Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Police Reveal More Info About July 31 Crime Spree

brokenwindowFollowing two burglaries and a score of car break-ins overnight in Scarsdale on July 31 – August 1, we wanted to learn more about what happened and what the Scarsdale Police are doing to track down the suspects.

We exchanged emails with Scarsdale Lieutenant Thomas Altizio and here is what he shared with us about the night of crime.

  • On Stonehouse Road, where there were several car break-ins, a policeman saw two men going through a car. He pursued the suspects on foot though several backyards and the suspects dropped stolen items as well as some personal items.
  • Video surveillance retrieved from some other residences at or near the scene of some of the other incidents depicts a male, similar in appearance to the ones observed on Stonehouse Road. They are described as male white or light skinned Hispanic, 5'08" – 5'11", wearing light shorts and a dark shirt (at the time).
  • Given the close geographic proximity of the crimes and the narrow timeframe, police believe the two burglaries and the car break-ins were all the work of the same individual(s).
  • Police have collected the physical and forensic evidence from the homes and cars. They have submitted both fingerprints and DNA samples to the Crime Lab for analysis and await the results.
  • Detectives are conferring with other police departments nearby where similar incidents have occurred to identify any patters or suspects.
  • A Police Information bulletin containing video images and the descriptions of some of the recovered property has been issued to all area Police Departments.
  • In the interim, more patrols have been assigned to the area and plainclothes officers are also on the watch. Police are using vehicles equipped with video recording capabilities as well as ALPR (Automatic License Plate Readers) to record the license plates of vehicles in the area for possible follow-up investigations.

Police urge residents to lock your home and your cars and not to leave anything of value in your car. If you have an alarm system, turn it on and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.