Sunday, Mar 09th

Police Report: Packages Stolen From Front Porch

packageondoorstepStolen packages
On July 17, a Shaw Road resident reported three packages were delivered to her house and subsequently stolen. Two packages from Circa Lighting were delivered around 11:15 a.m., on July 14. They contained sconces valued at approximately $1,100. A third package was delivered around 3 p.m. that same day. It appears to have contained an American Express card. Video surveillance of the porch reveals the packages being unlawfully removed from the porch – one at a time – between 3:27 p.m. and 3:33 p.m. Police are following up.

On July 17, a Bradley Road man reported a possibly suspicious incident at his neighbor's house. The man said he saw a green Acura parked on the corner of Sprague and Bradley roads. A person wearing a white T-shirt was seen exiting the car and walking up to house. A small package was removed from the porch of the house, and the person ran back to the car. The car then sped away, heading north on Bradley Road. According to the police report, this is the second incident involving a stolen package that has occurred at this same address. The neighbor who reported this incident was able to take a photograph of the suspect's car. Police are following up.

Stolen bicycles
Twin Fox Meadow Road boys' Gary Fischer men's bicycles were stolen from Madison Road July 21. The boys allegedly rode their bikes to a friend's house and left the bikes leaning on a telephone pole on Madison Road while they were in their friend's house from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Neither bike had been secured with a lock. Police explained that since the bikes had not been locked and since they had been placed so close to the curb, it was possible that someone mistakenly thought the bikes had been discarded and placed at the curb for trash pickup. Police are following up.

Domestic matter
Police stood by while a divorced couple signed paperwork and worked out details of the father taking the children from the mother's house to Canada for a family wedding July 17. Patrol advised the couple to have their lawyers draw up more specific paperwork and agreements regarding travel and passports in order to avoid similar issues in the future.

Police and MTA police met an arriving train at the Scarsdale train station because an intoxicated man had been punching windows in the second car of the train while the train was en route July 19. The man was intoxicated but cooperative with police after he disembarked from the train. He was voluntarily transported to White Plains Hospital Center for evaluation.

Police saw a ladder placed against a Woods Lane house, near a second floor window July 17. Patrol advised the homeowner of security concerns involving a ladder placed against a house. The homeowner said her husband had been using the ladder. The husband arrived back at home while police were on scene. He thanked patrol for the concern and follow-up.

A Brewster Road man reported a bald man was possibly taking pictures of his house while the bald man was standing outside a silver sedan parked on the street July 23. Police canvassed the area for the bald photographer but could not find him.

Garage door
Neighbors reported an open garage door for approximately one week at a Palmer Road house for sale July 17. Patrol checked the house, found everything to be in good order and secured the door.

A woman called police from a Lockwood Road physical therapy office, stating she had driven her car to the office but could no longer find her keys July 17. The woman retrieved a spare set of car keys from her office and notified the physical therapist's office about the lost keys.

A Claremont Road woman called police at 1 a.m., July 20, and said she heard her front door close, but she "was unsure if it was just a dream." She asked police to see if her door was secure. The woman met patrol at the door and stated all was in good order and secure.

Patrol helped an Overlook Road man turn off his emergency alert device after the device accidentally activated July 17. While examining the device, patrol discovered the battery indicator was showing that the battery soon needed to be changed. The man said he would change it after his wife got home because the device needed a AAA battery and a Phillips head screwdriver, both of which were not at the man's house.

A Bradford Road woman was upset that her home phone line was not working July 17. Patrol helped her contact her phone provider and schedule a repair appointment for the next day. In the meantime, patrol made sure the woman's fully charged cell phone was nearby, should the woman experience any emergencies in the meantime.

A Penn Boulevard woman called police because her rear sliding glass door came off its frame and shattered while the woman was closing the door July 20. She told police she was "very concerned." Police and firefighters helped the woman clean up the glass and temporarily secured the doorway opening with materials provided by the woman.
Police checked the welfare of a 90-year-old Colvin Road woman July 21. The woman was OK and called her daughter, who had requested the welfare check.

Cars and roadways
A white Nissan was seen speeding down Brewster Road July 18. While passing by, the car's front bumper and grill fell off. Patrol collected the auto parts from the road and gave them to White Plains police, because the parts were possibly related to a collision, with property damage, that had recently occurred on Fisher Avenue in White Plains.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car on Post Road while the driver waited for a tow July 18.

A road sign was removed from Mamaroneck Road and appropriate personnel were informed for replacement July 18.

Police issued warnings to the drivers of three illegally parked cars on Hampton Road July 19. The drivers immediately moved their cars.

A witness saw a 2005 Volvo strike a 2007 Hyundai on Scarsdale Avenue and drive away July 19. Police tracked down the driver of the Volvo who apologized for the accident. He said a bike rack on the rear of his car prevented him from realizing an accident had occurred. He exchanged information with the owner of the Hyundai and both parties asked to handle the matter civilly.

Police requested a tow for a disabled car on Post Road July 20.

Police noticed a Subaru parked in a Fairview Road driveway with its interior lights on at 4 a.m., July 21. The owner came outside and checked the car. Nothing was found disturbed or missing. The owner thanked patrol and secured the car.

A navy Jeep with teenagers in it was allegedly driving on a Palmer Avenue soccer field July 21. When kids on the soccer field attempted to video tape the Jeep, the Jeep's driver allegedly scared the kids and followed them as the kids ran home. Patrol canvassed the area but did not find the Jeep. No damages were observed on the field.

A woman accidentally locked her keys inside her car on Popham Road July 22. Police called a tow service that opened her doors without causing any damage.

A truck pulled down a live secondary power line on Post Road July 22. Affected residents were advised to stay away from the wires and to not leave their houses. Patrol taped off the area and stood by for Con Edison.

Two women were soliciting and selling magazines door-to-door on Ferncliff Road July 17. Police informed them that a permit was required to conduct such business in the village. The women apologized and left.

A Church Lane resident said she had donated $110 to a man selling magazines and collecting donations for an organization, but she had not been issued a receipt July 17. Patrol tracked down the solicitor, inquired about the receipt and advised him he needed a permit to solicit in the village. The man issued the resident a receipt and apologized for having forgotten to do so previously. Patrol issued the solicitor a summons for soliciting without a permit.

A pest control salesman was going door-to-door on Coralyn Road, attempting to solicit business, July 17. Patrol issued him a warning and advised him it was already late in the evening, at 8 p.m., to solicit. The salesman apologized.
A solicitor on Chesterfield Road was issued a warning July 18.

An Edgewood Road woman called 911, stating she wanted to report "a fraud" July 19. Patrol went to the woman's house and learned she was "worried about solicitors coming back to her house asking for another donation." She told police she had donated money to a solicitor's charity the day before, but she recently called her credit card to cancel the donation. Patrol assured the woman police would conduct extra ridebys to discourage future solicitations. Patrol called the woman's husband and informed him of the situation.

Two people accused of soliciting on Greenacres Avenue without a permit were canvassing the area for a religious organization July 19. No further police action was necessary.

A man accused of soliciting on Aspen Road without a permit was in the area to inform residents about environmental issues that are hazardous to Westchester County residents July 19. No further police action was necessary.

A Griffen Avenue resident reported a possible solicitor rang his doorbell and did not immediately leave the property when asked to leave July 19. The resident thought the possible solicitor might be "casing his property." Police located the possible solicitor, who was from a religious organization. He explained he is part of a mentoring program that requires prospective mentors to go door-to-door and speak with individuals. He is supposed to ask these individuals questions in an attempt to gain insight "on keys to success." Through this task, he can earn "credits" toward becoming a mentor for at-risk youth. He told police he mistook a detached structure located at the back of the Griffen Avenue house for another house. He said he did not mean to disrespect or disregard the resident's request for him to leave the property.

A man accused of soliciting on Lincoln Road without a permit was in the area to inform residents about environmental issues that are hazardous to Westchester County residents July 19. No further police action was necessary.
A Brite Avenue resident complained about a solicitor going door-to-door at 8:45 p.m., July 20. Patrol spoke with the solicitor, who had a valid permit. Patrol reminded the solicitor about the allowed hours for solicitation.

Kids were dispersed from a gathering on Hutchinson Avenue at 9 p.m., July 18.

Police reunited a Birchall Drive homeowner with his lost dog July 20.

An Ardmore Road dog escaped off its collar and ran into traffic n Crossway July 21. The dog was struck by a car. Police helped the dog owner get the dog into his car and provided directions to the nearest veterinary urgent care center.
Two unleashed Fox Meadow Road dogs were running loose, scaring children on Paddington Road, July 22. Patrol spoke to the dogs' owner, who said the dogs' electric fence collars must not have been working. He apologized and brought the dogs in the house.

A caller reported a possibly injured dog on Boulevard July 23. When police arrived on scene, they encountered a Johnson Road woman and her daughter. The woman said her dog had accidentally fallen and injured itself after getting tangled in its leash while out for a walk with the woman's daughter. The woman said her husband had already taken the dog to a vet. She said she did not need any assistance and just wanted to get her daughter home.

Civil matter
On July 23, a Post Road resident reported his neighbor was placing an unknown chemical on the border of their lawns, allegedly attempting to kill the resident's plants. The resident stated there was a long-standing issue between his neighbor and him. Patrol advised the resident that this was a civil matter and, at the moment, there was no evidence to support the allegations. Patrol suggested the resident invest in a surveillance camera to help monitor the area.

Village code
Neighbors complained of noise coming from a Willow Lane house at 10 p.m., July 19. The homeowner said he was having a birthday dinner with friends on the patio. He promised to be cautious regarding loud talking and noise.
Police issued a summons to a landscaper for using a gas-powered leaf blower on Garden Road July 21.

After neighbors complained of noise, a Carthage Lane resident lowered the volume of music to a reasonable level July 21.

Police dispersed kids from Greenacres School basketball court after dark July 21.

Patrol advised construction workers on Berwick Road that they could not make noise prior to 10 a.m., July 22. The workers apologized and stopped their work at 8:30. They said they would resume only after the permitted time.

Police issued a summons to a landscaper for using a gas-powered leaf blower on Church Lane July 22.

Noise complaints for unrelated parties and gatherings on Tompkins Road and Brite Avenue were deemed unfounded July 22.

Lost and found
On July 20, a Post Road man reported losing 12 pieces of assorted jewelry inside his house. He believes he last saw the jewelry in June. The jewelry is either kept in the man's house or in a Bank of America safe deposit box. The man provided police with documentation regarding two white gold diamond rings and a pair of diamond earrings. The man said he would look for documentation about the other missing items.

Water was leaking into an electrical outlet in the pump room at the Scarsdale pool July 17. Firefighters shut power at the junction box and advised pool management to have an electrician install a breaker to the outlet.

A propane cylinder was leaking from a pressure relief valve in a Brambach Road resident's yard July 19. The resident said the tank had just been filled two days earlier. Firefighters bled the tank until it stopped leaking.

This week, firefighters responded to 22 false fire and carbon monoxide alarms caused by device malfunction, construction dust, cooking smoke, technicians' work, batteries being changed and accidental manual activation.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.