Sunday, Mar 09th

CNC Announces 2012 Election Results

cnclogoaThe results of the 2012 Scarsdale Citizen’s Nominating Committee election were announced at 11 pm on Wednesday November 14 by David Brodsky, Chair of the Scarsdale Procedure Committee. Two nominators from each of Scarsdale’s five neighborhoods were selected to serve on the committee for three-year terms. This committee is charged with selecting the candidates for Scarsdale Village Trustee, Mayor and Village Justice whose names will appear on the ballot in the general election in March.

The winning candidates are:

David Brodsky and Michelle Lichtenberg from the Scarsdale Procedure Committee
  • Edgewood: Warren Haber, David Rosewater
  • Fox Meadow: Linda Blair, Susan Groner
  • Greenacres: Linda Flaxer, Andrea Seiden
  • Heathcote: Robert Reiffel, Evelyn Stock
  • Quaker Ridge: Israel Kornstein, Marc Yaseen

This year the Scarsdale Procedure Committee encouraged residents to vote by mail and in-person in an effort to increase total voter participation. A total of 551 valid ballots were cast – 319 in person and 232 by mail. This is up from the 533 votes that were cast in 2011.

All three amendments to the Non-Partisan Resolution also passed. Here is a summary of these amendments:

1. Summary of proposed Amendment to Article V, Section 5A (Organization Meeting): The first portion of the Organizational Meeting would be open to the public and would be televised for later viewing on cable television by tape; the business conducted during the public portion would include hearing from incumbent members of the Board of Trustees not running for reelection about the duties and responsibilities of Trustees and the Mayor and the desirable skills and talents to be looked for in potential nominees, consideration of the CNC’s rules of procedure, and description of best practices in conducting due diligence on possible nominees; it would allow the CNC to go into executive session for a portion of its business.

2. Proposed Amendment to Article IV, Section 7c: Mail-in ballots may be received on the day of the election:

3. Proposed amendment to Non-Partisan Resolution, Article V, Section 6: Present CNC ballot procedure would be codified so as to require that the election for each open office or position will be conducted separately, without reference to the name of the current occupant of an office or position.