck and bent a metal pole near the Scarsdale High School track May 19. Police were advised that any necessary repairs would be handled internally.

White Plains police asked Scarsdale police to help them contact a Scarsdale resident, regarding criminal mischief to the resident's car May 19.

Lost and found
A Cayuga Road man reported losing his driver's license in the village May 15.

A man lost his wallet in village center, and a worker found it and gave it to police May 15.

A Greenacres Avenue man reported losing his wallet May 15. He believes the wallet was last seen on his kitchen countertop, but he could not be certain. A worker was in the house during the time the wallet possibly disappeared, but the man was not sure if the worker was involved.

A Connecticut man walked in headquarters and reported losing license plates in the village May 17.

On May 18, a Willow Lane man reported losing a license plate somewhere in the village.

An American Express credit card was found by police on Harwood Court May 19. The owner was contacted, and she picked up her card.

A wallet was found on East Parkway, near Starbucks, May 19. It was vouchered at headquarters for safekeeping.

Police returned a wallet, found at Scarsdale Middle School, to its Post Road owner May 20.

A Carthage Road resident said she saw a raccoon fall from a tree and limp to the front of her house May 16. Police provided her with telephone numbers for trappers.

A Brewster Road woman found a lost poodle mix dog, wearing a collar and tags, May 19. She said she would keep the dog at her house while attempting to reach the owner. Police also left a message for the owner at a number listed on one of the tags.

A Crane Road resident reported a sick raccoon in her yard May 20. Patrol offered to provide telephone numbers for trappers, but the resident declined. As patrol was moving his patrol car, the animal was reportedly "destroyed." Its carcass was left in a garbage can.

A lost dog was reunited with its Garden Road owner May 20. Patrol issued the owner a village code violation summons.

Village Code
Neighbors complained about loud music coming from the rear of a Fox Meadow Road house May 17. Police informed the homeowner, who was celebrating her birthday, and she turned down the volume of the music. A noise violation warning was issued.

A summons was issued to a Cooper Road resident because the resident alarm was ringing, with an exterior siren, "off and on" all day May 20.

Patrol followed up on noise complaints regarding a Cohawney Road party at 11:30 p.m., May 20. The resident said he would tell his son to turn off the music and start asking people to leave.

An oil burner misfired in a Wildwood Road house and created smoke May 15.

Con Edison was called to investigate a gas odor on Harcourt Road May 15.

A Richbell Road resident got locked out of her house May 16. Firefighters checked her ID and helped her get back inside.

A gas grill was turned on but not lit at a Sheldrake Road house, possibly causing an outdoor gas odor May 18.

Firefighters helped silence a malfunctioning siren at a Cooper Road house May 19.

A gas-powered power washer being used outside a Hickory Road house created slightly elevated carbon monoxide readings inside the house May 20. Firefighters ventilated the space, and the contractor was advised to stop using the power washer near the house.

This week, firefighters assisted at three car accidents on parkways and in the village and responded to 16 false fire alarms, caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, shower steam, painters' preparation work, dust, and a latched head.

This report, covering police and fire department activity from May 15-21 has been compiled from official information.

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