Now in Bloom
- Monday, 19 April 2010 08:20
- Last Updated: Monday, 19 April 2010 08:24
- Published: Monday, 19 April 2010 08:20
- Hits: 4241
A local garden blogger has offered to share excerpts from her site with readers of Here is the most current entry on what’s in bloom, from her blog called, Observations on a Half Acre Plot in Westchester…Notes from an Edgemont Garden.
What's In Bloom
Creeping Phlox, Grape Hyacinths, Vinca and some tulips are blooming in the front yard. The tulip selection is pathetic and I won't attempt to plant them again until I've gotten over the frustrations of the last couple of seasons. I spent plenty of money and hours planting rivers of tulips in the front beds only to have them devoured by the otherwise adorable chipmunks. I thought I was clever the following year and ordered en masse from an inexpensive catalog and planted again, this time with a generous sprinkling of cayenne pepper from my pantry. Success?
The tulips were not eaten; nor were they as advertised. They emerged pale and puny and not even the colors I ordered. A couple of these little insults are up now.
Dogwood, Redbud, several azalea varieties, Virginia Bluebells, Bleeding Hearts and Trout Lilies are in full bloom out back. Lily-of-the-Valley and 'false' Lily-of-the Valley, and the bugleweed are emerging.
If you have photos of what’s blooming in your garden, please email them to to share. Or, if you have questions about your garden, post them below, and we’ll see if we can get you the answers.
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