Sunday, Mar 09th

Middle Schoolers Craft Shelters for Homeless Cats

denise cassano cat enclosure2Seventh and eighth grade CHOICE students lead by Cindy Parrott teamed up with art teacher, Denise Cassano and technology teachers Steve Rambone and Andy Verboys to make feral cat homes for homeless cats.

Students learned about animal shelters and the need of homeless animals in the community. Middle School students designed and constructed the boxes using quality outdoor materials, while learning construction skills and how to use power tools.

They were delivered on June 25th to Dana Rocco, the director of the shelter. Some will stay on site, and others will be given out to the community. Students took a tour of the shelter and were even able to meet some cats and dogs available for adoption. This is an example of SMS students helping their community while participating in STEAM/project based learning.

See more on video here

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