Arrests, Thefts and a Scare at Scarsdale High School
- Tuesday, 04 May 2010 14:53
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 04 May 2010 15:52
- Published: Tuesday, 04 May 2010 14:53
- Hits: 6241
A 54 year-old Scarsdale School employee, watching the High School Lacrosse game against Mamaroneck collapsed next to the track and was reported to be unconscious and unresponsive at 5:27 pm on May 3rd. The game stopped, players dropped to their knees and school personnel quickly applied the AED machine to the man and gave him two shocks. Police and the Scarsdale Village Ambulance Corps arrived and performed CPR. The man was taken to White Plains hospital and his present condition is unknown.
Arrested: Two additional suspects involved in the April 12 Walworth Avenue mugging were arrested on April 28th. Neshia Dias, age 19 of South Kensico Street in White Plains and Jasmine Burnett, age 20 of North Broadway in White Plains were both charged with robbery, grand larceny and criminal possession of stolen property. Working with Krystal Walters, age 21 of Dobbs Ferry Road, Greenburgh, the two are charged with approaching a Greenacres woman, throwing her coat over her head and stealing her bag. Police pursued a number of leads to find the girls, including information that the suspects used the stolen credit cards to make purchases in Westchester and the Bronx. Dias and Burnett are being held at the Westchester County jail as they were unable to post bail of $50,000 in cash or a $100,000 bond.
An 18 year-old Secor Farms boy was arrested for entering a neighbor’s home on February 3, 2010 and taking over $15,000 in jewelry. The suspect entered the house through an unlocked basement door and rummaged through the master bedroom and took jewelry from the dresser. He left through a rear kitchen sliding door and left footprints in the snow that lead to his own backyard, where police found four bottles of wine that had also been taken from the home. During their investigation Police found that the perpetrator had sold some of the stolen jewelry to a local pawn shop and this information lead to his arrest.
Cosimo Bruno, age 21 of Popham Road, was picked up by the Bronx Police on the night of April 30th for an outstanding bench warrant in Scarsdale. He was booked and transported to Scarsdale Village Court where he paid an outstanding fine and was released.
Public Protest: Police were summoned on Friday morning 4/30 when a group of Chinese Monks were marching on Garden Road. The group was walking for a Nuclear Free Future and headed for the United Nations.
Mischief: Three rocks were thrown through a second floor window at a Fairview Road home on April 30th. Both the window and the storm window were broken.
On April 28, an antsy Valley Road man, eager to pass a village truck parked on his street, drove onto village-owned land at the corner of Valley and Gorham Roads and got stuck in the mud. The resident agreed to have his landscaper repair the damage his car caused to village property and no further action was taken.
A passerby reported that a man had started a fire in Chase Park on the morning of 4/29. Police found the man at a picnic table where he was passing time by lighting up a small piece of paper. He had no intention of starting anything larger.
Thefts: An unlocked car, parked in the driveway of a Fenimore Road home was entered during the night of 4/29-4/30. An iPod and a Garmin navigation device were taken.
A White Plains man claims that his ex-wife had the locks changed on his car and stole a briefcase and $500 in cash when his car was parked in front of the Scarsdale Post Office. The man had no proof to back his allegations.
A Fender Deluxe Strat Guitar was reported missing from the guitar room at Scarsdale High School on 4/28. The guitar, valued at $1199 was last seen around March 26 during Jabbber Fest. It is a rare instrument that is maroon in color. If anyone knows of the guitar’s whereabouts, please contact Scarsdale High School.
Lost: A North Carolina woman called police to check a Ridgecrest West home to see if her children were there in the custody of her ex-husband’s mother. Police checked the house but found that no one was at home.
Found: a rusty red Schwinn bicycle with two flat tires was found chained to a pole at the corner of Popham Road and East Parkway on 4/28. Police cut the chain and brought the bike to headquarters.
A Scarsdale Crossing Guard reported that he lost his department- issued cell phone on April 27th while visiting the Scarsdale Post Office. Later that day, the Crossing Guard found the phone in his car.
A large black Labrador retriever was found inside a house under construction on Cushman Road on Saturday afternoon 4/30. Though the dog had an invisible fence tag, he wore no identification. He was picked up by the New Rochelle Humane Society.
Two Edgewood women got into a dispute at the Davis Park playground on Boulevard on Saturday afternoon April 30th. The caller claimed that another woman was verbally abusive to her and her child. Police arrived, spoke to the women and both agreed to leave the park.
A woman, jogging on Palmer Road on Sunday morning was followed by a man driving a blue Camry. The man asked to speak to her, and when she told him she was calling the police he drove off.
On Sunday night May 1 at 10 pm police were called to break up a large group of kids at the corner of Brewster Road and Huntington Avenue. Police found kids fleeing in all directions and empty alcohol containers. Police stopped a 16 year-old driver who was letting passengers out of his car and charged him with driving after 9 pm.
Police came to the aid of a woman who had fallen off her bike on the Bronx River bike path on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. At 1 p.m. a 9 year-old girl fell off her bike on the Parkway, just south of Fenimore Road but refused treatment.
On Monday morning 5/3, a Scarsdale school bus sideswiped a MTA Beeline bus on the Post Road. The passenger side window of the school bus clipped the driver’s side window of the Beeline bus and the school bus mirror cracked. The school bus was empty at the time and the MTA transferred passengers to another bus. There were no injuries reported.