Sunday, Mar 09th

Election Day in Scarsdale - Wednesday November 14

votecheckThe Scarsdale Procedure Committee will hold the election for the Citizen’s Nominating Committee on Wednesday November 14 at Scarsdale Village Hall. Voting hours are 7-9:30 A.M. and 2-9 P.M. The CNC, comprised of 30 elected representatives, six each from the five voting districts, interviews and chooses non-partisan candidates for Village office in the village election in March. These nominators will select candidates to run for Mayor, Village Trustee and Village Justice.

Here are the candidates you’ll find on the ballot. Scarsdale residents will have the option of voting for two out of the four candidates running from their neighborhoods:

EDGEWOOD: Warren Haber, Michael Lewis, David Rosewater, and Richard Wingatescarsdalevillagehall

FOX MEADOW: Norwood Beveridge, Jr., Linda Blair, Maxim Grudin, and Susan Groner

GREENACRES: Linda Flaxer, Michael Green, Kenneth Raskin, and Andrea Seiden

HEATHCOTE: Beth Ehrich Berkeley, Emily Kirschenbaum, Robert Reiffel, and Evelyn Stock

QUAKER RIDGE: David Dembitzer, Israel Kornstein, David Weiss, and Marc Yaseen

There are also several proposed amendments to the Non-Partisan Resolution on the ballot. Here is a summary of the proposals:

1. Summary of proposed Amendment to Article V, Section 5A (Organization Meeting): The first portion of the Organizational Meeting would be open to the public and would be televised for later viewing on cable television by tape; the business conducted during the public portion would include hearing from incumbent members of the Board of Trustees not running for reelection about the duties and responsibilities of Trustees and the Mayor and the desirable skills and talents to be looked for in potential nominees, consideration of the CNC’s rules of procedure, and description of best practices in conducting due diligence on possible nominees; it would allow the CNC to go into executive session for a portion of its business.

2. Proposed Amendment to Article IV, Section 7c: Mail-in ballots may be received on the day of the election:

3. Proposed amendment to Non-Partisan Resolution, Article V, Section 6: Present CNC ballot procedure would be codified so as to require that the election for each open office or position will be conducted separately, without reference to the name of the current occupant of an office or position.

All Scarsdale residents are encouraged to vote in the election on Wednesday November 14 at Scarsdale Village Hall.