Sunday, Mar 09th

People Search

worldtradecenterHelp us find these folks: A local filmmaker is looking for a subject for her latest project, Scarsdale and Edgemont Family Counseling seeks seniors (65+) for intergenerational program and Bobby Flay is looking for food entrepreneurs. Here are the details:

Looking for the September 11 Lady at the Hartsdale Bagel Store

Does anyone remember the story of the lady who missed her train on September 11 because she was arguing with the man in the Hartsdale Bagel store about the size of her coffee? As a result, she missed her train, was late for work and was not in her office at the World trade Center when the towers went down.

Does anyone remember her name or know how to get in touch with her? A local filmmaker would like to interview her for a video. If you know the woman’s name or have leads about her whereabouts, please contact Amy Stern at 914-723-7011 or

Seniors Wanted for Intergenerational Program

The Older Adult Services program of Scarsdale and Edgemont Family Counseling Service will once again be sponsoring an intergenerational program with Scarsdale Middle School. Last years successful program matched older adults from the community with enthusiastic 6th graders who interviewed the seniors over 4 days and then wrote their biographies. The project, known as “Earth’s Elders” is a curriculum based on the book of the same name written by Jerry Friedman a photojournalist who traveled the world interviewing “Supercentenarians” –individuals over 100 years of age. Earth’s Elders Foundation was formed as an educational project to raise children’s awareness of older adults in the community. This year they are again looking for volunteers, 65 and over, who will participate in the project. The dates are May 9th, 16th, 23rd and May 30th. Transportation will be provided from the Girl Scout House at 9:30 AM to the Middle School. Return time is approximately 11AM.

For more information please call JD Sullivan at (914)-723-3281 or email at:

Food Network Casting Call
The Food Network Show starring Bobby Flay is looking for talented, outgoing and dynamic food entrepreneurs who are chefshatopening a business between March and June of 2012.

In this exciting new series, critically acclaimed chef Bobby Flay will be mentoring lucky entrepreneurs in the days leading up to their eatery opening. Those chosen will receive culinary business coaching from a major celebrity chef and restaurateur, as well as nationwide publicity!

If you or someone you know would be interested in applying, visit for more details.  Casting is taking place in the next few weeks so apply soon.