Serve for Scholarships and Youth Tennis League
- Monday, 27 April 2015 08:27
- Last Updated: Monday, 27 April 2015 08:54
- Published: Monday, 27 April 2015 08:27
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3830
The first-ever “Serve for Scholarships” Tennis Tournament brought out 42 players on a cold and windy Saturday morning to hit some balls and raise money for the Scarsdale PTA Scholarship Fund. The event was the brainchild of SHS PTA President Amy Cooper, who partnered with Tammy Fine, to combine their two passions – helping the community and a love of tennis.
The Scarsdale Village Recreation Department helped to get the event off the ground by giving Cooper and Fine a permit for use of the Scarsdale Middle School courts. Community businesses were also generous: Sportime donated the tennis balls, ProFrom offered a free 60-minute tennis lesson, Lifetime gave guest passes and Fleetwood Lock and Karen Kohn Jewelry were sponsors. Every participant walked away with Sugarpova candy, donated by the company.
There were 15 raffle prizes, or tennis survival kits that included balls, grips, water bottles, chocolates, tiger balm and K-Tape.
Teams were organized by elementary school and many of the women wore their kids school shirts underneath their down jackets. Fox Meadow was the winner followed by Quaker Ridge, Heathcote and Greenacres.
Pamela Feuhrer said the following: "As the Fundraising Vice Chair for the Scholarship Fund, I want to pass on my deepest thanks to Tammy and Amy. Has any other fundraising chair had such an amazing event be created and implemented without having to lift a finger? I think not. Tremendous effort and much appreciated!!! Thanks to each participant and to those who donated but didn't play (not sure they're in this email group). Your involvement raised an additional $1,375 (and counting?) that our committee can grant to graduating seniors in need. Visit our webpage for more info! Racquets up and hats off to Amy and Tammy!"
Cooper said she would like to make this an annual event and encouraged residents to visit the scholarship fund website to make donations to the scholarship fund or to find information about applying for a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to graduating Scarsdale high school seniors, on a need-based review, to help defray the cost of the first year of college.
Youth Tennis League Begins This Week:
The Scarsdale Spring Youth Tennis League for Grades 3 through 8 for boys and girls starts on Monday, April 27 at 4:45 PM at the Scarsdale Middle School Tennis Courts . Register at under Youth Tennis League or come to the Scarsdale Middle School Tennis Courts on Monday and Thursday from 4:45 PM to 6:45 PM and Friday from 6 PM to 7 PM to register and play.
The Youth League needs volunteer tennis coaches- Moms and Dads from the five elementary schools. Women who play for the Women’s County Leagues are encouraged to help organize the Youth Tennis Teams.
The Spring Youth Tennis League was started in 1984 by Bob Harrison and five elementary school area tennis chairs with 39 teams and 240 youth players. The League grew to 85 teams and 650 players in the 1990's with 100+ volunteer organizers. Sadly the League fell apart in the early 2000's with the lack of leadership from the Rec Department. Now there is great leadership from Anthony Di Domenico and Jason Marra from the Rec Department and the program is on the upswing.
For more information or to register, contact Anthony DiDomenico at or 722-1160 or Bob Harrison at or 914 646-4054 (cell)
Bob Harrison, Director
New York Junior Tennis League, Scarsdale Chapter
Scarsdale Summer Youth Tennis League , Founder 1984 to 2014