Sunday, Mar 09th

Greenacres Town Hall Meeting Tonight

The Greenacres Association will host their eighth annual Town Hall meeting tonight at the Greenacres School. Join them for refreshments at 7:15 and the Town Meeting at 7:45. All Scarsdale residents are invited to meet the people who run the town and discuss issues of relevance to Greenacres and Scarsdale. Come by to hear updates on the Village and School Budgets, development, traffic, the comprehensive plan, flooding and more. Babysitting will be provided so bring your kids.

Here is a list of the panelists:

  • Vice Mayor Sharon Lindsay
  • Police Chief John Brogan
  • Fire Chief Tom Cain,
  • Superintendent of Schools Michael McGill
  • Village Manager Alfred Gatta
  • Board of Education Vice President Jill Spieler
  • Greenacres Principal Gerry Young
  • Recreation Department Superintendent Suzanne Busby
  • Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corp David Raizen
  • Volunteer Fire Company 2 Jim Buck.

Meet your neighbors, ask questions and learn more about our town.

For information, contact: Greenacres Neighborhood Association President Deb Pekarek at or 723-6171

Thursday March 11, 2010
Greenacres 8th Annual Town Meeting
Greenacres School 7:45 pm Meeting 7:15 pm Refreshments
Babysitting provided