New Sidewalk on Brewster Road
- Thursday, 28 August 2014 12:10
- Last Updated: Thursday, 28 August 2014 22:54
- Published: Thursday, 28 August 2014 12:10
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 4040
Returning students and their parents will be pleased to find a new sidewalk and curbing extending along the Brewster Road side of Scarsdale High School to Hartcourt Road. The sidewalk now extends the entire span from the intersection of Brewster and Olmstead Road to Harcourt Road and Wayside Lane. A section of sidewalk roughly 120 feet in length was also added on the west side of Brewster Road from Ogden Road south. This sidewalk, on the side of the street where on-street parking is provided, will allow for safe pedestrian access across Brewster Road via a new crosswalk to the main driveway entrance to the school.
According to Deputy Village Manager Steve Pappalardo, the work was done as part of the South Fox Meadow Stormwater Improvement Project to alleviate flooding along Brewster Road and in the parking lot in front of the school where ducks often swam after rainstorms. There are openings in the new curbing to allow for stormwater to pass through and empty into a drainage swale constructed between the curbing and sidewalk. Stormwater from the west side of Brewster Road will also empty to new catch basins connected to a new 18" storm drain line which will empty to a new settling basin located within Harcourt Woods. Both the drainage swale and basin will filter pollutants from the stormwater before it empties into the open watercourse in Harcourt Woods. Sections of the open watercourse have been de-silted and cleared of vegetation obstructing its flow.
This work will continue over the next few months and much of the stream banks stabilized with the installation of vegetated gabion stone baskets. This bank stabilization work will help maintain the desired stream bank slope while reducing erosion. Additional landscaping in the watercourse area is also planned. The project is scheduled for completion at the end of the calendar year.