Sunday, Mar 09th

Police Report: Second Incident of Utility Trailer Theft Reported in Village this Month

uhaulMissing trailer: A Heathcote Road caller reported he left a 25-ft. utility trailer parked on his company’s empty lot on Sherbrooke Road about two-an-a half weeks ago and returned to find it was gone on Jan. 19. Police are investigating the stolen trailer, valued at approximately $10,000. This report follows a similar recent report of a stolen utility trailer from Scarsdale Middle School grounds.

Identity theft
On Jan. 20, a Richbell Road woman reported receiving three unwanted debit cards in the mail from three different banks. She informed the banks and closed the accounts.

On Jan. 21, a Barry Road resident reported someone was fraudulently using his wife’s credit card information, with Chase Bank, for unauthorized charges.
On Jan. 22, a Corell Road woman reported that someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in her name. The claim was denied.

On Jan. 18, a Walworth Avenue resident reported that he got into a verbal dispute with an unknown motorist who threw a soda can from a car window in front of the resident’s house. Police advised the resident to call police should the motorist return.

On Jan. 22, one resident brushed passed another resident in a hallway at a Post Road group home. This resulted in a verbal dispute between the residents. Staff members called police as a precaution. Police advised staff members to keep the parties away from each other for the rest of the day. On Jan. 23, one of the disputing residents called police to say she was continuing to have an ongoing issue with the other resident. Police advised her to speak with a counselor about possibly moving to a different facility if the problem cannot be resolved.

Domestic dispute
Police mediated a verbal disagreement with family members arguing over one sister’s access to a spare key for a house on Colvin Road. The parties were able to settle their differences in a civil manner, and the sister gathered her belongings and left the house to reduce further conflict.

Harassing calls
An Old Lyme Road man receiving repeated calls from a woman who was asking him for money Jan. 19. The man said he had given the woman money in the past but has not given her any money recently. Police advised the man to block her number from his phone and cease any contact with her.

911 call
On Jan. 19, the desk officer received a call from NYPD 911. The 911 operator stated she had a man on the line stating he was at Flourish Bakery in Scarsdale, with an unknown condition. As the man starting talking, the line went dead. The operator did not have a number for the individual. The desk officer looked up Flourish Bakery and found it on Summerfield Street in Eastchester. Eastchester police were notified for follow up.

Police observed a man dressed in black walking in the center of Post Road at 1:30 a.m., Jan. 19. Police stopped the man to see if he needed any assistance and to advise him to walk on the sidewalk for safety. The man said he was out for a walk “to clear his head” after leaving a friend’s house in White Plains. He declined any assistance or medical attention. Police stayed on scene and watched the man leave the scene and continue on his way, crossing into the jurisdiction of Eastchester.

Unknown person on property
A Morris Lane man reported seeing an unknown person on his property through a security camera Jan. 22. Police spoke with the person who said he was there to perform work. The person showed police a job ticket with an account bearing the man’s address and information. Police checked the perimeter of the house, and everything appeared to be in good order.

No power
On Jan. 20, a Wakefield Road woman advised that she had lost power in her residence. A home health aide was on scene with the woman. Patrol was able to advise the aide to check for a tripped circuit breaker, and power was restored. No further police assistance was requested.

Cars and roadways
A broken branch was observed to be dangling over a Harcourt Road sidewalk Jan. 18. Police taped off the area and informed the highway department for removal.

The water department was informed about a possible water main leak on Brite Avenue Jan. 18. Firefighters assisted by helping check the house for possible water entry into houses.

A large rock fell into Saxon Woods Road Jan. 19. Police moved it off the road and placed it in a location where it would pose less risk of falling into the roadway. Shortly after moving the rock out of the way, police received a call from a driver whose car suffered a flat tire due to driving over the rock earlier that day. Police assisted the motorist and helped her retrieve her hubcap, which had fallen off the car.

A man sleeping in a car on Oak Lane for about an hour after 5 p.m., Jan. 19, told police he was a contractor working in the area. He advised he had pulled over to take a nap before his long commute home. He left the scene without incident.

On Jan. 21, at 12:40 a.m., patrol observed a car with an open trunk on Franklin Road. Patrol made contact with the registered owner who checked the vehicle for any signs of criminal activity. Everything was determined to be in place and in good order. The owner deduced he must have hit the remote trunk release by accident.

On Jan. 21, a Post Road Volvo was accidentally sending out SOS alert signals to Volvo’s dispatcher. Police went the scene to check on the car and driver. The driver said the SOS alert system was malfunctioning, and the car would be serviced.

Police provided traffic control while construction vehicles maneuvered their way onto the Bronx River parkway, to drive to a parkway roadwork site, Jan. 22.

Police tied up a low-hanging phone wire on Walworth Avenue and notified Verizon Jan. 22.

One car accident was officially reported in the Village this week.

Pandemic restrictions
On Jan. 19, a caller reported someone was riding a bike on the sidewalk on Mamaroneck Road, near the Hutch, “interfering with pedestrians and not wearing a mask. Patrol canvassed Mamaroneck Road and observed a cyclist at the Scarsdale
Pool parking lot. The cyclist said he “wears a mask when he is near other people.” He also said he did not have a confrontation with anyone regarding the complaint.

Village code
A noise reported at a Kingston Road house was coming from a malfunctioning electric fence Jan. 22. Police spoke with the homeowner who said a repairperson was on his way.

A caller reported hearing shouting on Southwoods Lane Jan. 22. On scene, police heard no noise, but a resident reported her kids were playing in yard and might have made some noise.

Lost and found
On Jan. 18, an Overhill Road resident reported losing license plates that were previously removed from her vehicle. She lost the plates while moving.

On Jan. 20, a Potter Road resident reported losing his license plates.

A wallet was found on East Parkway Jan. 23. With the help of Tuckahoe police, police contacted the wallet’s owner, who later picked up the wallet from headquarters.

On Jan. 18, firefighters investigated a “burning rubber” smell reported in a Boulder Brook Road house. The odor was determined to be coming from a broken ceiling light fixture that had overheated. Firefighters shut power to the fixture and advised the resident to contact an electrician.

On Jan. 24, firefighters responded to a Gorham Court house on a report of a gas odor in the basement. There, they found a gas-fired, steam boiler was not firing correctly because it would start-up and shut off before a draft was established. Firefighters determined the shut-off was occurring because the boiler had low water. They filled the boiler with more water, and that caused it to resume normal operation. Firefighters advised the resident to call a service company to get the water feeder fixed.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Jan. 18-24 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their websiteThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.