Sunday, Mar 09th

Election Results: Arest for Mayor, Ahuja, Brew and Gruenberg to Serve as Village Trustees

CakeShotA new generation of volunteers was elected to lead Scarsdale on Tuesday March 21, 2023, when Justin Arest, Sameer Ahuja, Karen Brew and Dara Gruenberg were voted on to the Village Board. Also elected for another term was Village Justice Cindy Dunne.
The candidates, all on the slate of the Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party, ran unopposed so the election was calm and routine.
Arest, who will be Scarsdale’s Mayor, already served two terms as a Village Trustee and is well known around Village Hall. Ahuja and Brew, who are completing their first terms as trustee were re-elected, and Gruenberg, who has served many leadership roles within the community was elected to serve her first term.
Several of the board members are parents of school age children, some who attended the celebration on election night. The Board is now multigenerational, multicultural and represents a new era for the Village.
The election was held at the Scarsdale Library and polls closed at 9 pm. The campaign committee, members of the Citizens Nominating Committee, trustees, friends and family members all gathered in the lobby to toast the candidates and everyone who participated in the process. 
Justin Arest offered thanks and noted that the election was evidence that the non-partisan process, Scarsdale’s unique form of government, worked well. He spoke enthusiastically about the friends he has made through his work for the Village and acknowledged Mayor Jane Veron, Westchester County Executive George Latimer and the entire team that supports Village governance.
The new team will be sworn in at Village Hall on April 3, 2023.
Here is the vote tally, as counted and announced by Village Clerk Taylor Emmanuel:

Justin Arest: 381
Sameer Ahuja: 365
Karen Brew: 366
Dara Gruenberg: 372
Cindy Dunne: 368ArestFamily

GruenbergFamilyCakeveron LatimerGroupPhoto