Sunday, Mar 09th

From Greenburgh An Arrest and a Fatality

Two Greenburgh school crossing guards were arrested for falsifying records when they submitted fraudulent receipts for reimbursement to the Town of Greenburgh. The defendants, John DeGrazio of White Plains, and Rahman Krasniqi of Yonkers each received approximately $750 to which they were not entitled. The expenses submitted were allegedly for uniforms. Both men were arraigned, released on $250 bail and suspended without pay from their positions.

The arrest was a result of a joint investigation by the Office of the Westchester County District Attorney’s Public Integrity Unit and the Greenburgh Police Department.

In other news, Greenburgh Police report that a fatal auto accident occurred at 10:15 on the night of March 3rd . Karl W. Wagner, 63, of Yonkers, was driving a Chevrolet pick-up truck on Jackson Avenue when he veered into a snow bank, crossed a double yellow line into the opposite lane, and ran into a tree in a wooded area. When police arrived, Mr. Wagner was unresponsive and he was pronounced dead by the Greeburgh Police Paramedics.