Sunday, Mar 09th

Come to the Kabaret

KiddieKabbaret2Greenacres resident Nancie Schnur has been delighting children with her songs for 23 years in Scarsdale. She performs her “Kiddie Kabaret” at birthday parties, in schools, libraries and wherever young children can be found. She is a local legend and here is her story:

When did you first start singing and learn to play the guitar?
I have been singing my whole life though I am not trained nor do I read music. I write all my songs by singing the tunes into a tape recorder and writing down the lyrics as I go along. I learn everything by ear. (I did play guitar in college but don't anymore.)

What is your educational background?
I graduated from SHS and I have a BA from Sarah Lawrence College.

How long have you lived in Scarsdale?
I moved to Scarsdale from New Rochelle in 1968.

When did you start singing for children?
I started singing for young children when my kids were in nursery school. That was almost 23 years ago. My previous career was as a product and package designer for Avon Products and Sigma Marketing systems. I switched to children's entertainment so I could work my schedule around my kid's schedule and spend more time with them.

Do you write original songs or sing the classics?
I do both. I have many original songs and I also add verses and write music for old nursery rhymes that are in the public domain. Many of these appear on my album, Kiddie Kabaret. I also perform the classic kid's songs that we all grew up with like Old MacDonald, however, I like to give them a little lyrical twist or a more contemporary arrangement.

What are some of the favorites for kids?
Young children all seem to enjoy a song I wrote called "Four Luckie Duckies" where I wear puppets on my hands and feet. They love songs where they can participate too. I have another original song called "Nobody Sings a song about their Elbows" where we point to all the things about us that never get a song (elbows, knees, noses, sneezes, etc.) and they get a kick out of that. Of course, by the time we finish the song we actually DO sing about all those things!

Describe the parties you offer:
I perform Kiddie Kabaret at public libraries, schools and private events like birthday parties. The show generally runs 30 - 40 minutes depending on the age of the kids. I use lots of fun, colorful props to make the songs I sing come alive. These include hand puppets, finger puppets, puppets on sticks, puppets made out of gloves where each finger is a different character and many other whimsical objects. I make many of these props myself, especially when they accompany songs I have written.

Have children changed with the advent of new technologies?
Kids really have not changed in the two plus decades I have been doing this but technology has. I started out using cassette tapes and have moved onto CDS for playing the music that I sing to. Since my hands are busy using puppets, etc. I cannot also play an instrument so I sing live, and the music, which has been fully orchestrated in a studio, is recorded and played on a CD to back up all of our voices. The most fun is when all the adults who accompany the kids join in as that makes for a big intergenerational sing-along!

Where can Scarsdale kids find you?
I have been performing Kiddie Kabaret in The Scott Room at Scarsdale library for the past 22 years. The program is offered once a month from October through June at 10:30 AM usually on Tuesday mornings. Check the library schedule for upcoming dates if you'd like to join in the fun!

Anything else you would like to add?
I have a CD for sale that has 19 songs on it and gives a good taste of what the show is like. It is called Kiddie Kabaret with Nancie Schnur and can be purchased from me or at The Scarsdale Women's Exchange for $15. I offer a special discount on CDs when they are bought for favors in conjunction with a party.

Where can readers find you?
I can be reached at 914-723-2510 or at