Sunday, Mar 09th

Democrats Honor Former District Leader Henry Neale

Neale1On November 21, 2024, the Scarsdale Democratic Town Committee honored Henry Neale, its former chair and District Leader.

Henry is a true son of Westchester and Scarsdale, as he was born in White Plains Hospital and grew up here in Scarsdale and attended Scarsdale public schools. Henry recently moved to Sleepy Hollow.

Henry not only ran the Committee, he has had a keen interest in public policy. He ran for Assembly in 1982, a tough year for Democrats and lost. In 1991, then chair of the Scarsdale League of Women Voters Amy Paulin started a fight to keep the town of Scarsdale in one district. Henry helped in the effort by bringing a successful redistricting lawsuit for a client in Greenburgh, which in turn set a legal precedent helping to ensure that Scarsdale would not be divided between two county legislative districts on the County Board of Legislators. He was the driving force for the adoption of a resolution by the Westchester County Democratic Committee which criticized then President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq, a controversial call at the time.

Henry’s true love is the environment, including public parks and open spaces--way before these causes were topics of wider public discussion. Henry was Chair of the County Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board and is currently a member. He also serves as a Trustee of the Westchester Parks Foundation. Henry has been active in the Environmental Planning Lobby and headed the activist forces that led to New York’s “Bottle Bill”. He also took a principled stand against County Executive O’Rourke, when Henry was the Chair of the Westchester County Environmental Management Council. Henry criticized O’Rourke’s proposed plan to use park land for non-park purposes. O’Rourke subsequently dropped Henry from the Council. Because Henry had publicly spoken out, O’Rourke eventually backed down.

NealeGroupNeale has many admirers.

Henry has also been involved with and a supporter of Hour Children, a group that keeps mothers incarcerated in the Bedford Hills and Taconic Correctional Facilities connected with their children by facilitating family visits in positive settings. Henry has been ahead of his time in promoting family cohesion between these mothers and their children.ProclamationNeale Displays a Proclamation from the office of State Senator Shelley Mayer.

At the party, County Executive George Latimer, State Senator Shelley Mayer, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin’s office and Westchester Legislator Ben Boykin saluted Henry with their remarks and delivered to him citations in his honor.

Neale SterlingA Proclamation from the office of Amy Paulin, Neale and Michelle Sterling

BoykinNeale with County Legislator Ben Boykin MondaireMichelleMondaire Jones with Michelle LichtenbergcakeNeale cuts the cake with BK Munguia