CNC Invites Public to Organizational Meeting on December 5
- Monday, 27 November 2017 12:16
- Last Updated: Thursday, 13 September 2018 11:38
- Published: Monday, 27 November 2017 12:16
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 4147
Scarsdale Citizens Nominating Committee ("CNC") welcomes the ten newly elected members and invites the public to its first meeting Tuesday December 5th 2017 at 8PM at the 3rd floor meeting room at Village Hall 1001 Post Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Come to the meeting to learn more about Scarsdale's Non-Partisan System for selecting candidates to run for Village office on the Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party. Scarsdale Public Television will record the meeting.
The CNC consists of 30 elected Scarsdale residents who represent their neighborhood election units (Edgewood, Fox Meadow, Greenacres, Heathcote or Quaker Ridge). Ten new members are elected to the CNC each November to serve staggered three-year terms. The volunteer group meets from December to January to seek, interview, and evaluate potential candidates to run for Village office. This year the CNC will nominate individuals to run for three openings on the Scarsdale Village Board. Trustees Marc Samwick and Deborah Pekarek will be finishing their second two-year terms and Trustee Jane Veron will be completing her first two-year term. The General Village Election is at Village Hall on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
Scarsdale's Non-Partisan System has been operating successfully for over 100 years, following a contentious election in 1909. The goal of the Non-Partisan system is to attract qualified citizens who would otherwise avoid campaigning, but would be willing to run for office in elections that are generally uncontested. The CNC's deliberations and due diligence on all potential nominees is kept confidential to further encourage well-qualified volunteers to apply for a spot on the Non-Partisan slate. There are 4 non-elected and non-voting administrative members of the CNC present to insure adherence to the procedural requirements of the Non-Partisan Resolution. Potential candidates also have the option to run for office outside of the Non-Partisan system under provisions of New York State law.
Are you interested in running for Trustee? Do you know someone who would serve the Village of Scarsdale well? Contact any CNC representative listed below; or inform the CNC Chair, ML Perlman, at (917) 679-8779 or
The deadline for submission of a biographical form to the CNC is 5:00 PM January 17, 2018.
Chair TVCC President ML Perlman
Vice-Chair TVCC VP Jon Mark
Representative TVCC TBD
Representative SNAP TBD
Edgewood 2018 Eric Cheng
Edgewood 2018 David Peck
Fox Meadow 2018 Madelaine Eppenstein
Fox Meadow 2018 Eve Steinberg
Greenacres 2018 Michelle Sterling
Greenacres 2018 Jeanette Warner
Heathcote 2018 Charles Baltman
Heathcote 2018 Jeff Goodwin
Quaker Ridge 2018 David Dembitzer
Quaker Ridge 2018 Nancy Steinberg
Edgewood 2019 Ron Sannicandro
Edgewood 2019 Ryan Spicer
Fox Meadow 2019 Marc Greenwald
Fox Meadow 2019 Judy Wenjing Kerr
Greenacres 2019 Daniel Brown
Greenacres 2019 Jon Leslie
Heathcote 2019 Laura Kaplow-Goldman
Heathcote 2019 Peter Tesler
Quaker Ridge 2019 Mary Beth Gose
Quaker Ridge 2019 Ron Schulhof
Edgewood 2020 Becky Bach
Edgewood 2020 Susan Duncan
Fox Meadow 2020 Dara Gruenberg
Fox Meadow 2020 Steve Pass
Greenacres 2020 Michelle Lichtenberg
Greenacres 2020 Adie Shore
Heathcote 2020 Amber Yusuf
Heathcote 2020 Eric Lichtenstein
Quaker Ridge 2020 Gabrielle Wise
Quaker Ridge 2020 John Auerbacher
Here is the agenda for the public portion of the meeting:
1. Welcome
2. Appointment of Vice Chair
3. Roll call and attendance
4. Statement of Purpose – Non-Partisan Resolution
5. Presentations by Mayor and Village Trustees whose second terms expire in 2018
6. Administrative Matters (schedule, confidentiality, attendance, rebroadcast of public session on Scarsdale Public TV, other administrative matters)
7. Review and adoption of proposed 2017-2018 Rules of Procedure
8. Public portion of meeting closes and Committee goes into executive session
Executive Session