Sunday, Mar 09th

Letters from Buchen, Finger, Miller and Rubin in Support of the Non-Partisan Slate

SCNPSlateJoaquin Alemany, Randy Whitestone, Lena Crandall and Justin ArestTo my Scarsdale Neighbors: Our Village elections are fast approaching and I want to urge all my fellow residents to re-elect Justin Arest to a second term as Village Trustee.

For nearly two years, I and a group of dedicated residents have had the pleasure to work with Justin as members of the Scarsdale Cable Television Commission of which I have been a member for ten years and its chairman for the last two years. The Village Code established this commission authorizing it to negotiate and recommend to the Mayor and Trustees new cable television franchise agreements with our cable providers, Verizon and Altice (Cablevision). Justin was appointed by two successive Mayors as the Trustee liaison to the Commission. The role of the Trustee liaison is to provide feedback to the Board. As did his predecessors, Justin does far more.

Justin’s involvement has been an invaluable asset to the work of the Commission. Justin has not only attended every meeting and participated in every conference call – his ongoing advice, input and recommendations have been important in the preparations for face to face negotiations with the cable providers. His background as an attorney and businessman have uniquely combined to provide the Commission with a priceless partner in seeking the best cable television deal for village residents, businesses and non-profit organization during the next 5-10 years.

Additionally, Justin was instrumental in helping the Commission secure funds from our cable providers for our Library’s cable television facilities upgrade to enhance residents’ television access to their events and programming on Scarsdale’s Public Access cable channels.

Beyond his involvement with the cable commission, Justin’s astute analysis of issues and proposed solutions and his proven business acumen and legal skills in addressing village wide matters, make his continued involvement with our Village government invaluable. I urge all our residents to reelect Justin by voting Row B on March 18th.

Michael A. Rubin
33 Crossway
February 25, 2020

To the Editor:
Dear Sirs: Elections for Village office approach in March and I would like to offer a recommendation and request for support for my good friend, Randy Whitestone, Scarsdale's nonpartisan system and the other candidates on the Citizen’s Nominating Committee (CNC) non-partisan slate as well.

I have known Randy for twenty five years, first meeting while working on the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the then TVCC. He made valuable contributions to our committee reports over several years and demonstrated a complete understanding of the village accounts. There were always many people who were willing to append their name to the reports without ever attending a session, but Randy was one who was willing to share the actual work. He has always been the type of person who draws other people into groups, and into conversations, wherever he happens to be, be it our book club, the train posse of people who meet on the tracks every morning, a working committee, or cocktail party. He invites people around him to join in and respects their views. I think that he would make an excellent contribution to our Village Board, willing to hear people out.

The other CNC candidates for Trustee should be known already to the community for their ongoing work and experience. Justin Arest has been the liaison to the Overhill Neighborhood Association, of which I am a member, and has provided a willing ear to our group, showing up for evening meetings to hear our complaints and comments. His real estate experience is very valuable to understanding the complex issues of development on the Freightway site currently before the Board.
Lena Crandall has always been a voice for the environment and sustainability in the community, having been active on the Friends of the Parks for many years before joining the Village. She has demonstrated that she has the even temperament required for Village Board service.
The Village Justice, Joaquin Alemany, is running unopposed for another well-deserved term on the slate.

Finally, I would encourage all citizens to turn out and vote for the CNC’s non-partisan slate on Wednesday March 18th at the Scarsdale Congregational Church, One Heathcote Road. Participation gives our political system the support it deserves having served our Village well for many decades.


David E. Buchen
2 Circle Road
February 24, 2020

To the Editor:
It is again that season where all good women and men need to come to the aid of the Village of Scarsdale and support the Non-Partisan Citizens’ team running for trustees and village justice. The ticket includes Justin Arest, Lena Crandall, and Randy Whitestone for trustee and the Hon. Joaquin Alemany for Village Justice. The depth and breadth of the slate is illustrated by their background and experience which will be summarized in a brochure to be circulated in due course to all residents. It is worth noting briefly the following:

Justin Arest, a current trustee, has both the professional and community experience that we need. Even before becoming trustee he was active in community affairs including the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Freightway Steering Committed, and the Library’s Building and Campaign Committees. As trustee he has had leadership roles in overseeing the budget process and as Chair of Personnel heading search committees. Justin served as liaison to neighborhood associations, advisory councils on communication and Technology, the Board of Appeals, Board of Architectural Review, Board of Assessment Review, Cable Commission, and others.

Trustee Lena Crandall, who retired from the practice of law to raise her family and to be involved in the Scarsdale community, is also running for a second term. She too has had leadership positions on the board including having chaired the Village’s Sustainability Committee and co -chaired the Recreation Committee. She is liaison to the Conservation Advisory Council, the Advisory Council on Youth, Friends of Scarsdale Parks, Junior League of Central Westchester, Advisory Council on Senior Citizens and neighborhood Associations. Crandall has served the Scarsdale Forum, Friends of Scarsdale Parks, The Scarsdale Woman’s Club and the Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy.

Randy Whitestone, a twenty-five year resident of Scarsdale has been nominated for a first term as Village trustee. He has deep family roots here going back to 1928 when his grandparents moved to Scarsdale. His civic involvement includes having chaired the Scarsdale Forum’s village Fiscal Affairs Committee and served as a member of its Audit Committee. He has served on the Citizens Nominating Committee, Scarsdale Foundation Bowl Committee, and on the Arthur Manor Association board of directors.

Joaquin Alemany is our current Village Justice, who previously served by filling the remainder of the term of the Late John Galloway. He was also an Acting Village Justice in the Village of Sleepy Hollow and an Administrative Law Judge for the Westchester County Human Rights Commission and the Westchester taxi and Limousine Commission.
With the important issues currently facing the village it is more important than ever to vote for those who have demonstrated their significant qualifications and their dedication to the Village of Scarsdale by their past efforts. Vote for the nominees of the Scarsdale Non-Partisan Committee.

Dorothy M. Finger
Sheldrake Road
February 25, 2020

To the Editor
Once again, the Non-Partisan system is being challenged.

For many years, when choosing trustees of our Village government and also the School district, Scarsdalians have looked to neighbors with demonstrated experience, skills and an interest in serving the community. A Citizens Nominating Committee elected by the community at large serves as the vehicle for vetting and then proposing individuals who could fill these unpaid positions without regard to political affiliation. All residents are encouraged to give suggestions for candidates to the Nominating Committee.

While to some this system may appear somewhat complicated, it generally functions well in our community which abhors politicking over local matters and prides itself in broad participation by interested residents, all in the context of volunteerism. We have been fortunate that this non-partisan system has produced skilled candidates who can oversee and supplement our professional management.

This year the Nominating Committee has proposed two candidates who have completed one two-year term and are eligible now for one more term: Justin Arest and Lena Crandall. On the slate to replace a retiring current Trustee is Randall Whitestone, who should bring fresh perspectives to the Board.

I for one believe in non-partisanship for Scarsdale and am grateful that these highly qualified individuals are willing to serve. Vote Row B on Wednesday, March 18th at the Scarsdale Congregational Church, One Heathcote Road.

Bill Miller
Popham Road
February 25, 2020