Meet theSkimm
- Tuesday, 04 September 2012 09:10
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 04 September 2012 17:47
- Published: Tuesday, 04 September 2012 09:10
- Hits: 4643
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a dinner party when suddenly a topic comes up that sounds like gibberish? Or been so busy running around with the kids that you open the paper and haven't heard of anything on the front page? You know the gist of what's going in the world, but not enough to jump in to a conversation about it. Somewhere in your routine, time for reading the paper or watching the evening news disappeared and a quick online scan of the headlines only gets you so far.
Cue theSkimm , an online newsletter that simplifies the headlines for the woman who knows enough to know she needs more. Their concept is simple: they read, you Skimm. With daily fresh editorial content, theSkimm gives you what you need to know and why you need to know it. theSkimm is quickly becoming a morning addiction – what goes better with coffee than a morning Skimm?
The two girls behind theSkimm came from the news world and grew up more Morning Glory than The Social Network. It took them a lot of guts and white wine to make theSkimm a reality.
Founders Carly Zakin and Danielle Weisberg, are both in their 20s and hail from New York and Chicago. There’s a touch of romance to their business story as they met on a rainy day in Rome while studying abroad in college. They learned early on that you never know who you’ll meet, so always be friendly. They fell out of touch after that semester and reconnected years later while working in Washington, D.C. By that point, they were both professional storytellers, as producers for NBC News- working in breaking news, political news, and documentaries. After bonding as colleagues, friends, and then roommates, it didn’t take long for theSkimm to take shape.
theSkimm grew out of two basic things : 1) Zakin and Weisberg are news junkies who quickly learned that their career paths didn’t hold the same relevance in today’s digital environment. 2) They saw a market that wasn’t being served by traditional news outlets.
Since women are now leading men in degrees and paychecks and the newsletter’s founders wanted to provide an accessible and palatable way for busy women to get their news so they would feel confident leading in whatever situation – a date, a meeting, an interview, a dinner.
Whether you are a working women who is trying to balance your professional and social or a stay-at home mom, theSkimm breaks down the walls surrounding the institution of ‘news’ and invites any and all questions.
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