Sunday, Mar 09th

Samuel Amoa and Luis Marino Receive Thomas Sobol Award from SFCS

Samuel Amoa copyScarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service (SFCS) has given its Thomas Sobol Award to village employee Samuel (“Sammy”) Amoa and to school district employee Luis Marino in recognition of their service to the Scarsdale community.   The Sobol Award is given to a community member and to a Scarsdale Schools representative who demonstrate dedication and provide distinguished service to the Scarsdale community.   Mr. Amoa and Mr. Marino will be honored at a private SFCS luncheon on February 5, 2020.  

 “The Thomas Sobol Award recognizes two Scarsdale employees who, like Dr. Sobol, set an example of distinguished service, professional skill and loyalty to the community,” said James Genova, LCSW, Executive Director, SFCS.  “We want to let Scarsdale employees know that residents appreciate their efforts and, at the same time, to honor the memory of Tom Sobol.”

Samuel Amoa 

Samuel Amoa has served the Village as a custodial caretaker in the Village Center for 25 years until his retirement on August 30, 2019. Mr. Amoa had a positive impact on the Village government and the Scarsdale community at large. Mr. Amoa’s’ day-to-day work consisted of a myriad of tasks in the Village Center, ranging from emptying garbage receptacles, blowing leaves, cleaning a section of the Bronx River Parkland Reservation, mopping stairwells and elevators, cleaning parking garage floors, scrubbing graffiti, and cleaning bathrooms. Mr. Amoa was known for lending a helping hand when needed at the Sanitation Recycling Center, Police Department, and Village Hall where Mr. Amoa substituted for the regular Village Hall custodian during evening hours when community meetings were held. In addition, Mr. Amoa always made himself available to work sanitation detail in the Village Center on weekends for special events. Under Mr. Amoa’s diligent care, residents and visitors enjoyed a well-manicured Village Center during his tenure. Of equal importance, Mr. Amoa always performed his duties while maintaining a polite, friendly, service-oriented demeanor to Village residents, Village Center patrons, and his co-workers. “Samuel Amoa is dedicated to public service,” said Stephen M. Pappalardo, Scarsdale Village Manager.  “We are fortunate to have such a warm and caring steward for Scarsdale Village as Samuel Amoa.”

Luis Marino

Luis Marino
Luis Marino began work in Scarsdale in January 1994 as part of the Scarsdale Public School district’s custodial team.  His career is punctuated with professionalism, dedication, high energy, and commitment to the entire Scarsdale School Community.   Luis is deeply committed to helping those around him in Scarsdale and in the broader community.   Luis is passionate about volunteering and giving back to the community.  In addition to his more 25 years of service to the Scarsdale community, Luis has been an active volunteer for the American Red Cross and other international organizations during multiple natural disaster relief efforts.  Luis is also active in his hometown of Portchester as a volunteer fireman, village trustee and, currently, deputy mayor . “Luis’s true gift is his humanity.  He interacts with everyone with presence, compassion, and care,” said Dr. Thomas Hagerman, Superintendent, Scarsdale Public Schools.  “Luis is the kind of person we should all emulate.  Imagine what kind of world this would be if we are all a little more like Luis.”   

Dr. Thomas Sobol 

Dr. Thomas Sobol was one of the nation’s leading educators who, from 1971-1987, served as Scarsdale’s Superintendent of Schools, then as New York State Commissioner of Education from 1987-1995, and subsequently as Professor of Education at Columbia Teachers’ College, until his retirement in 2006. The New York Times characterized Dr. Sobol as a “fervent advocate for imposing broad academic standards, subsidizing poor urban districts, empowering parents and teachers to make policy, and promoting a multicultural curriculum.” He firmly believed that educational excellence in the classroom must be combined with support at home and that ALL children should have the opportunity to learn. While in Scarsdale, Dr. Sobol was instrumental in helping to establish the Scarsdale Community Youth Service Project, a unique collaboration between the Village and the Schools and administered by SFCS, providing significantly to the well-being of students in the Middle and High Schools.  Following his tenure as State Commissioner of Education, Dr. Sobol returned to Scarsdale and served as a Board member of SFCS, chairing its Long Range Planning Committee where his final report was well recognized for its perception and written eloquence. In 2007 he was the recipient –with his wife Harriet – of the SFCS Open Door Award for service to the Community. Dr. Sobol passed away on September 3, 2015 after a long and valiant battle with Parkinson’s Disease.

Scarsdale Family Counseling Service

Scarsdale Family Counseling Service (SFCS) is a nationally recognized family service agency accredited by the Council on Accreditation.  The agency has been an anchor in the community for almost 100 years, providing counseling services and supportive programs to local individuals and families in all stages of life.   Our mission is to strengthen and support family life and to contribute to the well-being of the community. We believe families matter and that healthy families are the cornerstone of a healthy community.